
My Pointless Struggle In This Cruel Fantasy World!

Edelgard, A story about a kingdom that stood guard as the greatest empire of mankind. Standing as the bastion that protected humans from the demons that lurk among those that wake in the daylight It was a really niche book that didn't garner much popularity on the vast libraries of webnovels on the internet, it was an intriguing book that only I found enjoyable but I never thought in my wildest imaginations I would end up in it. Usually Transmigration stories go along the lines of the main character fusing with one of the character of the world you are sent too, but something unexpected happened in my case. "What a bummer...." "If you have time to laze around, get to work you jerk!" Oh! did I mention, whoever transmigrated me did a terrible job at it and now I'm stuck sharing a body with one of the worse characters from the book!! POV change : There are lots of mysteries in this world. from the myth of the Ancient 7 dragons that shaped our continent to the tale of how a single slime took down the 3rd Emperor of the Elves. I never thought I'd experience one such mystery Until- "Ayo, What are you writing there!?" "Nothing, go back to minding your own business" Until I started sharing my body with someone otherworldly. "You should really start packing or we'll be late for school" "Oh shut it!" And how I ended up sharing a body with this man is a mystery and one that I never forsaw would change my life drastically, for the better or worse I didn't know at the time. To tether the knot that lost it's hold. A/N : English isn't my first language and I might make lots of grammatical mistakes and this is my first book. I hope you guys can kindly point the mistakes out.

Aichi_Starburst · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

who are you?

"...Young Master, this isn't noble etiquette" A slender middle aged man complained, dressed very formally and with a stern expression on his face "it has been an entire week since your suspension, please repent on your actions! If the lord ever hear-"

His collar was instantly grabbed by a young man that stood in front of him, his expression looking fiery "Don't dare utter his name!" Tightening the hold on the collar, he looked into the eyes of the old man with his auburn eyes that seem to have tints of crimson flaring momentarily "HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!"

The older man had no reaction towards the attitude of the younger male who looked to be in his teen years. His expression changed from the stern one to a slight frown as his hazel eyes looked at the younger boy who clearly looked furious at the mention of his father.


"I am the head butler of this estate young master" he grabbed the hand on his collar and instantly pushed it away while still holding on to the hand "And my job is to act as a butler, not your personal babysitter"

The younger boy slightly whined at his hand being forcefully grabbed tightly, but he maintained the glare he had at his butler.

The frown on the old man just increased looking at his young master. Loosening his hold on the hand, he let it go slowly.

"You may throw as many tantrums as you like, but ignoring your meals will not solve your issues young master" the butler said as he grabbed a plate that was set in the nearby table "you either eat your meals or I'll have to force you to eat them" while his face showed no emotions, his voice clearly indicated his anger.

"...fine.." younger boy's eyes changed color as the tint of crimson was replaced by one that flared a golden hue around his irises before it returned back to it's usual auburn color. The butler seemed taken back at the sudden change of demeanor, but was thankful for the change.

With a nod of his head, a small smile appeared on his face as he patted the younger boy on the head ignoring the grumbling the teen seemed to be giving.

"You should exercise patience more often, it might just give you your answer" The head butler said as he made his exit.

The younger boy sighed as he made way to the bathroom of his room.

I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom as I glanced at myself. My face looked fairly average other than the fact that my red hair was starting to fall over my face covering my left eye.

I put my hand over my face and pushed my hair back as I glared at the mirror.

My eyes flared crimson for a second as my state intensified, I stared at the mirror for a few second before my left eyes spiralled turning golden on it's own.

The 'me' in the mirror changed too, both his eyes turning golden, his expression was much more relaxed compared to me. Everything except his eyes remained the same as me.

He opened his mouth and closed it as if he wanted to say something, but nothing came out. We stared at each other, my glaring not changing and his face that looked confused.

After a minute of just doing that, the 'me' in the mirror sighed and then he just smiled at me.

Realising that this is getting nowhere, I stopped glaring daggers at him and asked him.

"Just who are you?"

The figure tries to open his mouth and close it but no sounds comes out, he frantically shakes his hand up and down trying to convey something but it just looks like a bunch of gibberish to me.

"I don't understand what you are saying!?" I told him with a irritation quite visible in my voice.

He shakes his hands around more until he gives up and looks down dejected.

"If someone saw me, they'd probably think I've finally lost it..."

It looks like 'me' can talk with me, I really feel the urge to crush the mirror in front of me but resist the urge.

The 'me' in the mirror instantly lights up as he points at the bottom of the mirror. I look down to find him pointing at the water nozzle.

"Do you... Want me to turn it?" I carefully ask him, he nods his head excitedly while shaking his hands too.

I turned the water nozzle and The sound of water flowing down the sink filled the room as I looked back at him.

"So? What now?" He frowns his head and points at the other nozzle.

"Do you want me to turn this nozzle instead?" He nods again, I turn the former nozzle off and turned the other water nozzle on.

Hot water started to streaming down the nozzle down into the sink as hot steam covered the area in front of me.

"Is this what you want? Now what?" I ask him again carefully, looking at his expression and hand signs. He frantically shakes his hands more.

"Do you want me to wait a minute?" I asked him and he nodded, I waited a minute until the mirror was clouded by the steam as moisture formed on top of it.

With the foggy mirror in front of me. He kept his hand on the mirror of the other side and urged me to do the same.

I stared at his hand for a few seconds before looking at my own. I 'oh so' carefully put my hand on top of his and I flinched when I felt a tug at the tip of my fingers. The hand from the opposite side of the mirror came out and instantly grabbed mine.

I instantly felt the world around me turn to black at I looked as only the figure in front of me stood alone.


"Nice to meet you, Arnold Von Armsberg"

My eyes felt heavy as he uttered my full name... How does he know... I soon felt myself losing consciousness.

Hello this is the prologue for my first webnovel I've had in the back of my mind for a while. I don't know how active I'll be in updating it but I just wanted to write it out since I just wanted this out.

Aichi_Starburstcreators' thoughts