
My orange glove

Pef find himself in a new life, where Qi is real and people can fly.

Pef_ · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
80 Chs


Pef woke up much later, hugged between the glorious airbags of his virgin wife, and poked them curious.

Still hard as steel. Much harder. Damn it!

"Hey husband, congratulations." she murmured in a not very pleased tone.

Pef tested his senses, feeling his domain had expanded to 200 meters, while his soul scanning went on for 50 kilometers now, encompassing the entire volcano and the locals inside.

Various formations became more clear and comprehensible, not exactly how to copy them, but their functions and triggers.

A few could even be deactivated, but he refrained since he was a guest.

Scanning more, he found Saren and his wife, still groggy and trying to compress the white pill, while the two Fire Sovereigns had already finished, just like Lady Yuan.

Jian and Qin still had more to go, in the room next door.

"Why I am not strong enough? I am certain I got my Sovereign rank..." Pef mused while trying to paw and mold his wife's body, with no result.

"And you did, my amazing young husband. But...I have also ascended a rank..." Yuan whispered in a bothered voice.

Pef backed up a bit, to confirm with his senses, then leaned closer to wipe a tear from her face.

'Monarch rank, very early bonuses, extra speed and strength, durability and soul purity. Resilience exceeds the neo knife's not activated penetration, due to entangled soul and qi. Tears contain antimicrobial antibodies.' the glove said in a fast exposition manner.

'So it's a skill, after all. And curiously appropriate, for a planet called Lacrima, in the Golden Tear galaxy, in a Tear universe with some number.' Pef realized after a few seconds of going over the new facts.

'It's a clue, Aspirant. While the Legion's standard indoctrination method would protect the recruits from most naturally occurring toxins or microbes, this skill is intended to combat biological weapons and protein-built nano weapons. Maintain contact while the system updates.' the glove demanded in a stern tone.

Pef held his gloved hand on Yuan's cheek, gently caressing her hair with his left hand.

"That's great, my lovely firebird. You almost died a week ago. Now I don't have to worry I will lose you." he whispered in a gentle voice.

"That was kinda scary...damn pigeon. My ancestors would kick me out of heaven, if I came to them with such a resume."

Yuan said in a calmer manner, quieting her sobs.

"And we can still experiment, if you get too lonely. My brain works in strange ways..." Pef said proudly.

Yuan chuckled a bit, and leaned her face in his palm. "I think I have this ..."

"Don't say it. My glove is reading the details now, better than you can figure on your own. When is ready, you'll get a thoughtform with the knowledge you need." Pef said fast, climbing back in the bed and hugging the wife to his chest.

The glove took its time, scanning and memorizing every single cure and treatment encoded in these tears, testing them against virtual opponents, and then finally incorporating them into the Awakening.

It was worrisome, because if the cure existed, then someone else had the weapons. And had possibly used them before.

Someone who was not a paleontological mamifer or insect, ascended to divinity of a primitive world.

A few hours later, Jian and Qin woke up and came into the room, then piled atop of them.

"Not fair! They both ascended, but we didn't." The red haired wife complained, poking Pef in the face.

"Don't worry, love. We'll do our thing, more practice, more combat and more love, and all of you will ascend. I know, cultivation is hard and painful, but so am I!" Pef yelled proudly.

The women giggled and checked, but it was true. Cultivation was hard indeed.

Then Saren knocked on their door, and said people wanted to see them.

Soon, they found themselves in front of the Fire Circle, three Fire Sovereigns, Saren Xi now among them, and a throng of Tyrants, most of them ranked by Pef and his weird ways.

"Pef Xi, I've been told you were Ignited by god. Your uncle Saren saw the holy flame, as did Ardent Teria." the Lord Sovereign asked in a worried voice.

Pef scratched his cheek and shrugged. "Oh the cute sprite? I gave it to Lady Yuan when she was injured. And see, now she's a Monarch!" he replied truthfully. That blessing was the most probable explanation, since he hadn't used his lovemaking on the virgin wife.

Yuan nodded a bit confused, then held both palms out and produced two fire sprites.

The Fire Circle became silent and a bit confused. Saren held a White pill up, a single remaining pill, in his view.

"There's a pill left, if you have someone special to give it..." he asked in a grateful tone. Teria was now near the peak of Tyrant, and he had crossed in Sovereign, so he felt a debt to his nephew, not to mention the time he made the Black pills.

Pef looked around and picked a Fire Tyrant woman close to her peak. "That lady over there. If she gives me a hug."

The string around his left hand broke and fell to the floor, due to some coincidence. Lady Ignited snorted out loud, and vaporized the red string with a flash of her eyes.

"What say you, Ardent Hestia? A hug or not a hug?" she asked in a loud voice.

The 23 thousands years old woman gulped in a bit of panic, fearing whatever things she heard about Xi men and their devil ways. Then she eyed the precious pill, which might save her 300 thousands years of refining fire qi for her god, till the next rank. "Just a hug, nothing else?" she asked in a wary tone.

Pef shook his head and sat cross-legged in midair, since it looked cool and wise.

"I changed my mind. That young lady over there!" he demanded like a king, pointing at a newly raised Tyrant woman, during the Phobia siege.

She was possibly 3000 years old or more, not exactly young, but as a former Sky ranker, she kinda loved her Tyrant strength. And now she had another chance, and wouldn't throw it away!

She blinked once, then ran forward and jumped in his lap, hugging him tightly. "Thank you, Lord Pef. If there's anything you want from me, just nod." she whispered after a dozen seconds of hug, then jumped away and went to collect her hard-earned White pill.

A second later, she leaned against a wall and exploded in bright white light.

"Was there something more, Lord Sovereign?" Pef asked calmly, looking over the assembly like he owned the place.

"Errr, perhaps Ardent Hestia was a bit hasty and judged you poorly, Lord Pef. We would have been much stronger with another Sovereign amongst us. Anyway, do you intend to continue your attacks on the Phobia's perimeter?" the old Sovereign asked with crafty eyes.

"Indeed I do. See, my mother was murdered by the disciples of Arachne. And when I exterminated them on my home continent, I grew to enjoy eating spider meat. But sadly, I cooked them all already, so I need to resupply. Do you want me to upgrade more disciples, Lord Sovereign?" he asked rhetorically.

The man just nodded in agreement. Free offered help and lots of new Tyrants? Who would be stupid to refuse?

"I'll join you on the siege then, nephew. My powers are much stronger now, even greater than yours." Saren Xi added to this, a Sovereign ranked sword appearing in his hand, then glowing bright with sword qi.

Pef smiled mysteriously, and shook his head. "I'm afraid not, esteemed alchemist uncle. I need you to refine more White pills. You'll be busy this month."

Lady Yuan snorted amused, as her husband was playing the circle at this young age, and will soon have most of them in their pocket, as he continued to increase the numbers of Tyrant and Sovereigns, and then conquer their stomachs with feasts of spider meat.

"Let's adjourn for today. Our new Tyrants need to forge new armor, and we have plenty of bones. I'll craft weapons from some pigeon feathers myself, as I can testify they are very sharp and durable." the Fire Monarch said in a final tone, making the Tyrants scatter in seconds.

The Lord Sovereign rose a finger, then glanced at his colleague who shook his head gently.

"I assume the four of you will depart, after the siege is won?" the other Sovereign asked in a knowing voice.

"We will, my Lord. To Blue Xi and then back home. The Patriarch has promised to teach me the sword, but I was too young and weak 5 years ago. Gotta milk the old guy before he dies, since he kinda invented sword qi." Pef said in a light voice, then stood up, and clapped his hands.

Another storage ring appeared, with ingredients for 50 more White pills.

He dropped it into his uncle hand and walked away, using his feet since it felt good.

Jian and Qin waited by the door, and they descended the long stairs to the great disciple hall. Ten more Sky ranks were waiting there, a bit scared, but hopeful for a fast promotion.

Pef shook their hands, delaying the Awakening until they were in combat.

New ranks didn't come free after all. They would have a short Awakening, like a fast patch over their old method, fixing some flaws and allowing combat and love to influence cultivation, and a minimal vaccination and mental indoctrination.

Pretty much like all the Xi Emperors did, when they took the glove and control over a province.

'It is a bit risky, Aspirant. Their Sovereigns might notice before we leave.' the glove said as warning.

'They do notice something, but don't know what it is. They would have little knowledge of the lower ranks, and after they become Tyrants, it's normal some will be different.' Pef said carelessly, as the wives and the new recruits entered the flying airship.

Then Yuan began pushing from behind, and the airship reached the foggy perimeter around Phobia in one hour instead of three.

'My Anaconda is fine!' the hero observed after a quick damage check.

'Of course it is! Mach 4 is nothing, damn moron recruit. Your airship can take gigatonnes of explosives with barely a bump!'

the glave replied annoyed.

Once qi imbued materials were in play, speed and friction stopped to matter almost, and ceased to matter completely at Monarch rank. A strong soul wouldn't care about natural laws!

'Oh! I really need to make that Monarch eel into a ship then.' the Aspirant deduced in some strange leap of logic.

'Correct! It would be suited for traversing intergalactic space. Now start chopping off more spiders...'the system said in a despondent sigh.

Fire Monarch Yuan dove inside the fog array and went missing for a minute, then came out dragging a large Sovereign spider. Pef glanced towards his wives with a smile, and they began bashing and slicing the immobilized spider, while Pef picked the Fire disciples one by one and entered the formation as well.

This time it was easier to navigate and dismantle simple triggers, and Pef became the hunter. While the poor disciple screamed and clenched the 10-meter feather sword, Pef flew about and sliced around, chopping off trees and spiders and men or rocks without care.

Once the recruit reached the Tyrant rank, about 20 spider kills or so, Pef stopped the Awakening and threw him upwards to fly out on his own, while dove in to collect the loot.

Two hours later, the new Tyrant recruits gathered inside the airship's nacelle, and were told a simplified story. "There's a huge war coming, my friends. Volcanis needs help, but his disciples are poor warriors. Not anymore!

From now on, you'll be faster, better, harder and stronger! When you defeat a beast, you will grow! And if you get married and share love with a spouse, your soul will grow too. Defend the innocent and punish bad men, and you'll rarely get sick again. Any questions?"

"Errr. I hurt horribly during the fights..." a shy woman said raising a finger.

"Of course you felt some pain. All of you were hurt, more or less. I channeled the Holy General through my soul, and through you, to the weapon. You think cultivation is easy or sweet? Well it can be, if you go very slowly and waste thousands of years. But for fast results, it hurts! Look at me, 23 years old and a Sovereign. It was hard! And painful! Other questions?"

Pef demanded in fake outrage.

"Can I keep that feather?" the bald and younger man asked bravely.

"That one, no. Because the Lady Ignited made it for me. But, she has a thousand more, just like it. Ask nicely." the young Sovereign explained with a smile.

The new recruits smiled widely. The feather had sliced those horrible spiders like wax.

Pef stepped outside and looked towards his wives. They were down to the last leg, but couldn't crack the Sovereign spider shell. He called out his knife, and kissed it sweetly.

'Want to go help my weak wives kill that big spider? Do you?'

The knife kinda would have preferred to be used by user though. It sliced a finger in denial.

'My Monarch wife could use a leg shaving blade though. If my loyal knife is too scared of a big spider, then it can serve another way, right?' Pef asked wryly and let the knife float in midair.

It kinda is shameful to shave legs though. And a Monarch leg would have entangled hair! That hurt a lot. After a few seconds of indecision, it kissed the user back on the lip, and flew to kill the big spider. It could chew that soft shell anyway and it didn't hurt.

Qin saw the knife fly into her hand and looked up at her husband. He gave her the neo knife?

Probably just to go back sooner, since he was bored.

"Hey puppy! Let's go shred this ugly queen, shall we?" the red-headed Fire Tyrant said in a baby voice. Then she jumped in and began butchering the poor beast slicing off a set of armor already cut to size, then slices of meat for grill. Then slightly thicker slabs for steak.

It took an hour for the poor spider queen to die, its meat and bones already cut and prepared for cooking or forging inside Qin's rings.

Jian and Yuan could only stare in some discomfort, as Qin called out each hit and what she would use that bit for.

Then again, these spider queens were crafting murderous artifacts and injecting babies with spider eggs. Revenge could be made hot and delicious, in this case.