
My Past Lives' Regrets(BL)

Zone is an ordinary man who lived his life normally with a master's degree in fine arts . As an artist , he have a creative mind , he puts his thoughts to an art . But he knew that he was abnormal . He would dream of someone else's life whenever he sleeps . Although he asked a specialized doctor about the cause of these strange dreams he never got the answer of the mystery . He could only turn his dreams into art and make money with it . But Zone never thought that his life would be so short , he died in heart attack after he learned that his girlfriend cheated on him . Opening his eyes again , his expression remained emotionless since he still thought he was dead . But then , he realized he was supposed to have been estinguished and return to the nature without consciousness . Yet here he was , his sight was bright and clear that he is still alive . Unfortunately , he discovered to his surprise that he is in the body of the boy in his dreams . One of the terrifying dreams that made him suffer in one of the nights . A man with clear blue eyes and silky black hair glanced at him lazily . " Killing is allowed at 12 o clock midnight . So most of the students locked their dorm tight to avoid being assassinated . " Zone gulped , in this world full of daggers and poison how could he survive? Zone would have never thought that in the future , he would inhabit the bodies he had always dreamed before at night . But ... What will he do , now that he noticed that he's becoming more like a psychopath ever since the first world? Will he kill his lover? Or ... Become a cold monster with no empathy?

Thealovesbishies · Action
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72 Chs

Arc 3 Chapter 3.9 ( Boundary Between Virtual and Reality )

Warning : This chapter contains slightly mature scenes that is not suitable for minors . Even if I'm a minor myself , please refrain from reading if you're still untainted from the worldly things. Those with innocent minds , go away . This book is labeled mature , so don't blame me if you ever find something that you think you shouldn't have read .

Zone immediately calmed down but he still couldn't control his twitching mouth which keeps on coming out of his control because of excitement .

This is bad , maybe i had to practice the control over my expression again . I can't slip , I can't slip .

His master's voice keeps on ringing within Zone's head constantly sending warmth yet also pain within his heart.  He doesn't know why he felt this way . It seems that he really likes his master . Silently touching his stiff cheeks , Zone clenched his hidden fist restraining his impulse to jump over the portal to Reality ,he really wanted to run over to his master's house and pounce on him fiercely. 

" What's wrong? " Jiro noticed that something id wrong with his character .

He's quiet and stiff , he could see from the screen that he's not moving quite different from usual , as for what's the difference , he really can't express it . He just felt that something's wrong .

Jiro saw Zone's mouth curving up as the beautiful eyes bent in gentleness . " Nothing master "

" .... Ok " said Jiro then went to to rub the screen again . It is now his habbit rubbing his game character fulfilling his hidden wish to rub his wife's head in real life .

" I wish i could rub his head in reality like how i did now to you . " Jiro muttered

Zone widened his eyes then hung his head down . Allowing his master to rub his head more .

" You can rub me whenever you want master! " Said Zone in a gentle and submissive tone .

" ... Really? " Asked Jiro in clarification , but it clearly had a tone of happiness on it .

Warmth and he smiled inescapably like a fool. He really doesn't know why this game character could influence his mood . In reality , only his wife could influence his mood this much .


In the middle of the night a portal suddenly appeared illuminating the surrounding area of a mansion most of the lights were switched off . A few seconds later , a man suddenly exited the portal .

Looking out for any possible people that might have witnessed the scenario , only then did the man relaxed when he found nothing . The portal suddenly disappeared through thin air as the blue light illumination diminished .

The man started threading towards the Mansion's direction . Strangely , no one noticed that someone has trespassed their home . It didn't take a long time for the man to arrive at the master bedroom .

The moment he opened the door , his whole being became stiff as stick . His crimson eyes roaming around the room were particularly intense with emotions that couldn't be described .

He walked and looked down at the sleeping figure of his husband .

' since you claim that i am your wife , then you should be my husband ... Right? ' the man inwardly thought .

Staring at the silver haired man with crimson eyes printed on the pillow that was hugged by his master . A mysterious red suddenly surfaced on his cheeks , fortunately , the room was dark and no one knows of it .

Zone remembered one of the fragments of memory that he recovered these past few days . The image printed on the pillow were identical to the man within his memories . Meaning , the sleeping man could be the reincarnation of the golden eyed man in the memory .

Zone's eyes became more gentler as he looked at his husband . Intense emotions bloomed over his heart as he suddenly want to be intimate with him .

He sat down on the bed and stared at the man's face .

' so handsome , so handsome , i want to eat him . '

Leaning forward, Zone didn't notice that his face were already so close to Jiro's face . His hot breathe brushed upon Jiro's face . Jiro's lashes trembled and slowly opened his eyes .

Zone's handsome face surprised his sight . Jiro thought that he was dreaming .

" Wife ... You're back . " Jiro said in a hoarse voice. 

Zone didn't get nervous and instead felt excited inside . He boldly licked Jiro's lips and pressed his lips on his .

" I'm ... Back " he said in a gentle tone .

When Jiro heard his confirmation , his eyes suddenly turned watery as the rims of his eyes turned red . He immediately hugged his wife's waist and pull him to the bed .

" Don't leave me " His voice trembled as he tightened his hold on his wife .

Zone's face was buried to his husband's warm chest as Jiro's powerful arms surrounded him . It felt secure , his heart trembled by such unfamiliar yet familiar hug .

Zone thought within his heart that he will surely get addicted with hugging . It simply creates stronger bonds between them , and he could feel that his stress has been extinguished . The feeling of satisfaction and pleasure loomed over his heart . Making him more addicted to it .

" Hug me tighter . " He said .

Jiro's heart trembled , happiness bloomed and he tightened his hold but he is careful enough not to hurt the person within him . He wondered wether this is a dream . How can a dream be so realistic and vivid? Is he lucid dreaming?

" Wife ... " Jiro called out .

" Hmmm? "

" Wife "

" Yes, I'm here "

" W-wife "

Zone chuckled and answered Jiro despite the repetition . He felt that his husband was cute and didn't get full by it , he even enjoyed being called wife by him .

" Change it to darling . "

" Darling "

" Haha , yeah I'm here . Change it to honey "

" Honey "

" I'm here "

" Sweet heart~ "

Zone giggled and answered again .

Jiro smiled and kissed Zone's forehead . " I miss you "

Zone stared at Jiro's dark eyes and slowly smiled ." i miss you too "

I'll cherish you , husband . I won't hurt you again . I won't leave you .

" Jiro " he called out

" What is it? " Jiro responded , he put Zone's head ok his left biceps and put his right hand to his waist . Eating tofu occasionally .

" I love you "

Jiro's eyes widened in shock . His heart trembled as electricity numbed his brain down to his spinal chord , even his belly moved from the feelings he felt with such mere three words .

" S-say it again ?"

" I love you "

Jiro's eyes turned watery again as he wailed like a baby . " Aaaah wife , that's the first time you said that to me . " Jiro immediately tightened his hold over his wife and burried his face to his neck . He subconsciously bit it gently to vent his emotion and even moved to top him , putting his weight on him , wanting to make their body stick together forever . " Wife , say it again please . "

Zone who was toppled over by a handsome man chuckled and run his fingers through the man's silky yet messy hair .

" Jiro , i love you "

" Jiro , i love you "

" I love you husband "

" Husband , i love you "

" Master , you're my treasure "

" Lord Husband "

" Daddy-- _

Jiro immediately lifted his head burried from Zone's neck and looked at Zone with dark eyes . " What did you say again? "

" I love you "

" No the last one . "

" You mean , the daddy? "

" Yeah , say that again . "

" No way "

Jiro chucked but didn't force him anymore and instead kissed his eyes , forehead , cheeks , nose and eventually ... Lips .

Zone trembled , his heart also trembled by such intimate kisses . You could feel that the other party really cherishes you and loved you deeply . Such feelings , he can no longer ignore it .

It was so genuine that his heart was moved by it . " Do it again " 

Soft lips dropped unto his forehead , Zone could feel the numb sensation within his brain . Dopamine was released and he felt his heart full of satisfaction and love . When it reaches the side of his eyes , Zone couldn't help but moan from pleasure . When it dropped to his nose , he subconsciously smiled and giggled . When it went to his cheeks , Zone arc his back and moan .

" Yah~ " He moaned and covered his red face .

Jiro peeled the hands away and dropped kisses one after another . The two cuddled this way like an old loving couple . So sweet that even the watching Uno far away could feel his teeth aching from too much sweetness .

Uno suddenly want to get a girlfriend to do those kind of things. Cuddling , kissing , hugging and confessing .

Aaah , that will never happen to him . Uno sighed and touched his envious heart .


Jiro woke up and sighed that his dream was so sweet last night . Usually , he would dream that his wife left him and even the time when he was kicked out of the bed kept on appearing within dreams .

Suddenly , Jiro frowned and realized that his chest was heavier than usual . He looked down and his heart almost jumped out of his throat when he saw a cute looking boy sleeping a top him .

The boy has blue hair , and cute facial features , 80 percent similar to his wife's face .

Zone opened his eyes and looked drowsily at his husband who suddenly moved . His crimson eyes met with a pair of obsidian black eyes .

Jiro blinked and countless thoughts fly across his mind in a span of seconds . 

" Good morning , husband "

Jiro trembled and a shocked expression flashed across his face . " Z-zone? "

Zone sat up , sitting on his belly and suddenly , he transformed unto an adult . He flashed a smile and leaned forward to drop a kiss on the dazes handsome man .

" Husband , how about we do some morning excercises today? "

Jiro gulped and touched his beating heart . His voice trembled as he spoke . " What excercises? "

Zone chuckled and undressed . " Yeah , the excercise you are thinking about . "

Jiro's face turned red . " W-we're really going to do that . "

Zone nodded and suddenly moved . Jiro immediately put his legs together, covering the waking up little Jiro just behind Zone's rear .

Zone chuckled and looked behind him , there he saw a big tent on his husband's lower half . He moved back and covered it with his rear . A surprised expression flashed on his face .

" Husband , your little brother is so hard . "

Jiro blushed furiously and covered his face . " Wife , don't tease me . "

" But i want to "

Jiro gulped down and looked at his half naked wife . He slowly raised his hand and put it unto his waist , rubbing it , it is soft and squishy , it felt good to his hands. 

Jiro slowly sat up and leaned on the bed . He suddenly thrust his hips , rubbing towards Zone's butt .

" Naughty wife , husband shall punish you . "

Zone suddenly blushed and covered his face . " Husband~ please punish me . Yah~ "

Zone was suddenly pushed down on the bed as Jiro suddenly held both of his legs spreading it while rubbing his lower half to his lower half . Zone felt impatient , but he just let Jiro do his own thing.  It's not that he doesn't feel good with that rubbing thing , he also felt good .

" The layer of clothes is irritating . " Zone complained with brows knotted .

Jiro chuckled and rubbed the point where his brows met . " Don't frown , you'll look ugly with it . "

Zone then relaxed his face in obedience but his claws suddenly appeared and ripped Jiro's pajamas . When his husband's eight packs of abs appeared within his sight , satisfaction surfaced upon his face .

Jiro paused and looked down at his naked top then looked at the naughty wife on the bed . He leaned over suddenly bit Zone's lips .

Jiro was about to move his hips again when he suddenly frowned and noticed a peculiarity . He looked at the rip fabric on the floor and suddenly noticed claw marks .

Zone blinked and noticed Jiro's eyes . " Hehe " a weird perverted look surfaced om his face . Jiro immediately covered Zone's face . " What's with that expression , you look so perverted . "

Zone didn't feel irritated and just licked Jiro's hands . Suddenly , a pair of triangular furry ears appeared a top his head , and a furry blue tail popped popped out of his rear .

Jiro's eyes widened , " Wife ... You're the game character in the game? "

Zone tilted his head . " What game character , I'm a real person . "

Jiro lowered his face and looked at the swaying tail in front of his eyes . " You're a blizzard fox this time? "

Zone paused then nodded .

Jiro suddenly wondered why his wife remained a fox in this lifetime .   

Zone frowned and pulled Jiro to the bed and sat a top of him again . " Focus on the excercise hubby , I'm feeling more and more irritated by your unfocused performance . "

Zone grinded his hips and gently slapped Jiro's chest.  " Focus on me . "

Jiro's eyes darkened and suddenly removed his pajama . Removing all his clothes , he sat up and pushed Zone again on the bed .

" Put your legs together . "

Zone opened his eyes wide . " What? You're going to use my legs instead of my ass? "

" I can't hurt you right now"

Zone bit his lower lips aggrievedly and obediently did his husband's command .

Minute later , slapping sounds resonated throughout the room . Followed by indistinct sounds of pants and sultry moans .

An hour later , Jiro and Zone still did not get exhausted and ended up doing the real thing . Jiro was so lucky to have a wife with good physical body who could endure such excercise for a long time . Even when they did it for the fifth time , Zone still has enough energy to do it 10 times .

However , it is not good to release a lot of liquid . Excessive doings will only do harm even if they are not normal beings . 


Zone was hugged by Jiro while being massaged , a satisfied smile could be seen on his face . Doned in new clothes they cuddled again , not until their door was opened by an unauthorized person .

Li Xiaojian , stared at his brother who has a beauty within his arm while his abs is being rubbed by the beauty . Li Xiaojian blinked then considerately closed the door again .

Zone and Jiro looked at each other .

" Your cousin is a sensible child " said Zone .

Jiro smiled proudly and slowly sat up.  " Let's go on a date . "

" Date? " Zone sat up .

" Yeah "

" Then let's go ."

Jiro smiled and pounced on Zone again , showering him with a lot of kisses . " I love you . "

" I love you too "

Doze who was still sleeping suddenly jolted and woke up . An excited look flashed upon his face .

[ Main Mission : Complete ]

[ Main Mission : Unveil the truth behind the game character . ]

[ Truth: The game character was a real person . ]

[ REWARD: Blessing of the Mundo De La Realidad's consciousness . ]

[ REWARD 2 : Blessing of the Mundo De Fantasia's Watcher ]

[ Warning : Be cautious of the Watcher . ]

I'm really ashamed , nervous that someone i know might have read my story . Hahaha , gomen gomen , this baseborn is already tainted . I'm no longer innocent chikuso!

oh btw , Zone learned Jiro's name through the memory . Remember , his name right is a chinese name . so ... just clarification .

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