
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantaisie
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62 Chs

chapter 51- Fire and ice 1

She didn't want to do this but they left her with no other choice, placed her hand on the man's arm.

The man felt like a bucket of ice was on his arm and tried to pull it away from but she held on tight. He let out a loud scream when he felt His hand had began to freeze and called the other one to help him free his hand.

The other not knowing what was going on asked the blonde what the matter was.

"Ah , help me sh-she's." He stammered.

"She's what?" The other questioned.

But before they knew what was happening they saw the blonde arm was slowly turning being cover with ice until it reached his elbow , as he hand became frozen and stiff.

Leyla angrily loosened the mans grip by pulling at his froze hand and broke it into pieces.

The man dreamed loud scream and dropped to the floor holding what was left of his hand , there was no blood coming out of from his half hand, as his blood had already congealed . Leyla stood in front of him.

She kept looking at him with a death stare. She was beyond pissed and these low lives have just awakened the demon in her. And they would surely regret ever crossing her.

She placed her palm on the blonde's forehead ,the man tried to pull her hand away with his other good hand but before he could touch her. She caught his wrist and squeezed it tight. The cracking of bones was heard loud and clear, the blonde screamed the more and begged for mercy." Please don't kill me milady, I didn't know what had come over me. It was like as if I was possessed by demons." He cried out loud

" I warned you and I even begged you but you didn't listen to reason ,now tell me why you want me to have pity on you?" Her voice was cold and had no emotions.

The other who had been dazed and shocked at the woman , suddenly came back to his senses and wanted to lash out and save his friend.

But was stopped by the cold and deadly voice of Leyla. "If i were you I won't come close." She looked at him and the man stood there looking at her with panic in His eyes .Her face was cold and held nothing but death.

The blonde was defenseless as his two hands were utterly useless , he could fell the cold rush into his body. And his head was hurting badly from the cold he couldn't move his body as it had seemed like something was glued him to the ground; he closed his eyes as he felt his brain go dead. Not a minute had passed before he dropped dead.

The other man on seeing what had happened took to His heels and tried to escape before he turned into the next Victim and had His brain froze by the ice witch. He didn't run far when he slipped and fell he looked behind him to see the cause of his fall was because of ice he had slipped on.

He got up abruptly and turned to run when he came face to face with Leyla. Her dark red eyes held no emotion and only death and this terrified him.

She walked close to him and he took a step back , she continued walking towards him until his back hit a wall. "Please miss." He begged looking at the pure blooded vampire in front of him." Have mercy on me." He pleaded.

Leyla stopped at her track and smiled. "I will think about it but first you have to answer my questions." She said.

The man nodded like am obedient child." Yes anything Milady. " He answered.

"Good." She replied." It is obvious that you were sent here by someone. "The man looked shocked to the wits." The way you and your brother are dressed makes you looks a lot like the gentlemen in our society; but I knew you two are just average with the way you two were walking and doing it was easy to know that the clothes are borrowed , and that the two of you would never have come here not to dear talk of trying to harass a vampire who is far above your statues. " she paused a little before continuing. "So I want to know who sent you here and if you dear lie to me believe me when I tell you that your death would be far worst than your brothers'." She added." Now talk."

"Well you see..."

As the man was busy explaining himself to Leyla two figures stood in the shadows watching them." Didn't I tell you that the library wasn't safe." Steven said.

"Indeed." Alex replied dryly." But again nothing was going to happen to her , she's a strong one and hides it very well from us and the rest of the family." He smiled devilishly. "But who can hide things from me in the castle?" He added.

Steven looked at Leyla's face as it turned cold and bitter "Should we go out to help her?" He asked." She looks rather disappointed and unhappy about what the man said to her."

"There is no need for that Steve." Alex replied. "Knowing my sister it would be long before she's snaps the man's head off his body ." As if on cue Leyla reached the mans head and ripped the mans head from his body and threw it on the floor before walking out of the room. "How can her grown be spotless after ripping off a persons head?" Alex said and was rewarded with a chuckle from Steven. Then Alex remembered. "My father told me that Daniel was with her."

Steven face was still as composed as ever." Maybe she gave him the slip."

"Or maybe he let her go on purpose." Alex frowned. "Steven I think you should keep a close eye on him. I don't trust him." He placed his hand on Steven shoulder and they both disappeared from the library and appeared in Alex room in the castle.

"Tell Walter to prepare some blood for me I am famished." He ordered Steven who bowed immediately and left.

When the time for dinner had arrived everyone was present in the dinning room.

"Bother I think we should hire some people from the theater to perform a play for us at your anniversary party." Ruth suggested.

"That would be lovely, I will ask Walter to get the things arranged for them." He said.

Reina listened to the conversion that was going on around and sometimes added a thing or two , she just finished eating her place that was filled with vegetables when Alex place a large chunk of roasted pork in her plate.

She glared silently at him." Your Highness there is no need for the extra food , I can't eat anymore because I am full. "She whispered to his ears for only him to hear but it was pointless as the others could hear her because of their vampire ears.

"You have to eat some meat kitten, you look like a stick." He replied grinning.