
Chok on

So, uhm… The finishing move. About that…

What should I do… Should I just kill them?


Now that I think about it. Have I ever killed a human being? I did, did I?

Damn, even with my inner PP level so high, I still can't seem to remember if I did kill someone or not. Should I ask goddess M?

Maybe I shou-

Oh… Right. How could I forget… That suicidal lady from the wok sect or whatever.

I guess I automatically forgot, which my mind did in order to avoid some form of trauma?

Or, maybe I just don't value the life of others that much…

Quite villainous of me, if you think about it. But, who cares… I'm sure that the term morally correct doesn't exist, since morals can not be viewed in a simple way. Villain or not, I've already joined the dark side a long time ago. That's why, now is the time to act like I'm indeed a part of it. Kekeke…

Killing is but a peaceful way of achieving vengeance.