
What a great fight

"Yeah Yeah. Just shut up already, and watch."


The goddess was being annoying with her long and unnecessary amount of words. I honestly didn't even want her with me, but, since it was a great time to show her a thrilling broadcast, I figured that it's best to have her with me.

You see... It would be more of an annoyance to have her with me when I'm doing something private. Yep! Something like that is bound to happen if I don't call for her for a long period of time. She'll probably, and most likely, disturb me while I'm doing something important and private.

That… That I do not want. That's why, it was best for me to show her the current dangerous situation around me, because technically, I was safe, bored, and doing nothing.

"You…" The goddess uttered in reply. I was able to feel the dread in her word for sure, but, I did not care.
