
My own multiverse

A 25 year old man is taking he's last day in the land of the living in his last wish was I want to become one of those mean character in those overpower novels note that dis is my second time making a ff' so please tell me what you think

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First race in all of Tree World's

{William pov}

him I think I'll name the big one Terra

and the two smaller ones will be named abyss and Ursula

Terra will be the land of intelligent life like

Elf, Human, Orcs, Dwarf, Goblins,

abyss is the land of monsters

trolls, behemoths, golems, vampires, werewolves, demons

Ursula is my personal playground. I still remember the strategy game called

WARHAMMER 40K I'll make my own hivemind like army Soo I'll make a land and sky filled with insects but I can't make it strong at the start so I'll need to let it grow in strength and numbers

I'll make it so that every 50 years a portal will open randomly around terra sending monsters and Zergs to the planet

Ursula will have

ant's, hornets, beetles, crickets,


sir what's the first race you want to put in planet name Terra.

(100) Star mana = human 100x

(120)Star mana = Elf 50x

(120)Star mana = dwarf 50x

(90. )Star mana = goblins 200x

(110)Orcs = 150x


system buy Elf and dwarf and put them in groups of three and the elves close to the forest and the dwarf close to A high mountain put the other near a volcano and one in the caverns

okay as for the other plants just use 50%

of my STAR MANA storage system you know what to do incest in Ursula monsters in abyss I'll focus on Terra and let those to grow then wail that's going on I'll help the races grow stronger than in Terra.

"jervin pov"

jervin is an elf that has been living in the forest for 21 years he's a hunter for the moon tribe animals are strong in the forest mostly because his a normal person not even having normal mana a

it's been 29 years since the tribe was made he will have another Hunt the weekend but after observe the animals

that are stronger than normal and he found something its a weird filing like its cold and making him feel better

after that he can sense a blue mist one week later he hunted animals that has the same blue mist than he thought to his tribe how to get and use magic energy

in the mountains dwarfs are mining using there innate earth magic making home of houls and hunting animals that call the high mountain home thay are big lizards

but by using there innate earth magic thay can make traps in the house/work shop three dwarfs are making tools to fight harder and make pieaxe to mine faster


hmm looks like the giving the Elf more power over magic and dwarfs has more a creative mindset than the elf

........hey guys there's going to be a time skip up until the first monsters yeah

I'll make it so that I'll flip a coin

head = Zergs

tails =Monsters

yeah its R N G ......