
My Precipitate Marriage

Meet Athena Ruth, a brat living a phenomenal life. She always gets what she wants. She oders, not follows. She's famous and she's loved. No one dares to mess up with her. But then, one day, she just woke up with a news that she's bound to marry some unknown guy! A guy who don't know who she is, frankly saying, who doesn't even care about her. They get tangled in a very messed up way. Now, that she's bound to live also with the jerk, how can she enjoy her life? Oh come on! That's Athena Ruth! She can do whatever she wants and she never follows any order from just some unknown guy she recently knew. Duh! "Oh come on! Marriage can't stop me from doing what I want. And no one can stop me!"

rickdiculousss · Sports, voyage et activités
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1 Chs

1: Meet the Brat


"MOM! Gotta go! Bye!" I shouted while putting on my pair of vans shoes. Gosh! I'm already late!

I ran as fast as I could until I was able to reach the end of our street. When I saw a taxi I immediately signaled it causing it to stop near my spot.

"Hey mister, gotta go to Treasury Pub," I said after letting myself seat comfortably on the back seat. As I take a look at the rear view mirror, the driver just simply nod at me and drove off.

I took a glance at my watch and saw that's it's already half past ten. Oh no, sh*t! I'm already 1 hour late for our get together with my friends!

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, taking glances outside the window. Darn, why is this ride taking so long?!

After I guess, a 20 minutes drive, finally we arrived at Treasury Pub. After paying the taxi driver, I then took a run towards the pub.

"Hey Ath! Here!" Called one of my friends when I entered the pub. Glad I heard her scream amidst the loud musics and the screams around me. I then smiled at her, waved, and approached our table.

"Athena! There you are! Long time no see! I missed you so much!" Zia cried then threw both of her arms around me. Haha, she really hasn't changed at all, still my clingy bestfriend.

"Hey Z! I missed you too!" I said, returning the hug. My other friends also greeted me and gave me hug after ordering some drinks.

I know it's still early in the morning to have a drink and to be wasted. But who cares? Duh!

"Hey Ath! You look wonderful! And what's with the get up? It's still to early! Are you planning on having some make out session already with some guy?" Niana asked playfully as she took a sip on her drink. I looked at her dramatically.

"Oh Niana! You!" I accusingly pointed a finger at her. Her eyes widened. "You.. You got it right! HAHA!" I continued then laughed. They got carried away by a sec but then followed my laugh as they processed the joke.

We continued laughing together, telling each other our businesses, telling stories and drinking our asses off.

After like hours of drinking, little by little, I already felt like I'm already tipsy. Woah, that was fast!

"Hey guys! Gotta go to the bathroom!" I shouted at my friends while walking towards the bathroom. My vision's already unfocused and I can feel my stomach clenching. Ugh, gosh, I think I'm gonna puke!

Wait a minute, please, the bathroom's near already. Stomach, please hold on.

Oh my! Oh my! Here it is! I can feel it! Oh no! I'm gonna puke!

And then suddenly, a guy came out of nowhere stood right in front of me. As I held my breath to stop myself from puking, he held my shoulder.

"Miss you alright?" He asked. While checking out my face.

I didn't say a word but I shook my head while my both of my hands are covering my mouth. As the guy continued to check and shake me, it just happened..

I turned around, away from the guy and puke myself out not minding about the stares I'm getting. Some was shock while the others laughed at me. Gosh, this is so embarrassing.

Minutes passed, I stopped. I guess I already puked all the alcohol I drank. While wiping my mouth with the tissue I spotted in the nearest table, I stood straight and eyed my puke realizing that...

Omygod! Just right on the spot where I puked, stood a guy! And I didn't even realize that I also puked right on his shoes!

I covered my mouth while my eyes widened. I gulped and slowly, carefully, I eyed the guy in front of me. Sht, I didn't even saw him earlier 'cause of my vision getting blury.

When I took a full look at the guy, my eyes, once again, widened. The guy I'm looking right now is so so handsome and sexy! Darn it!

While I was checking on him, he was already glaring at me. And that made me go back to my senses. I inhaled and closed my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't.. I.. It was an accident," I then looked at my sandals while playing with my fingers, waiting for the guy to accept my apology. But that didn't happen..

The guys just stood at my front for I guess, minutes, then walked away silently.

My jaw dropped. What the? Why.. Why didn't he accept my apology? Okay, that was rude!

And omygosh! For the first ever time in my whole life! Some rude guy snob me! He didn't talk to me! He just glared at me then walked away, not minding about my apology! How dare him!

I won't ever forget this damn day! I swear! When I meet that guy again! I will surely make his life miserable! I'll take my revenge on him!

Because no one ever messes with Athena Ruth! No one dares to walk out of me! No one ever, ever dares to snob me!