
Chapter 3

Summoning an array of golden light I begin shaping it. It was the same as my race but much less beauty but would still be considered as the most beautiful being. Instead of golden wings it had white wings with golden lines inside it to show it has my bloodline. I created 4 more of it. So in total there were three females and 2 males . The first one made was named astia and she was a girl. The second was Ethan and he was a boy, the third was Evan and he was a boy . The fourth and fifth were twins as they look very similar and were created from the same soul. They were called antia and Venetia

Astia looked like a mature women with golden hair and golden eyes she had pale skin. She wore a golden dress that seemed very expensive and seemed to be made of extremely valuable objects. Her pale skin would shine in the sun and add beauty and elegance to her figure and her golden eyes would reflect her maturity and elegance.Ethan had curved facial features with snow white hair and golden eyes and lastly he had pale skin.

He wore a white robe that would enhance the appeal of his hair and skin. His skin was pale even paler than his sister and made him look as if it would fry in the sun. His gold eyes reflected his playful and mischievous nature and his body looked softer than the most girly of girls. His hair didn't go on his face or under his shoulder. .

Evan had golden hair a straight nose and tanned skin plus he was very tall and was very ripped. Evan wore nothing on his upper body and a short robe that covered his lower body. He had amazing bronze skin that looked tougher than any metal but was perfect without a single scratch. His hair stretched all the way to his back and had muscles that were all over his body. Despite his looks his golden eyes showed his ignorance and innocence.

Lastly were Antia and Venetia. Antia had golden hair and the classic golden eyes. She had a small size and skin that was pale like ethan and astia and hair that flowed to her feet. She wore a skirt made of extremely rare materials and her eyes showed her mischievous nature like her brother Ethan. while Venetia had white hair that was short like eathen and a small size like Antia. She also had skin that matched that of Evan and eyes that were innocent like his. All of them were stunning but not as stunning as me.

" father" they all said.

" what can we do for you" asked velentia

" more races are going to be created as the world has recently been created so I want you guys to start creating more of you"

" yes father " they all said

'Each of the five created 1 hundred who have pure white wings which proves that they are not royals they are nobles as they don't have my lineage. After this each of the nobles created 1000 who have red wings which means they are commoners. In total we are 500,000 celestials .

( system how strong is my race compared to others)

{ your race is very strong as 1 untrained commoner can defeat around 100 novice elf mages and 1 noble celestial is 100 times stronger than an elf}

( system can any other race use light magic )

{ no as it is a new form of magic that currently only you can use as you are the god of celestials and light is one of the affinities you can control}

' I see so that means I can allow others to use the power of light' " I declare this the commoners can use white manic which is a lesser version of light magic. The nobles can use light magic and white magic and the royals can use all that and sun and gold magic." ' These are the powers their body and lineage can handle'

' After this I go to the creatures and monsters on my continent and give powers to different creatures the weaker they are the weaker the magic they have. With this there are many different creatures with many different abilities. The king class creatures are creature with gold, sun, light and white magic. General class creatures are ones that can use light and white magic and they can use it amazingly. And knight class creatures are ones that could use only white magic.

2 weeks later

When that was done I go back to my empire which now looks like a proper empire and has three cities. I look and see that there are more people as that now there are many people that can use their powers much better and that there are many different jobs like archers swordsman and so on. Walking up to my palace I saw that the palace was a lot larger and much more magnificent. There were many different rooms filled with various gold and treasures.

After looking around my palace I decided to call my children here for a meeting. " come here now my children" " yes father" they said. " I shall appoint different people in different positions I want astia to be in charge of the money and rules of this empire. Evan to be the leader of the soldiers Ethan to be the leader of one of the other cities and velentia and antia to be I charge of the other 2 cities