
My Pirate System: The God Killer Series

Ding! [You have killed the pirate captain of the Blue Flames group.] [You have been rewarded with-] [You have leveled up.] [You have-] With this annoying but much-needed cheat system, Shiro found himself in the midst of the storming pirates. Having lost his parents to the Federation, the very entity meant to bring justice, Shiro's thirst for vengeance led him to become a pirate. Little did he know about the cruel world that awaited him! Betrayals, robberies, large-scale battles... everything followed him. If not for the system, he would have long been dead. In this world where survival of the fittest is law, Shiro, aided by his cheat, aimed to become the strongest pirate, gather influence, and destroy the so-called justice preservers... Little did he know that this was not simply a battle of mortals, for there were Gods intervening in everything!

1st_Manga_KING · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter 1: Prologue

"What the heck are those!?" exclaimed the man on the ship. The strong wind seemed to flutter his brown clothes. In urgency, he placed his palms on the red hat with a skull-like design, in an effort to stop it from flying.

It was clear that he was a pirate, evident by the crew; moreover, he seemed to be the captain of this crew. Despite holding such a rank, this man didn't seem impressive in any way. The only thing that stood out about him was his large tummy.

Currently, his impressively large tummy trembled as the man continued exclaiming in a shocked voice.

"What the heck is wrong with his powers!?" he said, referring to someone on the other ship, who possessed a dark compression in his void-like eyes.

This fatty's height barely reached the standard of average, yet he was supposed to be the captain of the crew behind him.



A crew member walked closer to the captain, while vigilantly looking at the enemy.

"What is it?" the captain asked quite arrogantly.

"I guess we have messed with the wrong guy...", the man was sweating profusely. His heart was already beating fast, and now that he was sure of something, he couldn't help but tell the captain about it.

Of course, the seawater was splashing all over their faces, but he wasn't drenched because of that. It was the cold sweat in which he had bathed completely.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Are you underestimating me?" The so-called fat captain had a burst of anger as he heard these words. Words spoken by a crewmate, which were genuinely meant to warn him, translated to complete mockery.

"No, but..."

"What but?"

"You think that I can't handle a puny pirate such as that boy?"

"Did you already forget that I have received the Great Sea God's powers?"

He couldn't find words to speak after hearing what the captain had said. His mouth opened and closed multiple times, akin to a goldfish.

Ah, the urge to just kill him myself!

Power could indeed corrupt a person's heart, especially those with a weak mind. This corruption was the factor that led to illogical arrogance, mindless betrayal, and many more irrational behaviors that ultimately spelled the person's downfall.

"I am one of the chosen ones after all!"

Just shut up! The man internally cried.

"Why should I care about whom I'm messing with?" The captain's arrogance seemed to know no bounds.

He was speaking whatever came into his mind. Although there were three humongous hurricanes heading towards him, threatening to annihilate him, he continued boasting in front of his crewmate.

It seemed like there was truly no end to the arrogant words of this degenerate captain. This was when the crewmate decided that he had had enough of this nonsense!

"Just shut up! Shut the f*ck up!"

"...", and the captain did exactly as he was told, startled.

"Blessed by the Sea God?! Woah?!"

"Seriously, what an achievement!"

"Such prestige!"

"Even more prestigious and greater than the Sea God Himself!"

"Go on, make your own altar and honorific name!"

Just by seeing him raise his voice, he was forced to shut his mouth.

"I know very well that you are one of the Chosen ones!"

"I know that you can borrow the powers of the Sea God!"

"But how much of an idiot can you be...?" the crewmate asked.

"...", the captain failed to understand why his fellow member was so worked up. His first instinct would have been to freeze this imbecile alive, but those words really made him speechless.

Indeed, in front of him, three hurricanes had been conjured, which was by no means a small thing.

If they had existed from the get-go, then one could just ignore them, but in reality, they had just arisen right now in front of them, and that, too, was done by the very person who was a pirate and was on the other ship right in front of them.

"You idiotic captain!"


"That symbol on the flag...a skull inside a weird box..."

"That red hair and shining golden eyes that instill fear in anyone with just a glance..."

"This power to create hurricanes in a matter of seconds..."



"The Sea God has chosen you to use his powers up to some extent, but the one standing in front of you is none other than the person who defeated the Sea God himself! Are you stronger than the Sea God?!" the crewmate shouted in annoyance.


"What did you say?"



"The one who defeated the Sea God?"



Why did I not know that before?!

"Then, he is-"

He turned his glasses back towards the space between the hurricanes, only to find the boy acting as the enemy captain. His hair had turned ruby red in color while his eyes were spinning gold.

"He is..."

"The Sea Hero?", while saying this, he lost all his strength and ended up falling on his knees. It seemed like all the intention to punish this imbecile had disappeared with his arrogance.

"Then are you telling me that..."

"He is..."

"A God Killer?"




On a dark day, during a huge ship suddenly flying from the ocean, completely wrecked. It was not just one ship; in fact, all the ships that were traveling in a particular region named as 'Teraldis' were wrecked, and none of the people survived.

Not even a single corpse of a victim from that incident was found. It was indeed a dark day when the sky, the sea, and the earth were roaring continuously. Each roar invoked goose flesh in a person, sending chills down their spine.

The Great Disaster of Teraldis, one of the mightiest calamities ever faced by mankind. However, this so-called disaster paved the way for humanity to unlock their limits, which had been imposed by the Gods!

Indeed, that was possible now because the very Gods descended to the Earth; their presence alone was enough to make the heavens roar.

It was said that, on the same day, a prophecy was passed on too. The Lost Prophecy.

After many trials, it was soon recovered, and many came to know about it, but none of them were able to understand what it meant exactly.

'Eternal Flames, Pureness, Unpredictability, Strength, Wisdom, Luck, Swiftness, and Trust will give you what you desire.' - that was the prophecy that was given, but no matter who it was, what his status was, no one could truly comprehend it.

Many great minds with uncomfortable wisdom had their own meanings and interpretations for this prophecy. However, no one could find the true meaning that would be supported by the majority.

But they knew one thing for sure, and that was the fact that the descended Gods, also known as Exiled Gods, possessed unimaginable strength. Though these gods were hidden from the rest of the world, their mere presence alone stirred up the whole world.

Many factors drive humans to find Gods. This factor also created many professions among humans.

The Apostles - These were people who possessed partial divinity of Gods; they were blessed ones who were trying to find their Godard and gain approval.

The Vigilantes - These were self-proclaimed punishers who believed that all the pain and suffering was due to the evil degenerate Gods.

The God Killers - These were warriors who wished to slay a God and receive the powers of one. They wished to be Immortal!

And finally, pirates. Pirates? The Warriors who opposed the world and corrupt ones? Righteous, stealing from the rich and providing the needs of a poor person? Just as showcased in the story and fairy tales?

To that question, there was just a single answer. A Big F*cking No!

They were impartial. They looted both rich and poor without any partiality, only attending to their own needs. Anyone could become a pirate, an apostle, a God Killer, or even a Vigilante.

What about those Fairy Tales? Well, they were called Fairy Tales for a reason.

The greatest dream among the strongest pirates was most probably to loot the Gods themselves.

 Author's Note: 

 This book is a rewrite of my old book. An editor is helping me through it... no! He's looting me! I have a family to feed... So, being as shameless as I could, I ask you to please read at least the free chapters! I'm not shy about accepting votes and gifts! 

 And if people say that money doesn't buy happiness, then I'm more than ready to take that headache away from you!