
My Queen

Lila Moore is a 16 year old werewolf. The daughter of Alpha and Luna of the North Woods pack. Though a werewolf, she is no stronger than an average human. Her pack treats her worse than an omega. After the death of her mother, all she knows is abuse. Damien Lukas is the future king. On a mission to discover the suspicious disappearances and murders of pack members, he travels to the North Woods pack on a status report. When he encounters his mate, it is anything but happy. Facing a great danger and powerful enemies, they must overcome many obstacles that will test them time and time again.

LivingLife96 · Livres et littérature
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2 Chs

Ch. 1: Welcome to Hell

Have you ever felt like there was much more to life than your day to day schedule? For ten years Lila had spent each day enduring the pain and hate of her pack. She was blamed for the death of her mother, their Luna. All of the little details from her death began to fade but Lila's life was never the same. Her father, the North Wood's Alpha, lost it. He had ensured that she would be punished and beaten saying that she deserved all the pain. Loosing a soulmate is a torturous and living hell. For a pack without a Luna is no better.

The women feared her father once they witnessed firsthand his true nature. On the other hand, the males were at a constant power struggle among themselves. Fights were a consistent and daily event in the pack. The one thing all of them had in common was an undying hate for her; the cause of all their suffering.

At the age of six, verbal abuse started to get worse. For years, pack members would talk behind her back. "Murder child" or "life-sucking leech" were some of the many colorful adjectives they chose. After one hears it for the next nine years of their life, you start to believe that it's true.

Lila winced as blood began trickling down an open wound on her leg. The small needle pierced the flesh as she tried to self stich it closed. It wasn't as bad as the harsh punishments usually received, but it still hurt nonetheless. Lila bit her tongue finishing the stitch. Blood still seeped out though it wasn't as bad as before. It was going to take a while for it to fully heal.

With all the physical abuse done, her wolf was barely hanging on. Every now and then Lila would hear her whimper or whine, but for the most part she stayed quiet. It only made things worse as the werewolf abilities had nearly diminished. She was as strong as a human child at best.

He had decided to punish her for burning toast stating that "I was an incompetent being unable to do the simplest task" and "how I should have died instead of her". She'd be lying if it didn't hurt. For the most part, Lila ignored the pack's harsh statements, but it takes a little piece each time they make such comments, leaving nothing but pain.

"GET YOUR DUMB ASS OVER HERE NOW!!" He yelled. His voice sent a cold shudder through her spine the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Her heart began to race as she took short breathes in fear of what was going to happen next.

Not wanting to get in trouble, Lila scurried up the stairs as fast as her injured leg would go. Before she could respond, a searing pain went through her side leg.

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU! I HAVE HAD IT! YOU'RE DEAD!" He spat. His fist made contact with her right cheek as she fell to the floor in pain.

Lila dare not speak in fear of what he would say. All she did was lay on the floor clutching her cheek as she tried to steady my heart rate.

Suddenly, the door freaked open as Jeff, the Beta, came strolling in. He had a wide grin on his face as he proceeded to kick her while her father looked on, obviously satisfied. All Lila could focus on was her heavy breathing as Jeff's foot collided with her stomach. It became overwhelming to the point Lila threw up blood on his shoe. This only irritated him more as the kicks became more violent.

"Enough." The alpha spoke. "Leave us."

The door slammed shut, as her father stepped closer. All Lila could do was whisper softly. He held a long thin dagger in his hands. He pushed it hard onto her arm as a burning sensation overwhelmed her. Silver. Silver was a poison to werewolves. In small amounts, it could leave an infection or illness symptoms for a few days to a healthy werewolf.

Unfortunately, Lila was far from healthy which meant it was that more fatal. The pain became almost unbearable to the point where she could barely see anything out of her blurry vision. Lila kept gasping for air, yet it barely made it to her lungs. It felt like they were on fire. She struggled to inhale air. It felt like herbody was fighting against her.

He would slice and slice nearly every part of her body until there wasn't a spot not coated in blood. Lila could feel herself getting weaker and weaker. She was loosing a hopeless battle.

Before he left, he dug the dagger into her already injured leg. He bent down and whispered "you are worthless. A disgrace to all werewolves. You deserve all of this. Go burn in hell." He spat before leaving.

The silver was traveling up her body at a fast rate and there wasn't much time. With the last of her strength, Lila gripped the blood-coated dagger and pulled hard before collapsing to the ground.

Everything was spinning and she could barely see straight. Her eyelids were heavy and all she wanted to do was sleep. The last thing Lila remembered was the clang sound of the knife falling to the ground and a tall figure standing above her.

Soon after she welcomed the darkness....