
My Pink Cinderella

Kingston kingsley a multi billionaire who went to Crystal hill high school but a dullard then fell in love with a pink goddess Angelina shaw but she disappear suddenly. Will kingsley later find his pink goddess?.

Daoistlt6hEr · Urbain
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14 Chs

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Tuesday Morning, Rebecca Apartment.

I sit with Rebecca at the dinning and eat as usual,we dine for some minutes. I enter the kitchen to clean the dishes,bath,dress and ready to go king's company when Rebecca call me back. "Hey,bitch if you did not bring the fifty dollars for your rent don't come home" Rebecca warn. "But I'm collecting my salary at the end of the month" i said with a sigh. "I don't give a fuck" She replied "Then where do i get money?" I asked with an eye roll. "I told you to join me in my job but you didn't answer,You will be getting money everyday and you are this beautiful,you look like a princess of fairytale" she said her voice getting softer,bitch she wants me to join her prostitution business. "No, thanks" i reply with a fake smile. "Wait,i wanted to ask you something" She said. "Yes,am all ears" i shrugged. "Why did you dye your hair and now using sunglasses" she said and put a hand on her nose like she remembers something and suddenly face me making me scared. "Or are you a wanted hiding in my house using your granny name as a bait" She asked. I give a short laugh and tilt my head sideways. "No, I'm not a wanted,just hiding from someone" i replied and dash out of her house,i check my wristwatch "oh damn I'm ten minutes late, that bastard" i curse through gritted teeth. I quickly jog to king's company.

King's company

"Good morning,min min" i greeted with a smile calling her pet name. "Yeah, Good morning madam" she said with a naughty grin. "Hey,why do i think you sound naughty" i replied with an eye roll. "No, madam" she smile. "Whats up with the madam madam you are shouting?" I asked. "Pink barbie" she called with a wink. "If you call me that in front of the boss I'm gonna kill you min min" i threatened as she smile and salute me like I'm her boss. We are still talking when someone clear his throat. I pray the ground should open and swallow me, "I'm caught today,where is my nose mask,you did not tell me the boss is around" i whisper to min kyeo searching through my hand bag for my nose mask. "Oh, sorry i don't remember" she said grinning,why is she grinning, goodness is this a set up. Kingsley turn to my direction,"ah i didn't brought my nose mask" i said to min kyeo. Kingsley is moving closer to me,as he is moving closer i am moving backward till i got to the wall,i close my eyes waiting for miracle to happen. Our father who at in heaven,hallowed be thy name,i pray silently in my heart as min kyeo giggled, bastard why is she giggling today. Kingsley used his muscular arms to cage me to the wall,he brought his mouth to my ear,oh I'm blushing,is it because I'm with my crush. What's happening, the Ac is on and I'm feeling heat all over my body. "Why are you late weirdo" he whisper as i sigh in relief, thank God the bible verse work he didn't notice I'm his cinderella. "I'm sorry sir,i always jog from home to the company" i replied as he nodded. Meet me in my office" he mumbles as i nodded. "Min min why don't you tell me the boss is around?" I asked the second time. "I don't remember" she replied as i smack her head. "Oh bully" she massage her head and roll her eyes. "Wait,why is his car not in the parking lot?" I asked. "I don't know" min kyeo replied. "And use this nose masks,i know that this is gonna come so,I brought two along to give you if you forget yours" she mutter handling me the black nose mask. "Thank you babe" i replied with a wink and quickly used the nose mask. "One second left" kingsley said as i bade min kyeo bye and rush into his office. I stand two meter away from him. "Come closer" he said as i move closer. "I didn't bring my car because we are going for a business trip for five days and we are going at 4pm this afternoon" he said authoritatively. "Yes sir" i replied. "You can go home at 2pm to pack your things" he tap on his laptop and stop to sip his latte because i no longer let him drink coffee. "Thank you sir" i reply and jump up in happiness within me because i'm happy that i will be free from Rebecca and her clients.

Greenlight Hospital

"Why is barbie phone not going through since these days,her granny has improve very well but she is still not talking" Doctor jessica mutter dialing her phone number. "Doctor jessica why are you doing this,why can't you just dispose this woman away,you are taking care of her with your salary and her family are wretched,if you did not want to throw her away then inject her,she is not even talking" Nurse Ella said with an eye roll. "Nonsense, don't say that, doctor should be nice and you are just a nurse you are saying this, what will happen when you become a doctor" Doctor jessica mutter with disappointment in her tone. "I'm so sorry doctor" Ella said with her down. She roll her eyes secretly and quickly left the place. When Ella left doctor jessica notice that barbie granny had tears in her eye. "Oh my God! She heard what that cruel girl said" doctor jessica thoughts. Doctor jessica sit on the bed beside barbie granny and start to soothe her,she massage barbie granny and wipe the tears off her eyes and the granny later smile to her.

12pm,King's company.

"Weirdo,can you please get me food at a nearby restaurant" Kingsley said jolting out of my thoughts on how to pay for rent at Rebecca house. He calls me weirdo because of my dressing and am used to it but when he said I should get him food at a nearby restaurant,and ideas suddenly pops in my head.

To be continued.....

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