
My Primal Bloodline System

Theo gets transmigrated into a world of magic after a tragic accident. In this new world, he must battle against all geniuses to prove that in his presence, all geniuses are trash!!

Odafe_Aghogho · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
20 Chs

Chapter 8

Under the constant bombardment of the participants, the huge boulder at the mouth of the cave couldn't take it any longer.


It exploded into bits, causing dust to fly about. When the dust cleared, a glowing vortex could be seen swirling at the mouth of the cave, occupying the whole space.

It was like as if the mouth of the cave was the spinning vortex.

"A portal" many participants who recongnized what the vortex was, couldn't help but gasp.

"It's an inheritance cave alright" smacking his lips, Nick's eyes shone brilliantly.

"Everyone. The barrier has been broken. What lies ahed of us are a vast amount of fortunes. From here on out every man should depend on their self" after adressing the crowd, Nick directly leaped towards the portal.

Like a drop of water in an ocean, he sank into it, disappearing from sight.

Nethercold snorted coldly and followed suite. With the two top dogs gone, the crowd was thrown into a frenzy.

"Quick! Enter the cave!"

"Damnit! Stop blocking me!"

"Whoever enters first gets the treasure!"

Amidst the chaos, Theo dashed towards the portal, plunging into it. He felt a kind of energy wrap around him. The feeling of riding a rollercoaster struck him, causing him to want to puke.

Few seconds went by. Just as he couldn't endure the feeling to want to puke, it disappeared just as his feets touched the ground.

'Uhh" he moaned. His vision felt dizzy and his feets unstable.


He heard the popping sound of air exploding.

'shit! Something's coming' he became alert.


He felt something heavy but at the same time sharp, smash against his stomach. The force sent him crashing against a cave wall seven feets away.

-[-2 HP]

He touched the bleeding part of his stomach and yelped. Whatever attacked him was very strong! taking account for his extraordinary physique that has long surpassed the novice and even primary level.

Looking over, he saw just what attacked him.

"A biyi?" he felt sour in his throat.

The biyi towered like double the height of an average athlete, with the body of a bear boasting of robust muscles which had a silver sheen around them.

It had a round head, long beards flowing down it's chin and two large tusks yellowish in color.

The Biyi shrieked, plunging towards Theo. The vibration made from it's fast steps caused the cave to rumble.

"Shit" Theo slammed his feets on the wall of the cave.

The force propelling him to initiate a backflip drop kick, landing behind the Biyi.

"Hiyyaa!" he threw a punch towards it's neck.

Biyis were known for their explosive strength and physique however, they were also known for being the clumsy sort.


The Biyi flew crashing against the wall. Not wanting this opportunity to go to waste, Theo followed up with a barrage of punches, all aiming at the neck.


As fist flew, so did blood which splashed against the cave walls.

After some time, the tenacity of the Biyi died down, causing it's neck to snap irregularly.

-[You have received +10 exp]

Theo felt indignant. Wasn't the system a little bit stingy? that was a Biyi he went up against!

Theo retrieved the power core and stored it away. He was currently facing a bottle neck and couldn't absorb it.

'This Biyi was so strong that it was almost on par with a mid tier dire beast even though it's just at the peak of the primary level. Worst of all it's protecting the outer area' Theo frowned.

If a mere guardian was this powerful, just how powerful would the boss be?

While he was undergoing this train of thought, a voice suddenly boomed.

"Congratulations junior. You have cleared the preliminary level and you can now access my inheritance test"

"My name was Diego, a powerful mage standing at the peak of power to the point of over looking almost all of existence. Sadly death doesn't take account of how powerful you are. It is inevitable"

"Before my death, i constructed this inheritance cave to find a worthy successor to pass on my legacy to. However, taking my legacy away isn't that easy"

"First, i placed a restriction. Those below the age of thirty cannot set a foot into this place. If anyone tries attacking with brute force, this inheritance would collapse, forever thrown into the abyssal void"

"To inherit my legacy, you must undergo twelve test. Failure to pass the first three means sure kill death. Failure to pass the fourth, fifth or sixth means crippling your cultivation. Failure to pass the seventh, eighth and ninth means ingesting a deadly poison that cannot be cured until you reach the profound lord level"

"Failure to pass the tenth, eleven and twelfth means you'd be turned into a frog. Now, the test begins.."

Just as the voice finished speaking, a portal appeared before Theo. Staring at the spinning vortex, he gulped. This was a tough decision to make.

Should he go? or should he not?

From the look of things, Diego was definitely a powerful expert at his peak. Surely his inheritance wouldn't be shabby.

But Theo was fearful of the danger that laid ahead. If he took just that one step, there would be no turning back!

'dammit! fortune and danger comes hand in hand" gritting his teeth he came to a decisive decision and plunged into the portal.

No hesitation.

Entering the portal, he felt that feeling that made him want to puke, except this time it took just two seconds.

When his feets touched the ground he cautiously looked around. He was currently in a large hall.

It looked like the interior of a temple. Standing a few distance away from him were twelve statues made of unknown metal that he couldn't recognize.

The statues wore flashy but thick armor. Some welding swords, others halberds and others axes.

At the end of the hall was an alter that looked like it was meant for sacrifice. It was surrounded by twelve animals.

These twelve animals were made from the same kind of metal as the warrior statues. To Theo's awe, these statues were dragons.

'Dragons!' he felt a tug in his gut.

The word 'dragon' was extremely sensitive to him. Perhaps due to having the Primal chaos bloodline and the twelve dragon bloodline spirits within him, he felt a sort of familiarity towards dragons.

"Welcome! for decades many promising youths have tried attempting to inherit my legacy but none of them quite made the cut" Theo suddenly heard that familiar voice boom.

The walls of the hall began to lit up, revealing glowing runic symbols as they danced around.

"You are currently in the pocket dimension i created. In here, five days here is equivalent to a minute in the outside world" the voice boomed, oozing with pride.

It was as if the voice was deliberately trying to show off to Theo.

[Hmph. Arrogant. This brat though has some juice] Theo heard Izreel's voice.

"Old dragon. You dare call him arrogant?" he jeered.

[Hmph. Brat, this brat here isn't simple] Izreel said solemnly.

"Hm?" Theo felt shocked.

Wasn't he the arrogant sort who always thought themselves to be above all?

"You woke up at the wrong side of the bed right?" Theo found it hilarious.

[Hmph. Although this brat is something, he doesn't qualify to be a speck of dust in the face of my overwhelming might]

'There we go again' Theo rolled his eyes.

"The first test has begun. Test of Strength!"

Shortly after this announcement, the whole hall began to rumble. Theo cautiously glanced around for any potential threat.

But at that moment, he released a shocked gasp at what he saw from the corner of his eyes.

"Th-They can move?"

One of the twelve warrior status pranced towards him. It's eyes shone with a cold gleam as it swung it's battle axe towards him.

The axe sliced through the air, releasing popping sounds as it blasted apart air.

'If that axe lands on me, i'm a goner for sure!' Theo's face sank.

He stomped hard, using the force as a springboard, initiating a backflip, then a spinning side flip.

Infact, he was even in awe at his own reaction speed. Back flip? Spinning mid air?

In his previous world, he wasn't a fan of stunts. Plus, his sickness didn't allow him to try anyways.


The stone warrior smashed his axe on the spot where Theo previously stood, resulting in the explosion of dust as a deep crater was created.

Theo landed a few feets away from the catastrophic spot. Fear written on his face as he stared at the damage done by a single strike.

'That.. that's the damage caused by someone at the peak of the mid tier intermediate level!'

He began to feel lucky that he didn't get overconfident and take the blow head on or else he would've been reduced into meat paste.

Just as he was musing over his misfortune, fate decided to play a nasty trick on him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Looking over, he saw the remaining stone warriors sprinting towards him.

They had a savage expression while waving their weapons. In their mind and heart, only one word existed.


"Shit! I'm dead" Theo lamented.

He was caught in a corner. Failure to pass the death meant certain death. But staring right at him was instant death!