

in a world where magic is essential. Elza The princesses of Estrella's kingdom don't have magic powers. Everything changes when the spirit of herself in another universe gets transported to her body. that turned out to be the strongest mage warrior on her world.

reno_wpu · Fantaisie
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7 Chs



*trembles *trembles the white sphere shaking heavily. An image suddenly appeared from the white sphere, an image of my other self-training magic in the middle of the night in the garden. I watch from the flower field realm. Second by second, minute after minute, until 30 minutes passed by she still can't use any magic.

"ah… pathethic, even though I am a spirit I am still living inside my body, there must be a way to contact her from within."

I sat down, close my eyes, focusing all of my mana.

*sazinaties *sazinaties *sazinaties!

The other Elza in the real world complaining due to her magic doesn't come out. She trying to do a wind magic, that the other Elza used during the fight with Zinnia.

*gasp *gasp *gasp "I still can't use any magic does that mean all of this is an illusion?"

"it was me who was doing it." Said other Elza telepathically.

"who said that?! A-are you a ghost? Real-world Elza screams out loud."


With magic other Elza sucked real-world Elza spirits into the subconscious flower field realm. Her real body fainted out to the ground finally, both of them meet each other.

She looked at me seriously, I was surprised that something like this could happen to me. is as if I am looking in the mirror. The more I looked at her, the more I realize she is me. but… more beautiful, elegant, and classy, due to that she seems older than me.

She touches my head with her two hands. her pupil went into full white color and I was shown a little bit of her memory. What I saw is she experimented a time travel magic but, it didn't work instead she was thrown into another universe. The incident that, brought her to today's circumstances.

"y-you are me but in another universe."

meanwhile, in Una room, she tries to sleep but she can't. she supine facing upward, wondering about elza during the fight with zinnia.

"I've wondered is that really elza?"

back at the flower field subconscious realm. While the two Elza having a nice conversation, the white sphere acts strangely and immediately sucked the real-world Elza back into reality.

"wake up my lady, wake up my lady, you are not supposed to sleep in the garden. Lady una is waiting for you." Fern woke me up unexpectedly.

Immediately I get up.

"Come with me!" while grabbing Una's hand.

"my lady, where are you going? Your entrance ceremony is scheduled for tomorrow."

"Don't worry about me, I'll be on time tomorrow." As I run away toward a nearby field

una and I am finally alone together, I look around to make sure that no people surrounding us.

"what's going on? Una asked with curiosity."

I look una in the eyes,

"I'll show you something, but don't tell anybody. This will change everything we know about magic. You have a spell to make me sleep right, now go on make me sleep?"


"just do as I said."

Una takes a deep breath and *somnum*. Just like that, I fall asleep. A moment later the other me takes control of my body. A cold sweat comes out from una body. She takes a step back and senses something strange about me. The other me gently hold una hand and then hugged her.

"even though you're different, definitely you are una.

"Who are you?!" Una pushes my body back.

"look with your other eyes."

"how do you know about my other eyes? I'd never told you about it. who are you exactly, you're not Elza don't you?" asked her to me with surprise.

"it is me." while I slowly approach una.

Then, the other me touches una head, showing her everything. after witnessing una shocked a little bit, she breath gasping. The other me patted una back to calm her.

"is such magic exist?" with una gasping a lot.

"in my world yes, I don't know in here. You can try your other eyes."

"in your world, do I regularly use my other eyes?

"your other eyes countless times saving my life. With that, you can detect a person in disguise by seeing their mana flow & color."

"…actually, I can't control it yet. I almost killed someone.

"I know, your eyes also have the power to disrupt mana flow inside a person's body right? Don't worry with my magic I'll protect you."

Una closes her eyes and inhales the air deeply. She slowly opened her eyes, and at the same tempo the other me cast a spell *of protection*.

Then, we see una eyes were changed. Her eyes color blue-white, and the pupils turned into the shape of a crescent moon. With that, una can see elza mana flow inside her body.

"Elza that I know doesn't have mana flow 'cause she can't do magic. But, now you have a mana flow inside you body."

"do you believe in me now?"

time passes quickly and it's already morning. Finally, its time, We both enter the carriage and go toward the academy.

"do you bring the sleeping pill?

"hey, even though it's yourself who did the exam later on. but isn't that considered cheating?

"xixixi hey, I am not the one who asked for this to happen. And besides this is the only way to help the other me back in her world."

"did you mean the student exchange program?

"yeah if we can enter the program we have free access to another kingdom library. If there's any chance for multi-dimension magic it has to be in another kingdom."

"well, you need to be the greatest in the academy first."

"hoohh are you underestimating me una?

frontally answered by Una. "yes, not the other you inside but, the real you."

"hiks sometimes your word is harsh."

Forgetting the conversations, I looked at the carriage window with a big smile. As we continue our journey to the academy.

From here I am afraid about the pacing. tell me about it, is it enough or a little too fast?.

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