
My Only Piece of Candy

KorolevaDeath · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


I try to remember, racking my brain to figure out what I'm missing. I start pulling my hair. What was so important? I thought. I growl at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. The bathroom was pale blue with accents of light yellow. It was big enough for someone to live in. With it's separate bathtub and shower, both big enough to fit several people. I sighed and opened the mirror cabinet. All of the rows were filled with some kind of pill bottle. / grabbed the one for my amnesia and took a pill.

"Jake, are you alright up there?" My mom called out from downstairs.

"Yes, mom I'm fine," I called to her. I sighed again and left my room, going down stairs. When mom saw me she instantly pounced, trapping me in a bear hug. "Mom," I groan, "let go."

"Fine," she said pouting, but released me. "Did you remember to take your amnesia pills."


"Your-" she was cut off by a creature lunging into her.

"Mom," I yelled but it was hopeless because my mouth was covered before I had a chance to finish.

Mom's terrified screams filled the quiet space as well as a horridly inhumane noise.

I continued screaming and yelling, it was muffled by the cloth on my mouth.

"Hush boy." The voice came from behind me. I assumed it was the person holding the cloth. It snapped its fingers and suddenly the sounds stopped and the screaming died down.

The cloth was removed from my mouth.

"Mom," I said weakly. My voice was trembling, as was the rest of my body. I'm only six, I chanted in my head when mother didn't answer or get up. My face felt hot and wet all of a sudden.

"There's no need to cry, little one," mommy said meekly.

It wasn't till then I realized I've been crying this whole time. "Mommy," I say, running over towards mommy only to be yanked back.

"None of that now," the voice said. It was female. She handled me roughly, tossing me to the floor. Then proceeded to grab me by the hair and yank me into a chair, tying my arms and legs to it. "Now be a good boy and shut up," the last part she yelled. Then she sneered at me and walked to my mom. She was wearing a strapless tank top and a pencil skirt with stilettos. She then commenced in grabbing a handful of mom's hair and dragged her until they were a couple feet in front of me.


It didn't matter how much I screamed for her and her creature to stop. She eventually found out where dad was hiding and begin torturing him in front of me and mom. We were both screaming for her to stop during that torturous hour. Then it was my turn. She tortured me for thirty minutes, it mostly consist of hitting me with a baseball bat. / thought it was the most painful thing ever. Until after she finished torturing and finally murdering my mother, she went back to torturing me. It was an hour and thirty minutes this time. I've never felt pain like I did in that second session of torture. She used knives, dull and sharp, swords, whips, chains, needles, anything sharp and pointy, anything that would make me cry out in pain, and desperation, and help I knew I wasn't going to get, and last but not least anything that would ruin the life that I lived after her torture. She finished torturing and killing father, leaving only me still alive and tied to the chair.

I trembled in fear as she came upon me, only looking up when I realize the new wave of pain never came. She smirked at me. "How does it feel to have nothing?" And then commenced the final round of torture.

Two hours later...

I woke to sirens and bright lights. All I remember after that is been untied from the chair and being carried away. I looked over the person's shoulder to see the horrendous lifeless corpses that were once my cheerfully happy parents. Everything after that was black.