
My Pretense will Carry Me Through

Where am I? Why am I in a training suit? Why does the person in front of me look so intense? Why is there a floating screen in front of me? What the hell happened to me?

inverted · Anime et bandes dessinées
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62 Chs

Chapter 46

Joon and Jiyeh locked eyes, the air heavy with tension. Joon shifted uncomfortably, unsure how to break the awkward silence. Meanwhile, Jiyeh stood before him, arms crossed and wearing a stern expression.

As the silence stretched on, Joon's curiosity got the better of him. With a quick glance at Jiyeh, he surreptitiously opened the Pretense Points system on his device, hoping to check his current status. Oblivious to his actions, Jiyeh remained focused on the impending conversation.

With his attention absorbed by the screen, Joon's expression shifted from confusion to disbelief as he processed the information before him. He leaned in closer, his eyes glued to the display, oblivious to everything else around him.

Meanwhile, Jiyeh struggled to find the right words to begin. Her mind raced with thoughts, each one vying for attention. Just as she was about to speak, she felt something brush against her, prompting her to look down.

To her surprise, she realized Joon was staring intently at her chest, lost in his own world. Shocked and embarrassed, she instinctively covered herself, her cheeks flushing crimson.

Without hesitation, she delivered a swift slap to Joon's cheek, snapping him out of his reverie.

As the slap landed, Joon's head jerked to the side, his eyes meeting Jiyeh's with a mix of confusion and realization. He saw the unmistakable disgust etched on her face, her hand hastily covering her chest. Though initially taken aback by the sudden strike, Joon quickly pieced together the reason behind it.

With a stoic demeanor that belied his embarrassment, Joon offered a terse apology. "Sorry about that, Ma'am," he muttered, attempting to downplay the awkwardness of the situation. "I was preoccupied with something else."

Unbeknownst to Joon, his nonchalant response only served to exacerbate the tension between them. Sensing Joon's obliviousness to the gravity of the situation, Jiyeh fought to contain her anger. She knew that berating him in his current state of vulnerability would serve no purpose, especially with her bodyguards waiting just outside the door.

Taking a deep breath, Jiyeh placed a hand on her forehead, willing herself to calm down. Despite her best efforts, traces of irritation lingered on her face, a silent testament to the awkward encounter that had just unfolded.

As she struggled to regain her composure, Jiyeh couldn't help but feel conflicted. She had come to express her gratitude to Joon and discuss compensation for his bravery, but his behavior had caught her off guard. Though tempted to dismiss the matter entirely, she knew she couldn't ignore the debt of gratitude she owed him.

Joon winced at the lingering sting from the slap, but he bit back any complaints, knowing he was in the wrong. Setting aside thoughts of Pretense Points, he focused on the present moment, waiting for Jiyeh to break the tense silence.

Finally, Jiyeh spoke, her voice carrying a mix of irritation and normalcy, "How are you feeling? You seem awfully lively for someone who just escaped death." Her tone bordered on sarcasm, a subtle jab at Joon for his earlier blunder. Unfazed, Joon shot back, "Well, I just had a vivid reality check. Thought I was dreaming, but turns out it's all too real." His words hinted at the Pretense Point he gained but also alluded to a certain physical attribute of Jiyeh's that caught his attention, albeit indirectly.

Jiyeh let out a quick breath, fighting back amusement at Joon's brazenness. Normally, such a comment might have provoked a sharp retort, but coming from Joon, she let it slide. Crossing her arms, she adopted a more serious demeanor, "Jokes aside, I'm here to express my gratitude for your actions during the kidnapping attempt. Without you, I might have ended up someone's captive." Her thanks were genuine, devoid of any attempt to downplay Joon's role in the ordeal.

Before she could continue, Joon interjected, his tone skeptical, "Your arms crossed don't exactly scream sincerity." He voiced his doubts about the authenticity of Jiyeh's gratitude, despite knowing deep down that she meant every word.

Rolling her eyes at Joon's blunt observation, Jiyeh uncrossed her arms and replied with a hint of playfulness, "There, better?" Her smirk hinted at the lightheartedness of her response, a subtle acknowledgment of Joon's playful skepticism.

Returning her smirk with one of his own, Joon nodded, "Much better." His own smirk mirrored hers, a silent exchange of understanding amidst the tension of the moment.

Jiyeh deftly pulled a stool chair behind her and maneuvered it close to Joon before settling onto it, indicating her intent to continue their conversation. "So, because of your efforts, I'm offering you compensation. Tell me what you want," she stated, a warm smile gracing her lips as she looked at Joon.

Taken aback by her generosity, Joon felt the need to clarify the extent of her offer. "Will the compensation be limited by what's feasible for you?" he asked, his tone laced with curiosity as he sought to understand the parameters of her offer.

Confident in her ability to fulfill his request, Jiyeh replied, "Yes, it will be within my means."

As Joon's expression turned mischievous, Jiyeh couldn't help but feel a flicker of apprehension. She hadn't anticipated such a look from him and knew that Joon's mind was likely racing with possibilities.

"Don't push your luck," she warned, crossing her arms and turning her head away from him, a hint of sternness in her voice. She didn't want Joon to overstep his bounds, especially considering their professional relationship.

Undeterred by her warning, Joon's smile widened as he prepared to make his request. "What I want is..." he began, his words hanging in the air as Jiyeh watched him intently, hoping he wouldn't ask for something unreasonable.

"What I want is one of your cars, the one used for the convoy." Joon stated boldly, his request surprising Jiyeh. While she had expected him to ask for something, she hadn't anticipated him requesting such a high-value item. 

Joon voiced his request, and though uncertain of Jiyeh's thoughts, he sensed that with further contemplation, he might discern her reaction. His desire stemmed from his frustration with the daily grind of commuting in crowded buses, longing for the convenience and comfort of personal transportation. Moreover, he saw it as a practical move to save money in the long run while elevating his lifestyle with a car from SW Corporation.

He beamed deeply, hopeful that Jiyeh would agree to his proposition. Redirecting the funds from Goseong would alleviate his financial burden and grant him some much-needed breathing room. As Jiyeh expressed her relief at the reasonableness of his request, Joon nodded in understanding. When she extended her hand to seal the agreement with a handshake, he reciprocated, his grip lingering longer than usual, savoring the connection.

To his surprise, Jiyeh didn't withdraw her hand, and their gazes locked in an unexpected moment of intimacy. Eventually, Joon released her hand, grateful for her acceptance. "Thank you, Ma'am, for accepting my request," he said, his smile light and genuine as he brushed aside the fleeting connection.

Jiyeh nodded in acknowledgment before bidding him farewell. "Recover well. I hope to see you back at work in a few weeks," she said before exiting the room. As the door closed behind her, the room fell back into silence, the only sound the steady hum of the machines.