

" Who do you think you are? Daring to enter my office like that? " A soft profound voice inquired as she turned out to look at the direction in which a young man in his late thirties made his way in from the main entrance of the chamber. " I am the Devil and I don't need to ask for permission when I make an entry in my premises. " A deep voice stated as he sat on the chair in the last had vacated a while ago by the curvy lady who stood by the window sipping down her booze

RoseNdungu · Urbain
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14 Chs

The Mansion

" I am done Can we go now? " Ariana inquired as she took her suitcase from her apartment to the man who stood in front of her apartment door.

" Here this way, I will help you with the suitcase. "Simon stated as he unfurled the door to the back of the Range Rover seat after he stopped a few meters away from Ariana's apartment small compound.

" Thank you. " Ariana stated as she climbed up lazily and made herself comfortable.

" It's okay ma'am, " Simon stated as he was about to latch the door after her when she halted him halfway

" Wait... " Ariana stated as she reached for something on her pulse

"Yes, " Simon inquired abruptly.

" Here is your phone and mine, I might forget. " Ariana stated as she handed him the phones and cables.

" Okay, Let me charge them. " Simon stated as he latched the back door unfurled the door to the co-driver seat and placed the two phones before connecting the phones. He latched the door before he placed the suitcase on the cat boot before he ascended into the driver's seat and the engine started. Ariana had already napped off when they departed there and she didn't know for how long she had napped off and the next thing that woke her up was the soft pat on her shoulder.

" Ma'am we are here." A deep voice

" What, " Ariana inquired lazily.

" We made it to the mansion and here is Monica, She will help you inside. " Simon stated

" Okay, Are you not coming in? " Ariana inquired as she descended from the vehicle with her purse in her hand.

" Not tonight ma'am, I will see you in the morning. I am in a bit of a rush. Have a wonderful night and don't worry you are in good hands. " Simon stated as he latched the back door of the vehicle

" Monica, Take care of ma'am," Simon stated before he drove off at a hysterical speed.

" Why was he in such a rush? " Ariana inquired confused as she murmured to herself

" It's a cold night, Let me show you inside as you grab something warm. " Monica stated

" Oooh my God, What the F**k! " Ariana cursed as if she had seen a ghost as she held her chest.

" Are you okay, ma'am? " Monica who was one step in front stepped back as she inquired with an astonished voice.

" It's just my phone and my suitcase just left with Simon, How could I have forgotten? " Ariana stated

" There is nothing to worry about there ma'am but I am worried that you might catch a cold and my boss won't like... "Monica who was about to finish her statement was cut short by the continuous sneeze from Ariana

"Oooh my good ease don't catch a flue, not today, Please let go inside. " Monica stated pleadingly as she helped her climb the short stairs before the wooden door unfurled and the massive sitting area that was covered with luxurious seats that were exposed by the chandelier came to the limelight.

"This way ma'am, let me show you your room as you refreshed up before the food is warmed up. " Monica stated after she latched the door behind her before they walked through the hallway that was next to the Living chamber and a separate hallway that led to the staircases.

" Hey, Monica could I ask you something? " Ariana inquired in a low tone as she followed Monica from behind.

" Yes, You can ask me anything. " Monica stated before the two finished the staircases that were tiring since Ariana had started to breathe heavily.

" Is you... Your b.... boss here? "Ariana inquired as she tried to collect her breath she supported herself with the stairway beam.

" No, Sir left hours ago? " Monica stated

" Did he say where to? "Ariana inquired

" No, he didn't but he doesn't seem to come back describing the time it is. " Monica stated

" Maybe, Simon went to pick him up that's why he left in a hurry. " Ariana stated

" I don't think so ma'am Since he left with his driver, Come let me show you your room, I hope you will love the decorations made. " Monica stated as she started to amble through the hallway before she latched on a chamber that was unfurled.

" Welcome ma'am, here is your room, and here is your closet and this is the bathroom with a separate toilet and the balcony is on the other side of that window near the bed. Excuse me I will leave you to reckon in the room and you can let me know if you need any changes done, Ma'am in the morning. " Monica stated as she latched the door behind her.

" Okay thank you. " Ariana stated

" Oooh my God, what... Aah, this is splendid. " Ariana yelled in the room as she jumped won't the bed before she changed into her towel to enter the bathroom to take a shower.