
My Pointless Struggle In This Cruel Fantasy World!

Edelgard, A story about a kingdom that stood guard as the greatest empire of mankind. Standing as the bastion that protected humans from the demons that lurk among those that wake in the daylight It was a really niche book that didn't garner much popularity on the vast libraries of webnovels on the internet, it was an intriguing book that only I found enjoyable but I never thought in my wildest imaginations I would end up in it. Usually Transmigration stories go along the lines of the main character fusing with one of the character of the world you are sent too, but something unexpected happened in my case. "What a bummer...." "If you have time to laze around, get to work you jerk!" Oh! did I mention, whoever transmigrated me did a terrible job at it and now I'm stuck sharing a body with one of the worse characters from the book!! POV change : There are lots of mysteries in this world. from the myth of the Ancient 7 dragons that shaped our continent to the tale of how a single slime took down the 3rd Emperor of the Elves. I never thought I'd experience one such mystery Until- "Ayo, What are you writing there!?" "Nothing, go back to minding your own business" Until I started sharing my body with someone otherworldly. "You should really start packing or we'll be late for school" "Oh shut it!" And how I ended up sharing a body with this man is a mystery and one that I never forsaw would change my life drastically, for the better or worse I didn't know at the time. To tether the knot that lost it's hold. A/N : English isn't my first language and I might make lots of grammatical mistakes and this is my first book. I hope you guys can kindly point the mistakes out.

Aichi_Starburst · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Breakfast With Sister Dearest

I opened my drowsy eyes as I looked around my spacious room, that still felt as unnecessarily big as the first time I saw it. It might look like my thoughts have constantly been bugged by how big this room is, because my thoughts have been be constantly bugged by how big this room!!

This room has two bathrooms! TWO! What am I supposed to do with all these wardrobes that feel like a mile away while it's just a feet away. Like seriously, who would sleep in such a huge room, the issue is either it's too empty or it's too big and this room is both of those problems. Getting rid of those thoughts, I got up from my bed as I prepared myself.

"This is the day, I am supposed to have my breakfast in the dining hall like Arnold normally did" After getting ready and grinning at the collection of clothes in my inventory, I got ready and headed out.

Outside my room, I saw a man dressed in a butler outfit. I looked at his face and recognized him from yesterday's late light night venture.

"Morning....ummm" I greeted him, extending more greeting not knowing how to refer to him. Of course he completely missed my signal and wished me back.

"Good morning, young master. Would you like head the dining hall" he slightly hunched his shoulders down to match heights with myself while talking in a polite manner.

"I would have done so on my own?" As we made our way through the extravagent corridors and hallways, I saw even more structures that looked like vases and pillars on either side and a massive room.

"Chief butler has sent me to guide you, expecting that you wouldn't know the direction to the hall" he said so in the same voice as earlier, as if talking to a kid who might throw a tantrum at the slightest of issues.

I didn't have any response to that and clicked my tongue in slight annoyance, he was right but did he really have to say that in the most overly polite voice. I'd rather have people talking in a crude manner over whatever this is. I miss Rayn already, I haven't even known him for a week. Atleast he spoke normally if we ignore all the melodramatic acts he does in between.

We soon reached a grand staircase that split itself curving down, and in a 'distance' we saw a dinner table. The table looked very lengthy, a cloth was covering the dine hiding any features it had leaving a rather simple after taste in this room that felt way too big for a dining table and 6 chairs surrounding it and 4 on the sides and 2 opposite to each other. I found a familiar sway of red hair bouncing around as she sat down on a chair that placed on the side.

With a droopy looking face and a bed head popping right out the top of her head. Her lips were lightly pouted forward and her head wobbling on the seat as she tried to keep herself awake early in the morning.

I quietly made my way towards the sleepy head hushing the other servants that were around. Once I was behind her, I tapped her lightly on the head

"Morning Sera"

Her entire body jerked in response as her head did a sharp 90 degree turn to the side to look at my face, her golden eyes met my auburn ones.

All traces of daze disappeared from her face as her expression became sharp for a second , before it relaxed allowing a small smile to appear.

"Morning big brother" she greeted me as she stood from her place and slightly bowed to me formally.

"Why the formal bow to your own brother..."

Sera feels way too formal, I'd much rather have a sister that looked annoyed at me doing something like that or irritated at my antics but having a sibling that just outright acts respectful towards you sounds equal parts awkward and looks equal parts wrong.

Looking at her, I tapped on the chair beside her and made myself comfortable on it. I know nobles are all about formality and apparently even Arnold was well etiquette in that category, but whenever I look at Sera it just feels so wrong that a sibling is being so respectful and polite, the laws of the universe aren't supposed to work this way.

"Feeling sleepy in the morning?" She quickly sat down on her own chair with her posture completely straight, both her hands on either sides of her plate as she looked at me as if seeing if looking for my reaction.

"Ahh, I just slumped down due to an assignment that I took up yesterday" her eyes darted sideways ignoring my own as she slightly scratched the sides of her cheek.

It was hard to disconcern the expressions present on her face, from her demeaner to the way her hair swayed showed a dignified appearance which well did not suit a kid who is 14 in my opinion, but nobles love their manners I guess.

Two maids arrived who bought a pair of cloche, from which they served our dishes.

"An assignment? Were you up all night?" I tried asking her in hopes of small talk.

"Yes, the assignment was related to magic circles and the theory of arcanist runes" she cut the meat in her plate with a knife and ate the meant she cut with her fork. I looked at the way she was eating and followed her example on how to eat this since I was Arnold right now.

"I see, how has school been?" I raised an eyebrow when I didn't get an answer, I looked back up at her as she stared at the reflection of her spoon "I guess that answers that... I can't exactly ignore the issue, because he is still around now can I?"

"It has been fine brother, I ranked 12th in my grade for the last examination. Next time, I'll be sure to score much higher" she told me as she puffed her chest ever so slightly and proudly exclaimed. While the gesture itself was very tame, it was cute to watch. The way a kid her age needs to act. Though, her grades don't really matter to me, maybe for Arnold but I'm more concerned about her social and general atmosphere at school.

"Is that so? That's great" I titled my head ever so slightly and smiled at her. Her face perked up like a lightbulb as the tips of her ears turned red. She quietly nodded as she continued eating her breakfast.

Breakfast was relative quiet for the rest of the time, with some small talks from my side and Sera answering them. She finished her breakfast before and headed out with a butler who was carrying her bag.

"And off to school she goes..."

I can't go back to the academy, I'm very thankful for the fact that Arnold got suspended before I got transferred into his body. The suspension isn't ending until the end of this week.

Why was Arnold suspended? Well, apparently he nearly beat two classmates to near death on the very first day the academy opened for it's first years.

"I don't even want to think about how my reputation will end up thanks to this jerk"

I finished my breakfast and I wiped my mouth with a napkin, which felt surprisingly natural and not at all weird to do.

With that done, I thanked the servants who served us. Their entire expression turned pale and their expressions went weird as they tried to tell me that I shouldn't be thanking them.

But I continued to do cause it was funny seeing their reaction.

Leaving the dining hall, I finally made my way to the best part of today's planning.

Arnold fought with his fists, there a major difference between him and me. I learnt this when I used the appraisal sheet that Rayn got me. I might have Arnold's body but I'm not Arnold so my speciality, skills and insignia are different from him.

But I saw something interesting when I saw what one of my skills was.

"This is gonna be fun"

A/N : Dropped by comic con, this past week. It was soooo funnnn!!!

This chapter was hard to do(I'll probably say that about every chapter), because making a sibling dynamic where both are respectful towards each other sounds so wrong, but I also need to do it for the story ahhhh, I'll try to get a relationship quota that works better as time goes on. but for now I'm still in the introduction phase for the story. I'm almost half-way into the beginning before the actual plot starts kicking in.

Aichi_Starburstcreators' thoughts