
A blatant kidnapping

If I'm being honest, I was starting to doubt if I should even return to earth or take revenge on that weird looking guy that had brought me to this world. I mean like… Damn! I know that that guy's intention must have been to get rid of me, since this world is known for having no female genital, however, the knowledge about this world is wrong. There are female genitals, but just not the normal one… Haha, it's actually the ultimate one!

You see? That is why I'm starting to hesitate on my earlier goals. Sure, I will grow stronger. But to hold a grudge? Why should I even do that? I'm thankful instead! Haha! What that guy thought would be a curse to me, is actually a blessing!

Well… His intention is still something ill-meant, and it's just that I am lucky to benefit from his ill intention. He still did something wrong, and therefore he still needs to be punished by this daddy. Hehehe… It's decided then.

"I shall have the greatest PP, and I shall have my revenge! Muahahaha!"

Oops… Was that a little too loud? I hope nobody thinks I'm crazy… They should understand though.

Alright! Let us go out and fulfill more missions! It is time to farm and grind all that XP!

With that said, I left my cabin…

'Huh? Why does my back feel uncomfortable…?'

'Oh, sh*t!'

When I turned around to look at my back, it was already too late to react to the actual cause for my uncomfortable back. It was a blurry and shadow like figure that I couldn't see properly when it came towards me. That figure actually leaped towards me to drop me to the ground. Strange thing though, was that my face never landed on the dusty ground. It was something worse, but better at the same time. Instead of the dusty ground that a dog might have sh*t on, it was a concrete floor. Yep! It sure wasn't the best experience for my nose… Fortunately, my outer PP level was at a decent level.

"What's the meaning of this?!"

Honestly, I don't know why I said that. Actually, I did… The reason why, is because I noticed the familiar attire of the figure after I had managed to turn my head. Well… Anyone could wear a hood… But hey! It's worth a gamble!

"The weak must fear the strong… Now, show me your worth!"

'That voice…'

I was able to guess already who the person on top of me was, based on the voice alone. Well… Her voice did sound a bit more scarier. But, it was recognizable.

"Are you serious?! I haven't even ripped that paper yet, and you're already bringing me away! Aren't assassins supposed to be very patient?!" I demanded, because she was simply being too unreasonable.

"Shut up!" She didn't even want to talk! It was a blatant kidnapping!

Not only did she tell me to shut up, but she also slammed my head onto the hard floor while she said her words! Too evil! Is that how they recruit new disciples for their sect?!

At that moment, I knew I had to do something if I didn't want to be on the receiving end. That's right! Someone like me should only give! Not receive! Heck! My parents don't even give me anything on my birthday, and it's me who always has to be filial! So, how dare this girl!

Oh wait… I think that example doesn't make any sense. Never mind that, I guess…

So, anyway… In the end, I was able to triumph over her. Seriously, it wasn't difficult. Assassins of this world really suck in hand to hand combat, I guess. Or maybe it's just like that for the females. They can only cultivate their Inner PP after all.

Well… After managing to grab on her wrist, and throwing her in front of me, we were facing each other, a few meters apart.

"I have no interest in your sect at the moment! Can you please bring me back! Time is PP crystals, you know… I still have my daily quests to do!" I told her, but unlike before, the girl wasn't talkative anymore. Seriously, she was really getting on my nerves!

'Huh? She disappeared… Did she just abando- oh no…'

My back was feeling uncomfortable again, and this time, I was prepared. I didn't know how she would strike me, so the only thing I though of doing, was to do a one eighty while aiming to smash that pretty face of hers.

'This damn b*tch! You're not gonna get me below you again this time!' I thought in annoyance of her, because… Why the f*ck did she bring me to an unknown place just to fight me! How selfish can she possibly be! I have important things to do you know!


My hand met the side of her head, and sent her a few meters away at an instant. Oh how good it felt to slap her towards the hard ground. Karma's surely never late!

"Ha! This is what you get for kidnapping people that you just met! After I put you to sleep, I'll be sure to bring you to the authorities! Your sect will surely be punished for doing something so Unorthodox!"

Never in my life on earth, did I speak like that. Not that there was ever the opportunity to. Everyone was nice and respectful after all, and if there was someone who tried to beat me up, I just had to beat them up or report it to the police… There was no justifying words needed for me to say, since they're not like this damn hooded girl that randomly kidnapped me! There are also lawyers on earth that does all the justifying words. So, yeah…

I'm not being chuuni, right?

Nah, there is no way. I'm just letting out my frustrations for someone, minus the swearing. I mean like… that's common in traffic or when you're talking to a "Karen", right?

How dare she!!

Sir_WendoScreators' thoughts