
No disrespect allowed here

*Cough* *Cough* I had to clear my throat, since the short conversation that me and the leader just had, basically led to nowhere.

Both of us were silent. There was nothing more for us to say, since my state was already clear enough for the person in front of me to see, and because the person in front of me did not have anything else to say.

'Wasn't she planning to ask me about the meeting that I had with the demonic god, though?'


'I guess she really is going to give me the silent treatment, huh…'

'The other's are not even going to say anything, and will remain silent as well, huh…'

Those were the thoughts of mine, as I awaited a change within the atmosphere…

However, even after multiple minutes had passed, there was not a single sign of change. Well, since nobody wanted to say anything, I had to take the matter into my own hands. Of course, I wasn't planning to cause too much trouble. In fact, I was going to express my good hearted soul instead.

You see… Since they were going to be the way they are, I made a promise to myself, which is to escape their questions. They didn't want to ask me anything earlier, and perhaps wanted me to tell them on my own accord instead? Well… Good luck getting anything from me now.

"Alright~" I muttered all of a sudden, and broke the awkward silence.

"I think my good friends are waiting for me already~ Laili, please bring me back to the upper floor…" I went on to say, and didn't even bother to hid the nasty smirk on my face.

"Aren't you going to tell us anything about your sponsor?"

At last, the silver haired lady uttered out more than three words. The way she spoke this time didn't sound so monotone and cold too, and instead, this time, she acted like some type of queen that was sitting on a throne, demanding a report from her servant.

She looked a bit interested in what I had to say as an answer to her question, and with that slight one sided smile of hers that only proud rulers would show, she certainly looked alluring.

"Am I?" I replied nonchalantly, as if I didn't care about their position and power.

"I mean… None of you stated that I should…" I, of course, still had my nonchalant look as I continued my words. This time, I was making my way towards Laili as I spoke, unbothered to look at the leaders.

"None you looked interested a few seconds ago too… So, since you've all shown that there is no interest, I have no reason to remain here and have my friends wait, no?"

"Bye Bye then." I waved my hands and proceeded to look at Laili, signaling her that I was ready to leave.

Looking at her and noticing that she was not doing anything, I gave her plenty more eye signals, in order to indicate that I wanted to be teleported back up. I wanted to leave the scene in a cool way after all… Like, saying a few cool words and just leaving right after. It had always been my dream to do that in front of some high class leaders. Hehehe…

Unfortunately, it seems that Laili wasn't capable of comprehending the signals that I gave her. So, I did the best thing I could, which was to whisper.

"Let's gooo. Teleport me back to where my girls are at!"

Beside her, I whispered those words out while tapping her with my elbow. I was like an embarrassed brother that didn't have a sister to support him after he told a lie to his parents.

A very embarrassing moment…


I could already tell that Laili was on the side of the leaders…

Since the leaders wanted to talk to me, I guess I wasn't allowed to leave. This meant that Laili's loyal ass would obviously not let me leave as well. Hence why, the current situation…

Me being stuck in the council room…

"One must learn to ask, if they want something..." All of a sudden, I started uttering words that sounded profound and mysterious.

"After all, life is something serious, and not just a game, is it?"

"Also, this is a syndicate. Not a sect… Tch!" I spat out.

"I, and especially you Laili, are not supposed to treat the founders or whatever, like they are our masters, or our actual ruling leaders. They're just here to instruct and help us. Not to control us… That is why, since it is obvious that they have nothing else to say to me, it is only normal for you to teleport me back. I'd understand if they had something to say, but, it's been more than ten minutes already, so, clearly, anyone with a head, would be able to tell that those four have nothing to say."

My words were full of facts. No lies were visible within them, as they were all purely reasonable words, and answers that could even solve philosophical questions.

"Tsk. You idiot. Can't you see they're testing you!" Laili whispered loudly as a reply, and even bumped my arm to wake me up from my thoughts that she believed were obscure.

In all honesty, my thoughts were not obscure as she believes it to be. I mean, you do know that I have quite a clever mind, right?


Anyway, it wasn't that I didn't know that the leaders might be doing some other test on me. It's just that I wasn't in the mood to do their stupid tests. It's just asking a question for damn sakes! And, like I had mentioned before. They weren't some dictators, or a master of mine. There was no point for me to sulk up to them like I was some kind of dog. I mean… Do I look like I need their help? Does it look like I owe them?


Since that talisman was just an invite to the syndicate, and a horrible one at that, it means that I don't owe this organization a damn thing! I could leave at any time too, since I'm not even a part of this syndicate yet, all because of their stupid tests that's probably there to just satisfy their weird kinks!

Without the syndicate, I might not be able to get my revenge on my ex sect. Neither can I do something about the grudge mark on me…

But that doesn't matter, because failing to achieve that is better than becoming someone's dog without any reason!

I am not a submissive furry!

And also! Those two objectives are nothing but just side quests of mine!

Hehehe… I think you already know what my main quests are within this world…

So, yeah…

Now you know, why I would not submit to these four fishes, when clearly, there's plenty still left in the sea…

I, will not submit!

They will instead!

Some day…