
Chapter 10

After waking up I quickly decided to go check to see if astia has selected the people she wants going with her outside the continent and to the main world but before that I decided that I should open up a guild or something like so I can have various people going outside to the forest killing monsters earning money and giving resources to the people. This will allow the commoners to get various different jobs and allow them to venture into the wild to kill monsters even if they aren't knights.

since my race is a prideful and elegant race even more than the elves this guild has to be something elegant since it won't be an adventurer guild as that would be a lot similar to mercenaries. What it will be is a massive luxurious estate where people can sign up to become stronger. There they will be taught different styles and techniques depending on what they want to be.

For example if they want to be a warrior they will be taught by a warrior for a few years and will do various tasks like hunting monsters and will be taught to become a warrior.

people that are being taught the class they want will be given different tasks that coordinate with what they want to be.

After this they can ether leave the guild and do other jobs or they can work in the guild and teach or do jobs based on what your class is.

The guild though will manly be used by commoners as nobles will be taught in academies and schools since they are inherently stronger than commoners.

The guild will be led by nobles that wish to lead it and will choose people who they can either higher immediately or train than employ them as a teacher.

This is why after I open the guild I shall invite many different nobles here to my palace so I can decide who will lead the guild. The reason why I shall pick a noble is because they are a lot stronger than commoners.

After that I decided to summon all the people so I can show them the guild and introduce them to the guild.

I quickly flew to an empty are next to the city where I will build the guild. I used my powers and quickly created a massive area made if guild even that looks like it is a mini city. It is massive as the guild will have many different people and will need a lot of space. Each building was pretty big as the people working in the guild would live there if they don't have a house or if they want to.

I look around and see the massive crowd outside and admiring how the guild looks I then begin to speak to them and explain to them everything about the guild so they know what it is.

" so this is what the guild is if you have any questions about it please ask me about them now"

After saying this a noble comes out from the crowd to ask a question.

" Your magesty if this is a place for commoners learn and get stronger than where will the nobles go to do this"

" the nobles will go to the academy which will be something I will build soon as we don't have many noble children now. The academy will be attended by noble children from ages 13-20 and it will teach them various different types of magic will teach them swordsmanship and will help them get stronger. Nobles can also attend the guild but the acedemy will be better and commoners cannot attend it because since they don't have a lot of magic power most of the stuff taught to them there would be useless to them"

finishing explaining everything I decided to go back to my palace and see that all the nobles that I summoned are there waiting for me and wondering why they were summoned.

" You guys were summoned here as I was wondering who would be willing to lead the guild as you guys are strong and will be given the information and techniques needed to manage the guild.'

After saying that many if the nobles began debating on who would lead the guild as it would give them many different advantages of they do it. Then one noble decided to show his skill and his knowledge which made me decide to choose him to lead the guild.

Then I decided to go check on my daughter astia and see who she decided to bring with her to the mission that I gave her. She will need to have picked people that are sneaky excellent assassins and have the ability to gather and spread information.

i then went to her palace and saw that she was with 20 people who are all nobles and who resemble her quite a bit.

" Astia how did you find all these high noble that i have never seen before I thought I removed the ability to create any more high nobles."

" father before you removed it I realized that I would probably need to go on a mission like this and decided to see how we were creating them. I realized that you allowed us to use some of your divine energy but it would t last as it only worked since we were just created. So I decided to save a bit of that energy into a magic stone and I kept trying until I finally managed to find one that would work. Then I created them when you advanced all the nobles as I would have had enough mana to do it but since they weren't made differently and hid their existence from a god they were formed differently. They are high nobles but have black wings instead of white and are a lot better in hiding themselves then the other nobles"

" that was a marvelous Idea and I think that I will call these celestial shadow celestials and shall work under you"

" thank you father"

" okay it is time for you to go on your mission goodbye and please accomplish your mission"

This chapter is longer than the rest as it is 1038 words

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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