

*The cover doesn't belong to me. All credits to the owner* SKYLER SMITH- I saw him enter my brother's cafe and I knew I love him. There he stood, the perfect gamer and my crush. He's a lot older than me, but I want him to know that I exist and I like him. JAXON MILLER- We lost, my team, lost the nationals. I have one dream, just one. Winning the National Gaming Championship. This time we lost, not again. I don't need anything to distract me. I have to win. What will happen when a 19-year-old Skyler Smith and a 28-year-old Jaxon Miller, two opposites crossroad?

KANIDO · Sports, voyage et activités
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I felt a pang f disappointment when Jaxon said he didn't have a girlfriend and didn't want one. I think he understood I like him. We didn't talk for the rest of the drive.

We reached the cafe in silence. I got down from the car and opened the back. Waking Ben up.

"Wake up Ben"

He didn't move.

"Wake up" a voice beside me said, it was Jaxon.

Ben moved a little but didn't get up, suddenly a idea struck me.

"Hi Avery what are you doing here?"

And Ben got up.

"Where's Avery"

Other guys and I started laughing. I moved away from Jaxon. But he held my hand, stopping me. I turned to him.

"Key" he said handing out the keys.

I took them and went to Kevin's side.

"Wanna hang out tomorrow? No pretending, I'm not doing it for Jaxon. You're just so good to me, I actually want to be your best friend."

"Sure" he says chuckling.

"Then give me your number, I'll pick you up tomorrow" Kevin said.

"Here" I said giving him my number.

"See you tomorrow" he said.

"Bye everyone, I enjoyed with you all"

"Bye" they said. Every one gave me a hug as the went to their car, except Jaxon.

I went in the cafe, my brother waiting there for me.

"The usual"

"You're not getting anything. You've probably ate and drank too much"

"I haven't. Now get me my Chocolate Hazelnut Coffee, with extra chocolate. And something to eat."

"Woah stop there, every night you eat. And don't even pay" Alex said.

"Why should I, I work here. You should at least give your sister something to eat"

Alex went in and brought me my usual coffee and my favourite French Fries.

"Thanks, I'm so hungry"

"Didn't you eat at the party?"


"Okay, did you enjoy with them?"

"Yes so much" I said.

"Okay, you're coming home in my car, leave you bike here. You've had drink, even if you're not drunk, I can't take the risk"

"Ok ok, but I took my car to the party, not bike"

"That stays here"


We went home after I finished the food and coffee. Mom already slept. Alex opened the house with the spare keys. I went straight to my room, changing into my night dress. Then I took of all the make up, not that I put much. Then I jumped into my huge bed, immediately falling asleep.


I didn't hug her, this thought was all over my mind on the way home. We reached the center and it was quite late so I let the boys go to sleep.

I went to my room, changing into my casuals, lying on the bed.

Every time I see her, rainbow is the first thing that comes in my mind. It's mainly because of her pastel hair.

I push the thoughts of her out of my mind.

I can't let her over my mind. I have a competition to win. I don't need distractions. I don't like her. Never.

I fell asleep trying my best not to think about her.

The next morning, I called the boys for practice, promising to give them a 6 hours break, we finished the practice session.

Kevin hurried out as soon as the practice was over. Noah went to see his girlfriend and Ben called Avery and left saying they're going for a date.

I was left alone with James who went to his room to watch the season he started watching a few days back.

I went to the hang out room of our center and started reading the book I started reading.

After half an hour I heard a familiar voice.

"Really?" the woman said.

"Yes, and then we went to this cool place where we had a paintball fight" Ben said.

I knew who this was, Skylar.

"Wow, I would really like to go there"

"Sure I'll take you there."

The voice neared, and they entered the Hangout room.

"Hi Jaxon, I didn't knew you were here" Kevin said.

"Hi" Skylar said in a tiny voice not looking at me.

"Let's go somewhere else, Jaxon doesn't like to be disturbed during reading" Kevin said


"No, sit here" I said

Kevin seemed surprised but didn't do anything.

"Wanna play video game?" Kevin asked her.

"Yess" she said smiling.

Kevin pulled out a video gamed from the huge pile of video games.

He connected the remotes, and started the game.

"Woah, you can play" Kevin said.

I moved my eyes to the tv, which said SKY won.

"Of course!" she said hanging a arm around Kevin's shoulder. I could make out she was trying really hard, not to look at me.

After some time, they went out to get coffee. And returned, after what felt like hours to me. They bought me a coffee too.

"Here, Skylar insisted we bought you one too" Kevin said handing me the coffee.

I looked at Skylar, who wasn't looking at me. Well, she was trying to.

"Thanks" I said to her.

"Kevin, let's meet the others and then you drop me home"

She ignored me.

"Ok" Kevin said, definitely sensing the awkwardness.

They, exited the room. I followed. When Kevin went to call James, I gripped her arm and took her to an empty corner.

"What are you doin..."

"Why are you ignoring me?!" I said angrily.

"That's none of your business"

"It definitely is"

"It is not, You don't control me"

That was when I realized what I was doing and I let go of her arm. She stormed out and went to James who was standing there.

"What happened?" Kevin asked her.

"Nothing, I just forgot my purse, Jaxon returned it to me"


"Hi James!"

"Hello, Sky"

"Oh, I see how lazy you are, can't even speak my full name"

"I am" James said.

After she met everyone, Kevin went to take his car, so he can drop her home, but returned.

"My car has no fuel, Jaxon can you drop her home?"


"I can go by myself it's ok" She cut between.

"I can't, while you're here, it is my responsibility to get you home" Kevin said.

"I'll drop her" I said.