
A partner in deed

"Acting? Am I not always this nice? Haha, just kidding. I'm just worried that your angry about the fact that I gave my sister a Chaos crystal."

This… This was the one answer that caused the goddess's thoughts to go into turmoil.

Everything that I did so far, made the goddess question her reality. Out of all the thoughts that she would have, only one will remain. That thought being the question concerning the fact of her liability.

Her being too unaware to notice the being that is stealing from her in her name, or her being too unaware of her own actions…

'Did I accidentally transfer one to him, or did someone else do it without telling me?' Must be the answers, which the goddess can not process.

'Why would the other gods send it to him?'

'Does he have another lone god by his side?'

'But why would a god do a servant's job, and so sneakily as well?'

These questions… It all leads to an endless loop, as long as the inquirer doesn't know about the system.

It's either a never ending amount of the same questions, or a conclusion that leads to me having a servant god. If the goddess wants her questions satisfied, the only option is the second, which will leave her still confused, but not too confused. There is only one question after all. Not a multitude of them that leads to nowhere…

Uh-uhm! That is what I've come up with, and it's at least ninety eight percent possible. The two percent is for the chance that the goddess might be omnipotent, and is just acting dumb. I doubt that though, because based on our first encounter, I can already tell that she is nothing but a higher being. A being that is more powerful, simply because they are born within a higher realm. Different resources, different laws… Anything can become a god, but not a God.

To be a God, one requires, let's just say, more competitiveness…

Anyway, for a while, Artia was silent. It's something I wasn't used to, to be honest, but, nonetheless, I appreciated it. It was pretty relaxing to not hear her yelling every second, and certainly, it assured me of my assumptions.


Her thoughts were definitely in a turmoil!

Well, like the patient man that I am, I waited for her to finish her thoughts…

The longer she thinks, the more confused she becomes. The more confused she becomes, the more she would misunderstand the situation. Kekeke…

Am I supposed to be proud?

Certainly not…

Am I enjoying this situation?

Hell yeah!

I'm actually gaslighting a god! Hahaha! It's an incredible feat!

Would be greater if I f*ck one though…

Don't worry… The time will come, one day.

"Hmm… It looks like the subject of daughter has clouded my actions again. Here… These are the five Chaos crystals that I've produced up till now. If your sister needs more, you're free to give some to her. Do not let my hard work be in vain however…"

After the long silence, Artia said her words, and quickly left right after. I wasn't even given the opportunity to ask what she meant with her words, nor did I have the opportunity to say any of my wonderfully made up lies. How sad…

That doesn't mean that I'm actually sad though. In fact, I'm glad that she didn't mention anything about the suspicious subjects. This means that my assumptions are indeed correct. A dead end, and the only answer being that I have a god as a servant.

Not a bad reputation honestly… The master of a God. Sounds cool!

'Alright then! Since it would take Laili more than a day to cultivate the crystal, I won't waste my time and ignore all the XP within this place.'

'Do not use absorb though!' I reminded myself before walking off towards a further area.

In order to not disturb Laili, I went on to search for a place that was very far away from her. She'll panic when she sees me cultivating demonic energy, and other than that, she's also completely useless to me if I were to need some assistance.

She has no way of assisting me, due to how weak she is at the moment. So… Yeah. I hope you do understand…

"Since I'm alone from now on, I guess I'll have to be super careful…" I whispered to myself as I walked through the dark forest that is more like a home to me now.

Well, not really… It's just home because of the free massive XP…

'Ah! I have an idea! Why not use my PP crystal and the demonic energy at the same time!' While walking, I suddenly came up with a great idea that could help me against the negative effects of absorbing demonic energy directly.

With the brilliant idea inside my mind, I went to take a seat on the black grass field, and prepared myself for an absorption process.

No, I didn't go naked. Just mental preparation, that's all…

It didn't take a while before I came up with some results…

'It works…" Was the result of my idea.

'But, the stream of demonic energy is way too strong. It needs more suppressing…'

'This means slower cultivation though…'

'Damn it!'

In the end, I figured that I can not reap all the benefits. The speed was still great nonetheless, however, it was nothing compared to the speed from before. Because, technically, the amount of demonic energy that I absorb, has to be equal to the amount of PP energy that I absorb.

"If only a bunch of criminals roamed around this place… I could steal all of their life force and cultivate with insane speeds."


"Blame my luck…" I said to myself, a bit disappointed about the outcome.


Was it coincidence? Or was it Lady Luck simply saying f*ck you…

A victim that's pretty much evil, I think… Which, is just something I need, to feed on.

The victim had the laugh of a woman. It sounded seductive, due to the amount of lust that was mixed within. As for what that lust was aimed at… I'm not too sure.

What I'm sure of though, is that that lust definitely has some evil attention behind it…