
My Primal Bloodline System

Theo gets transmigrated into a world of magic after a tragic accident. In this new world, he must battle against all geniuses to prove that in his presence, all geniuses are trash!!

Odafe_Aghogho · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
20 Chs

Chapter 12

Vice Principal Bekor sighed helplessly as he glanced at the two Vice principals seated besides him at the high table.

"So, when is the ruinr opening up?" Vice Principal Luke was an impatient man by nature.

Not to mention that he currently had his eyes on an artificial ruins that housed an expert's inheritance cave.

"In a couple of hours. Be patient alright. It's not like the ruins will run away" Vice Principal Bekor sneered contempously.

After a long arguement, the three of them reached an agreement of exploring the artificial ruins after the participants emerged.

Unknown to them, Theo was currently taking an ardous test within the inheritance cave. He was currently taking the fourth test. He was standing at the peak of a mountain, screaming like a pig in slaughter as an endless array of lightning bolts lashed him mercilessly.

His whole body was battered, with dried blood and charred pieces of flesh. Even his bones were extremely exposed too,

'Why did i even join those people to explore this inheritance cave huh? they're probably dead now' he lamented, regretting his decision to enter the inheritance cave.

If he didn't, he wouldn't be walking on the tight rope between life and death. All what he had to do was move on, regardless of the pains ahed. If he didn't, only death awaited him.

Minutes later, the lightning stopped. Theo gasped in relief as he crashed against the ground, jolting from the miniscule amount of currents jolting in his body.

"Congratulations. You have passed the fourth test. Test of body sub two. You shall be rewarded handsomely"

Just as the voice spoke, a cloud appeared above Theo, raining down on him. To his shock and surprise, all his injuries healed up at a ridiculous fast pace.

-[HP has been fully restored!]

Previously, Theo could have died nine times over. It was the remnant of the medicinal efficiency of the healing pill he took that saved his life many times.

Whenever he was at the brink of death, he would recuperate instantly.

However, this rain from the dew was just to incredible.

-[Host has been revived by the Dew of Vitality. Host has unlocked a passive buff skill; Dew of Vitality]

-[Host has unlocked a new passive buff skill: Lightning Body]

-[Host has awakened a new principle: Lightning Principle]

"Geez. Isn't this system to amazing!" Theo sucked in a deep breath.

According to the books he read, even legendary geniuses could at most comprehend two principles. And that was when they were at the brink of breaking through the shackles of the Origin Junction rank. But he was just a mere novice rank mage right?

Yet he already comprehended Illusion, Fire and Lightning principles. Plus these three were extremely rare and powerful principles.

What geniuses? he completely trampled on them all!

Theo jumped. All his scars and injuries vanishing like they were never there. He saw a portal open before him, causing him to leap into it.

When his feets touched the ground, he found himself standing at the peak of another mountain.

"Is this how the feeling of being on top the world is? i definitely must become the most powerful mage ever" Theo swore to himself.

In his former world, he was just a weak guy suffering from cancer for years. Now that he was in this world of magic, he was going to stand at the peak and control his fate.

And.. maybe that of others.

Well, whatever. All he knew that he was definately going to strive harder to become strong!

"You are now attempting the fifth test. Test of the Body; sub three"

Suddenly, a huge wind began to blow.


Theo winced as a wind blade made a bloody gash appear on his cheeks. He raised his guard up.

This wind was anything but simple!

Before he knew it, multiple gashes appeared on his body. Even two of his fingers were sliced off.

However, Theo didn't scream or cry in pains. Pain?

For someone who swam in a river of lava and endured multiple lightning strikes..

Pain no longer existed in his dictionary!

Zip Zip Zip

Wind blades tore multiple fleshes out from Theo's body. But he gritted his teeth and endured.

Finally after enduring for what felt like forever, the terrifying wind ceased. That voice spoke again.

"Congratulations. You have passed the fifth test. Test of the Body; sub three. You shall be rewarded handsomely"

Another cloud of vitality appeared above him, healing all the injuries he had on him.

-[Host has unlocked a new passive buff skill; Wind Wings]

-[Host has awakened a new principle; Wind Principles]

"Damn straight!" all what Theo felt for the system was awe.

He swam in a sea of flames and comprehended fire principles. He endured lightning bolts and comprehended lightning principles. Now the same applied to the wind principles he just comprehended. It was just a result of him enduring a terrifying wave of sharp wind.o

So if he drowned in a river, didn't that mean..

Theo didn't dare think about it. If the system worked in that way..

It would be very terrifying!

Theo stared at the newly opened portal and jumped into him, curious about what the next test held.

He arrived at the entrance of a massive gate. On it was a worn out banner;

Uge City

"A city gate?"

Currently, the city gate had multiple deep claw slashes on it even though it was made of chironsten; an extremely tough type of metal.

It's huge walls had various holes on them. Worst of all, they didn't resemble holes caused by cannons or missle type spells.

It was like a human smashed through them. But how was that possible?!

Theo clenched his fist. Just what in the hell was this new test all about?

Summoning courage, he walked into the city. It looked deserted. At a corner, he saw bones.. Human bones.

A cold shill ran up Theo's back. He tried comforting himself that with his current strength, not many could threaten him.

He even had that powerful dragon Izreel as backup.

So he began to explore the city. He passed a once busy market square.

Now all he could see was broken stalls and rotten market produces.

He walked up to a rusty bike and held the handle stained with dried blood.

Judging by the appearance, whoever attacked this city and did a massacre, did it a long time ago.


Theo turned back at full alert, in time to see a rotten looking pair of claws swinging at his way.

"No shit!" Theo swung a punch in retaliation.


Theo's attacker got smashed into mush. Theo moved over to examine the corpse.

"Huh? A Curpsiey?" he exclaimed.

A curpsiey! he became vigilant.

Priror to the exams, he spent almost everyday at the library after noticing that he was stuck in a bottle neck. He read alot of books while he was at it.

He once read of the Curpsieys. They were part of the alien races. They were green in colour and looked like mummies and zombies combined. They had sharp teeth, claws and inhumane strength and speed.

They were a part of the Esproc family, a specie from the alien races.

The Esproc family were a part of the many terrifying families of the alien races and looked like zombies.

However unlike zombies in movies, Curpsies were different. Every hoarde had a 'Mother' a powerful Curpsiey who after feeding off the essence of dead corpses, transform and lays them as eggs. At most a week, these eggs hatch, revealing lesser Curpsieys.

A Mother could lay a minimum of two hundred eggs for the weaker ones. As for the stronger ones, their number depended on their level of strength.

Plus all the curpsieys just had three goals in mind. Kill, eat and protect their Mother.

So yeah.. they were mindless.

Ick! Ick! Ick!

Just as Theo expected, four Curpsieys sprang out from a worn down truck, lunging towards him.

'Time to try you out!' Theo stared intently at his disgusting looking attackers.

-[Stun has been successfully activated]

Suddenly, the savage eyes of the four Curpsies became listless. Since they were mid air, they plunged headfirst against the ground.



1. Stun: (lv1) (2/50) (20 DMG)

"Sweet!" Theo brought out Cosmo's axe and ended the lives of the Curpsies with a mighty smash.

Ick! Ick! Ick! Ick!

More Curpsies began to appear from almost everywhere. Worn down trucks, cars, store houses..

Instantly, Theo was surrounded by thirty of them.

"Die! Die! Die!" he jumped into the fray, killing two with a single swing.

Bang Bang! Bang!

Ick! Ick! Ick!

Theo was like a savage barbarian, cleaving the Curpsies like a wood cutter cleaving dried trees.

However no matter how many he killed, tripple their size kept on coming. Before he knew it, he found himself surrounded by more than five hundred.

"Isn't there an end to them!?" Theo kicked a Curpsiey on the chest, while dodging another claw swipe.

Even up till now, he didn't know what his test was. To kill all the Curpsieys and their Mother?


He struggled to beat the underling, talk less of the Boss.

Just as he wanted to ask Izreel for help..

-[Brat, don't resist!]

"Resist? resist what? i was just trying to ask you for help" Theo blocked two claw swipes with Cosmo's axe.

-[Don't resist those scums attacks]


Theo got distracted, causing a Curpsiey to send him flying after kicking his stomach.

-[Brat! trust me!]

Theo could almost hear the pleading in Izreels tone. Since he knew this prideful dragon, he had never spoken in this kind of tone.

Ick! Ick! Ick!

Seeing the hundred plus Curpsieys charging towards him, Theo decided to trust the old dragon.

He closed his eyes, awaiting death.