
My Possessive Mate.

This is a story about a girl Vanessa and her life with her mate. With her being mated with the alpha king things would get complicated. What would happen with their adventure? Or will they not be together at the end.

Hope2022 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 6


Today, hopefully I will find my mate I want her to by my side not to leave me or all I could know. Once she's here I won't ever let her out of my sight.


When we started to head to the ballroom my heart started to raise. I was nervous about what is yet to come.

~A Few Minutes Later~

After a few minutes had passed since we had arrived at the ballroom with everyone inside it. When entering the room I went straight to where my parents were at. It has been a weird day since I have come to the castle. I was talking to my brothers on what's yet is to come and trying not to be nervous.

"Are you nervous," Daniel said.

"Kind of but I'm more scared."

"Why are you scared you should be happy for this day that you will soon have him," Henry said.

"Oh shut it, I'm scared because I don't know what is going happen to you guys when I am not around."

"Don't worry it's going to be fine, at some it will," Daniel said.

Before I could say anything else someone was announcing that the king and his parents are going to arrive within a few minutes. By them saying that I got nervous and I didn't know if I should leave the place, so I wouldn't be getting involved in this. I told my parents that I would go and see my friends because I was getting bored and nervous with just sitting around and not talking to anyone but just to my own brothers.

"Hi, what are you guys doing."

"Nothing just talking about what is yet to come," Sofia said.

"Do you guys want to know who that King', mate is," Jasmin said.

"Can I tell you something."

"Yeah," they both said. I pulled them to the hallway so I could talk to them.

"Okay, so you know how that is looking to the kings' mate right."

"Yeah," they say in a confusing way.

"Well...., "

"Just spill the beans you're making me nervous," Jasmine said.

"Okay, I'mtheking'smate," I said the last few words fast while looking down.

"WHAT," They both say it together, while I covered my ears.

"I'm sorry for not telling you," I mumbled while saying it became a whisper at the ending.

"Why didn't you tell us," Sofia said in a soft voice.

"I didn't know how to explain it to you and I thought you wouldn't believe me."

"Next time lett us know if something is wrong, you can tell us anything we are your friends," Jasmin said.

I couldn't dare to look at their eyes because I felt bad for not telling them. I felt someone's hand one my chin raising it up. I saw my friends face and they look worried. My eyes had water and I could feel the tears building up.

"Don't cry, it's going to be fine," Jasmin said trying not to cry.

"Everything is going to be fine ok..." I stopped Sofia from talking.

"I could sense him coming over here."

I look at their faces and they look worried. I could hear footsteps and could smell his scent. His sent was like the smell of the forest. At this point, I didn't know what to do and my heart was racing so fast. Then the first thing that I thought was to run outside with my friends. I didn't know what to do. I knew that every time I would smell his sent I would get nervous.

"Hey, calm down," Jasmine said trying to help me with my breathing while Sofia is hugging me.

"You have to meet him sooner or later," Sofia said.


When I was walking into the hallway I smelled something sweet. I opened the door to see what it was and I saw 3 girls standing there talking. One thing that I noticed was that one of them got tense and ran with her friends I supposed. Then I remembered something that the smell was from my mate and I let her go without realizing it. I was following the sent and it led me outside. I was almost about to open the door to go outside but I looked through the window and I saw her friends trying to comfort her.

"Talk to her," my wolf said.

"What am I going to say to her?"

Without thinking I opened the door to see her.


While my friends were trying to make me feel better, I could feel someone's eyes on me. I also knew that I can't run from him forever.

"You have to be strong Vanessa," Ness said.

"I will try my best in every way."

I was going to say something to Jasmin and Sofia but then I heard the door open. I looked at my friends because I was nervous. I could hear his footsteps getting closer to where we are standing. In that moment time had stopped for what I could tell and being able to sense him in front of us. My friends and I, stood in a straight line not bringing our heads up.

"Raise your heads please," Eric said.

We lifted our heads and for me, I had to stare at his eyes. I had brought me head lower but before I could do that he had brought his hand to my face to touch it. I had leaned into his hand, while I heard one of my friends cough. I looked down to cover the blush that had appeared while Eric giggled at me.

"Hello, nice to meet you," Eric said.

"Hello, my name is Jasmin and the other one is Sofia. And I guess you already know Vanessa."

"Yes, I do and to meet you all. Well, I was wondering if I could talk to Vanessa for a few minutes."

"Well, that's up to her. Would you want to talk to him, Vanessa?" Sofia said.

I looked at my friend and though for a second.

"Yeah I'll fine, don't worry," I said in a whisper tone.

My friends gave me a hug and went inside. Once they were out of sight I went walking to a bench to sit on it. While he was following me sitting right beside me.

"Can I ask you a question?" He said while I just nodded.

"Why do you keep running away from me? "