
My PoliceMan

Avery Scallon had recently found out that her boyfriend and her bestfriend have been sleeping together behind her back. She wanted a fresh start and found a new home for herself in a town called Darlington South Carolina. Driving to her home on her first day into her new town, she was pulled over by a cop. Cedric Chandler was a arrogant sexy man that Avery disliked instantly. He could have gave her a warning and let her get on her way but no he handed her a ticket and then followed her all the way into town. She soon met a woman named Anna and they became friends. Avery didn't know that Anna was Cedric's sister. Avery didn't know that when someone breaks into her home one night it would start a string of reactions starting with the cop, Cedric moving and doing whatever he had to, to keep her safe.

Hailey_Marie30 · Urbain
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

Later that night, I'm in my kitchen, making my grandma's favorite cake. She used to make that all the time when I was a little kid. It took me several tries before I actually got it tasting the way hers did.

You needed flour, granulated sugar, baking powder, baking soda, kosher salt, salted butter, instant coffee, buttermilk, eggs, and vanilla extract.

It was not an easy thing to carry out. It took almost three hours to make it. A few moments ago, I finished mixing the ingredients. I'm waiting on the oven to pre-heat as I'm scrolling through my new phone.

I got a Samsung s22. I am more of an Android type of girl than an iPhone. They are just too basic for me; I don't know. I like how I can change my themes on them. Last Christmas, I had this cutest little Grinch theme going on.

It had taken me around an hour at the phone store. The sales agent kept trying to sell me the new iPhone, but I stuck to my guns and got the phone I went in to buy. I ended up finding only one cute case for it. It's pink with sparkles and a black pop socket.

I'm going to end up ordering a new case off the internet, anyway. I can't stand not having a screen protector on my phone. Finger marks while I'm trying to read an e-book just annoys the hell out of me.

My next stop after the phone store was the grocery store. It took a while to gather everything on my list for the cake

Ingredients, but finally, I had all that packed inside my buggy. I spent the rest of my time they're going down every aisle and grabbing things off the shelves that I need.

Dr. Pepper? Check.

Sunflower seeds? Check. I quit smoking a few weeks ago, so that hand motion while eating sunflower seeds is the best thing to stop me from getting those cigarette cravings.

Cheetos puffs? Check.

Ice cream? Check. Double Dutch.

I have also gotten more things, but those were top of my list to make sure I got. Being that I'm using my oven tonight, I'm making spaghetti. I really require one of those dual ovens. I could bake chicken like I had originally planned and baking my cake at the same time.

They were hella expensive, though.

One thing I had forgotten, though, was coffee. That means I'll have to travel back to the grocery store tomorrow morning. I need caffeine. I seriously cannot move about my day without a cup of the life nectar that's called coffee.

Preferably Carmel kind.


It's not like I had anything else planned tomorrow anyway. I was thinking about checking out the Sleepy Sheep bar I had seen in town.

Maybe I could make a friend so that I'll have someone to do things with on the weekends instead of staying home.

People at the grocery store gave me space. I, half, expected some nosy individuals to ask me about myself, but none did. I wish they did, though. It would be nice to have a conversation with someone who wasn't at the 911 center or the police station.

Speaking of the police station, I can't believe Officer Chandler. I'll have to go to the DMV soon, else I'll end up with another ticket, thanks to that asshat. How can he be so good-looking and be so rude at the same time?

I'm not seeking any type of relationship. I know myself well enough, and I will admit I will have major trust issues, and I'm still not over what my ex and ex-best friend did to me.

But I'm not blind. I'm not blind, and I am a young woman. I appreciate a good-looking man, and Officer Chandler is a really, really good-looking man.

Too bad, he is a total asshole.

Once the cake is done, I'm too sleepy to even have a slice, so I slide it into a cake container that's light blue and beautiful and put it on my kitchen counter. I grab my new phone, the charger, and drag my drained self towards my bathroom.

I plug my charger into the wall next to my bed and plug my phone up. I'll have to call the 911 center tomorrow with my new phone number in case they need me to go into work eailer.

I'm hoping they do. I don't want to be stuck inside my house, not doing anything for days. I could have cleaned the house, but the old owner's son had it cleaned before I moved it, so it's spotless.

Sighing, I put my phone down on the nightstand and headed into my bathroom. Heading straight to the shower, I turn the little silver knob, putting the hot water going before I undress.

Once the water is heated enough, I step into the shower. Feeling the hot water trickling down my body, I start to relax and forget about everything that happened today.

Talking about Rosie.

Running into Cedric.

Everything just goes away as I imagine myself on a beach, the wind pushing the water from the waves towards me. It's a nice idea, right? I would love to go on a vacation somewhere, but again, I need someone to enjoy it with. Not even a boy type companion, a girl type friend will do just fine. One that I could watch movies with, gossip about the town's people. Have little lady nights with.

That's what my ex best friend and I used to do, and I loved it. We spent a lot of time together, her and me, over the years. That's why her betraying me hurt worse than my ex did.

I'm still standing under the water when it gets cold. I quickly finish washing my hair with my strawberry shampoo and hop out of the shower. Wrapping myself in my black towel, I tiptoe into my bedroom and head to my room.

I rummage through my closet, looking for my night gowns. Yes, my night gowns. No, not the granny kinds, just regular warm night gowns. They are super comfortable to sleep in. I could never sleep in pajama pants or shorts. I don't like it when they ride up my legs. My legs have to be free when I'm sleeping.

Night gowns are the best way to go.

I have a few of those teddy night gowns, though. The sexy kinds, but I don't have anyone to wear those for anymore.

Later that night, I'm jerked awake by a loud banging, and I heard floors creaking, informing me that something or someone was inside my house.

What the hell?

My heart slams into my chest as I jump out of bed, rush to my bedroom door, and softy as I can shut it without letting that intense click alert whoever it is that I know. Rushing back to my nightstand, I nearly trip over my rug, but I catch myself on the edge of the bed and dial 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" A man asked after the second ring.

"Yes. My name is Avery Scallan. I live at 482 Micronesia Street. I think someone is inside my home." As I head into my bathroom and lock the door, I give the man the information he needs.

Whoever it is will need to go through two locked doors to get to me. It's not the best option. They could always break it down and shoot through it, but it's what I got right now.

"Police are on their way, ma'am. Please stay on the line." The man said, as I heard typing in the background.

"Right" I stuttered out.

This is entirely different. Normally, I'm calm and collected during an emergency, but when it's you that it's happening to it's a completely different story. My chest fills like it's about to bust open, and all I want to do is run out of this house. I can't do that, though. I'm smart enough to know that if I stepped foot out of this bathroom, the person inside my house could see me before I even had the chance to walk outside.

I look around my bathroom, looking for anything that I could use to defend myself with, and I find one of my counter decorations. It's a metal cross that my grandma gave me years go, it's heavy and will do some damage if I put enough force behind my swing.

"The cops are three minutes out." The guy on the line says in my ear. I jumped because one I'm scared as shit and two, I forgot he was still on the phone. Being a 911 operator, I should have known he wouldn't hang up, but I am too focused on protecting myself that it just slipped my mind.

I hummed into the phone, letting the man know that I was still here, but I would rather not say anything too loud in case whoever it heard me and would learn my location.

My phone buzzed inside my hand, not knowing what caused it, took it from my ear, and brought it up in front of my face. My eyes widened as I saw my screen go dark.

"No. Oh no, no no, " I screamed inside my head, heart pounding inside my chest.

My phone died.

It was almost dead earlier when I put it charging, but that was hours ago. The socket must not work that well because my phone was only on ten percent when I made that call. I'll need to get that resolved as quickly as I can.

A few minutes later, I hear footsteps coming closer to my bedroom door before it's busted open. I hurried my right hand towards my face and covered my mouth to dull the shriek I had shoving it's away out of my throat.

Oh, please let the cops get here soon. I'd even take Cedric busting up in here right now.

Those footsteps draw closer to my bathroom door, and I don't think I react. I swing open the door, raise that metal cross, and holler a war like cry, ready to let whoever it was have it.

Before the cross connects with my target, big rough hands grab hold of my wrist and push it upwards, which only makes me struggle harder.

"Holy fuck! Avery, it's me."


"What?" I stumbled out, blinking rapidly as his handsome face pushes through the fog. "Oh, thank goodness."