
My Random Treasure System

"What? People die for money and Treasure that I get randomly every time?" This is a novel of how Ethan who was cheated upon by his girlfriend became overpowered by a system that randomly gives him Treasure. .... Please give your massive support and drop your reviews.

RexDEverything · Urbain
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6 Chs

Chapter 2 - A Miraculous Healing

"My head..."

Ethan suddenly groaned, and then his eyes snapped open. Immediately, he felt excruciating pain all over his body.

He couldn't help but groan again and shiver, feeling as though his entire body was breaking apart, almost making him cry out. He bit his lower lip tightly to stop himself, but as he had done it with all the strength he could muster, he cut his lower lip open and blood began to ooze out.

'What level of pain is this?!' Ethan thought, breathing heavily through his nose, his chest heaving up and down heavily.

Although this was not the first time he had been beaten up mercilessly, the enormous killing pain he was feeling now was just too much.

"Sarah! Jabriel!" Ethan suddenly cried out with pure hatred when he couldn't hold the pain any longer.

He already knew where he was as this was the third time he had woken up, but like the previous two times, Ethan was about to lose consciousness again due to the massive agony he was passing through when suddenly, a mechanical voice echoed in his mind.

[Ding, the system is done assimilating itself with the host's soul and from now on, the system will forever be part of the host. After an intense scan, the first random treasure would be given to the host. Will the host like to accept it?]

Despite the intense pain he was going through, which reached his soul, Ethan managed to hear this voice clearly.

Being a lover of novels, he quickly realized what was happening, but what he was feeling at this moment didn't permit him to be excited or ask the necessary questions.

On the verge of losing consciousness, Ethan quickly forced himself to stay awake, and gritting his teeth, he spoke with a shivering voice. "Accept!"

[Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have just been rewarded an earth-grade healing elixir. Would the host like to accept it?]

'Healing elixir?' Ethan's head went off for a brief moment, then his breathing changed. 'This is what I need right now!'

"Yes, accept!" he roared, causing another massive pain to spread across his entire being, but he ignored it.

Almost immediately, a tiny bottle which was already uncorked appeared and stood steady in his palm.

Directly, a refreshing scent wafted through his nose, and miraculously, Ethan felt a slight energy from God knows where.

'This medicine should work like a magic.' Ethan became excited, as though someone had just given him billions of dollars.

It should be noted that before now, Ethan who had been covered from head to toe with bandages hadn't been able to move even a single finger from his hand, but by merely inhaling a scent of the medicine, he had the feeling of having control of his body again, although just slightly.

With that, Ethan forced the hand holding the bottle to his lips. Although he couldn't deny the killing agony that was transmitted to his entire body because of it, he still managed to drink the liquid content in the tiny bottle.

However, no sooner had he done this than crackling sounds filled the room, and then like magic, Ethan's bones started straightening and arranging themselves, but this caused the pain he was initially going through to intensify by hundreds of folds.

With his consciousness and soul unable to adapt to this sudden massive load, Ethan's eyes rolled back, and then he fainted again, for the fourth time.


"Boohoo! Brother, who did this to you? I swear I won't care if I were to lose everything, my life included, I will definitely revenge you."

"Mister, please keep your voice down. We've already told you that the patient is most definitely going to live the rest of his life as a cripple. However, If you don't want his condition to worsen than it already is, please let the patient rest."

"I... I... Please can't you do something, anything? How can my brother live the rest of his life as a cripple? There are still many things we want to do. All my brother's dreams are still unfulfilled, please do something!"

"Mister, I'm telling you, you need to keep your voice down, or I call the security team to escort you out. I've already told you repeatedly that the patient no longer has any hope again."

Inside a small ward, a bandaged figure could be seen lying unmoving on a bed, and beside this bed, a round ball of flesh was on his knees, begging a helplessly standing nurse before him profusely.

As if the ball of flesh couldn't hear the nurse's words, he continued begging, tears gushing out of his eyes, wetting his shirt and the floor.

"Boohoo! You need to treat my brother, please!"

"Mister, please, you need to leave now."

The nurse's voice suddenly turned cold, but when she realized that the fatty still wouldn't answer her, she turned around to storm off when suddenly, the fatty hopped forward, almost defying gravity, and then he hugged the nurse's feet tightly.

The nurse was so shocked at first, but then she became furious. "Mister, what do you think you're doing?! Let go already!" Her voice abruptly rose, and then she felt like crying, not knowing what to do again.

She immediately regretted coming to check on the patient.

She was contemplating screaming for help when suddenly, a helpless voice sounded.

"Old Fatty, are you sure you are still pleading for my treatment, or you are just taking a chance with the beautiful helpless nurse?"


Both the nurse and the ball of flesh were first startled by this unexpected voice, but then immediately, the nurse's eyes widened considerably, that it felt as though she had just seen a fat pig flying.

Apart from her eyes opening widely, her mouth formed a huge O shape, and then she stared blankly at her front, unable to move.

As for the ball of flesh, he released the nurse's feet and abruptly jumped to his feet after returning to his senses, then roaring excitedly, he ran toward the bed, seeming not to mind the question just thrown at him.

"Brother!!! Hahahah! I knew it, how could my brother become a cripple!"

Roaring this, the ball of flesh suddenly jumped, appearing to have forgotten that his weight alone could be used to raze down a building.

Seeing this, the mummy who was now sitting on the bed instinctively jumped away, and then boom! The ball of flesh crashed into the bed, immediately breaking it into pieces with no resistance.

"What's going on here?"

"Where is the noise coming from?!"

Doctors, nurses, and security men in uniform abruptly rushed into the ward, but then they became dumbfounded the next moment.

"You..." All the nurses and doctors pointed at the mummy standing before them in unison, and then they immediately appeared like the first nurse, their mouths and eyes becoming wide open.

Of course, all the nurses and doctors in the hospital were already aware of the condition of the patient rushed in the previous night, and this was what caused their great stupefaction.

Amidst their shocked gazes, the mummy suddenly began to take apart the bandage wrapping his body, and then before long, a spotless handsome young man who was only in his underpants was standing before them.

"This... this... This..."

Everybody's shock was magnified, and they didn't know what to think again.

"How is this possible?"

"Where are the ghastly injuries covering his body?"

"How could he be okay?"

"How does he look unharmed?"

"Fuck you all!"

The ball of flesh suddenly cursed out loud, interrupting the shocked healthcare workers, and then finally managed to stand up from the remnant of the bed.

He glared ferociously at them.

"What do you guys mean, huh? You quack doctors! You not only diagnose my brother wrongly, but you are still cursing him again! Aren't you people too much?!!"


The doctors and nurses became so embarrassed.

They couldn't retort to the fatty's words, why? Because they had also concluded that they must have diagnosed the patient wrongly.

Seeing this, Ethan couldn't help but pity the poor doctors and nurses, as he was the only one who realized that they hadn't wrongly diagnosed him, but he wasn't about to reveal his secret, so he kept his mouth shut.

"Brother, I've brought you a change of dress. You should get dressed and let's get out of this fake hospital."

"Okay," Ethan nodded his head and then accepted the bag offered to him by the fatty.

Discreetly giving the still-embarrassed doctors and nurses an apologetic look, Ethan quickly got dressed, then not allowing him to thank the healthcare team, the fatty dragged him toward the entrance, leaving behind a threat.

However, just as he was about to exit, he suddenly turned around as though he suddenly recalled something, then he gazed at the nurse who had been there with him when Ethan woke up.

"How about I take you out on a date tomorrow? I can also arrange another hospital for you to work and leave this fake hospital."

Everybody in the ward, "_"

Ethan, "_"

He couldn't help but helplessly shake his head and then subconsciously dragged and twisted the fatty's ear.

"Old Fatty, must you show your womanizing behavior everywhere we go?"

"Ahh... let go, brother. Are you trying to kill this poor handsome boy?! Boohoo! Please let me off!"

The fatty began to cry exaggeratedly while begging Ethan profusely to let himself go, but Ethan refused.

Dragging the fatty with his ear, they both left the hospital.


Back in the ward, it was almost five minutes after the fatty and Ethan had left before everybody eventually returned to their senses, but suddenly, one of the doctors let out a cold aura.

"Who was it that diagnosed that person?"

As soon as this question was asked, everybody looked down with embarrassment, unable to speak.

"Can't you guys speak?"

"You... you were the one that first diagnosed him, sir."


The doctor who had thrown the question was suddenly dumbfounded, and then he became so embarrassed that he almost prayed for the ground to open and swallow himself, but he soon acted shameless.

"And so, what? Why didn't you guys diagnose him correctly again?"

He glared ferociously at everybody, his face turning red from another embarrassment when he saw everybody forcing themselves not to laugh. "You must not let the director hear about what had happened this morning, or else..."

He glared at everybody again and then turned around, walking out of the ward as fast as he could.


The people left behind began to gaggle, but then suddenly, the nurse who had first been in the ward with the fatty spoke out hesitatingly. "I'm... I'm very sure that we hadn't diagnosed that patient wrongly, right?"

However, as soon as she uttered this, all eyes shot at her, making her subconsciously keep her mouth shut.

"If you dare repeat that, trust me, nobody will be able to help you."

Everybody quickly ran away, leaving only the nurse behind, as though they were scared of getting implicated.

She thought for a moment before finally sighing heavily. "There is no other way to explain the sudden miracle other than the fact that there must have been a mistake diagnosing the patient."