
A disciple in hand

"Uhh!" I groaned in pain for a short second.

The reason for the pain, is because of the abrupt departure of the wench's sharp pubic hair. All of the strands of hair had left my body. They had retreated back to their place, to look like the short trimmed hair that they are not…

With the wench's pubic hair out of my skin, my increased senses disappeared as soon as those hair strands did.

The bright and multitude colors. The sinking feeling… They all vanished, and my head started to feel heavier than when the effects were still active.

I fell flat to the ground as a result of the sudden heaviness. The world looked dull and gray without the hyper sense, and I felt as if there was no longer any purpose in life.


But there again, I felt it. The sting of more than ten tiny needles, penetrating through my skin…

That pain disappeared as soon as it came however, because not even a second later, I could feel the world getting brighter again.