
My novel I didn't want to experience

It is unrealistic that this happened. Why did it have to be this six-and-a-half story? Reincarnate or something, should I drag my lazy body around to spy on the other characters in a story I made myself? What's next? Steal the benefits of knowing about the uncertain future? Confiscate the protagonist's cheating objects, because they are mine, because I am the shameless author of the story? Training to become strong, to beat the villains and the protagonist just for fun? Sneak up on dangerous characters and plan how to eliminate them. Who said I need to do this? A story of a passive author who transmigrated into his story, who causes ruin just by his presence.

Sivi_i · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

White and Black (2-10)

The Overlord's fallen body lay still. Pulling out his hand, the reincarnation fragment looked at the lords' frightened eyes. It was unexpected for a millennia-old dragon to die from a simple attack. If it was another being that had pierced the Overlord's body, he might still survive.

However, it is a reincarnation fragment that killed the Overlord. She was angry at being used by this despicable being. Njaikr Oarsoin, the fragment of reincarnation, would do what he hated most, hoping to irritate Alexander, however, something changed in her body.

"Aghr! That's enough!"

She placed her hand on her head realizing the memories of Alexander's interference in the past.

"No, that can't be possible..."

* * *

Jin, inside a trash can, he pondered about life.

"What the hell! What am I doing?"

He was angry with Night Pigeon and was now hiding from the possessed Night Pigeon. He could only watch others fighting without being able to interfere. Lyu said that the enemy was very difficult to deal with with his current capabilities.

"Should I use my strongest status?"

[It's a bad idea, don't you see? He can regenerate from attacks that I can't understand... It seems like he's out of logic here... he should die like yours...]



[[I can split the two.]]


[No! not!]

Lyu rejected Ancele's idea of ​​doing something, but Jin wasn't bothered by his demands.

"Shut up, Lyu. Explain your plan, Ancele."

[[I can see that there are two individuals in that body. The first is Night Pigeon and the other is that woman who is controlling him. It's just my guess, but Night Pigeon's hand is still his hand, and the rest of the body is that of the woman who is gradually consuming Night Pigeon's body. If we split the hand part, there is a possibility that Night Pigeon will return.]]

"You're quite observant. So, you want control of my body, don't you?"

[[I can only use <Essence Slash> completely this way. Well, most of my skills and masteries require me to be possessing a body.]]

[A controlled beating a possessed… this fight is very original… But did you forget when Ancele possessed his body for a week? She almost killed someone because of your foolishness in allowing her to control your body, Jin.]

[[Aaah! I apologize for my mistake. It will never happen again. I promise, Jin.]]

"Shut up, Lyu. Ancele is the only one who can save(?) that guy. Let's trust her once again. So how do we get closer to him without him noticing?"

* * *

Standing up, Abeth with blurred vision looked at the body that was Alexander's.

What happened here?

Thoughts were still gathering in Abeth's body which had her body destroyed, but as the wielder of chaos power, death for her was null and void. She didn't understand what happened to Alexander's sudden change in appearance.

"Are you awake? It looks like we're in a sticky situation."

"You, Ka?"

"Yeah, my name is Ka. The one without a head is Hesa."

Abeth watched the lords fight against Alexander, or what was left of him. It didn't take long for everyone to die, but again they revived.

The first known magic.


A simple magic, but it required an absurd amount of mana to use. The only ones who use this magic are scale 10 dragons. Scale 10 dragons are 10000 years old. Dragon magic is the 3rd magic cataloged out of the 78 types of magic existing only in Recta.

Dragon magic is simple and objective, but the obstacle to this magic is its requirement for a lot of mana.

Yhichivai, the Overlord of Losho was a dragon who could use this spell very well and could even use it on other living beings.

On the other hand, someone was doubting his current capabilities.

* * *

That disgusting worm called a Tyrant without tyranny, disturber of the law, clueless idiot, motherless son, soul full of curses, vagabond, robot, Nadabata, and thief of other people's experiences.

"If it weren't for him…"

Njaikr looked at the Lords who once again came to life because of the fire lizard – furious dragon – who wanted to kill her.

"I can't win, it's a fact."

"So you finally realize you don't stand a chance against me?"

Spoke the Overlord who again cast another spell. She was casting all the most brutal spells at Njaikr, but it was completely nullified. When Njaikr realized that her body was rotting quickly. It was a measure by Alexander to prevent a fragment from living too long.

Looking seriously at everyone, Njaikr said, "This is the time to use the greater technique."

Everyone became a little serious. If she was just messing with everyone, then this was the end for everyone.

Njaikr fled.

Yes, she ran away.

Exactly, she ran into the stampede. She ran away so as not to fight.


She moved away from the enemies. Not that we are idiots, but the action taken as 'the greater technique' was something like a strategic retreat.

Everyone was shocked by surprise, who would have thought that a fragment of Alexander would make such a move? Everyone was now running after her, but for some reason, she disappeared. As if everyone's senses were failing.

But before he could leave Losho, Crow cast a unique spell.

<Unlimited Barrier>

Nothing could come out of Prottochenye. It was the strongest magic, and many eccentric wizards and sorcerers struggled to decide if the unique spells were some kind of magic or force majeure power.

In the meantime, Ka, Abeth Hesa, the Overlord, and the Lords worked together to find Njaikr who disappeared.

The fight became a hunt for the escaped fragment. It shouldn't have been like she was leaving. Something greater was blinding everyone inside that dome of stars.

* * *

Minutes before Njaikr fled. She ran into an alley and saw a person sitting on a trash can that had some sounds of someone asking to leave.

-Help! Somebody help me! I can't get out! What a disgrace! Aaaaaaaaaah!!!

"Go to the city sewer. Enter the first hole you see, go straight, turn right, and then left. Go straight until you find an old brick wall. It's a hidden dungeon. You'll be safe inside."

Njaikr was suspicious of the person in white who did not show his face with the white mask on his face.

It was Alexander's work.

"Take off your mask so I can see your face."

–Aaahjjj, damn get off! I'm going to die in here!

The person took off the mask revealing a face that was similar to a human, but it was strange for someone to have such a melancholic and sober face at the same time. The two remained silent and Njaikr continued on his way, following the instructions of the person in white.

–Agh…. I….

The person in white came out of the trash can, which made what was inside come out like lightning, falling to the ground on his knees and with his hands on the ground.


Vomiting water onto the ground, Jin didn't notice the person in white. He was seeing everything spinning, it was as if some poison with hallucinogenic effects had infected his body.

Noticing the boots of the person in white. He lifted his head to see the person's face, surprised, he said, "A… Alex?"


Kicking his neck against the ground, the person in white pressed harder.

"Aghhhhhhh! Allll-aaaalxa!"

Trying to resist with your strength. Jin pulled the person's clothes with his hand. Taking his foot off Jin who was having trouble breathing.

Jin looked at the person who bore a resemblance to Alexander.




"Alex, you.…"

Holding the person in white, Jin looked at the man with teary eyes.

"No. You displease me. Your existence is useless to Alexander... Why don't you stop seeing him?"

"I… aren't you Alexander?"

"Yes, I am Alexander. However, not that Alexander with the detached personality."

While crouching down, the person in white clumsily wiped the tears from Jin's face, who didn't understand this [whips first and then gives the carrot to the horse].


Slapping the person in white's hand, Jin looked at him angrily.

"You may even be my boyfriend, but I don't allow this horrible action of yours."

"It's nothing. I just wanted to see you a little fragile. You know. When something is really cute I want to crush it with a lot of affection, but I lost control here, I'm sorry…"


"Don't misunderstand. Anyway, I'll give you one piece of advice. Don't trust Alexander, he's not a good person to have around."

The white figure disappeared as if it had never existed, Jin thought maybe it was a hallucination. The pain in his neck was gone, and his clothes weren't wrinkled or dirty with trash. As if he had never been stuck in the trash can moving around and getting his clothes dirty.

Neither Lyu nor Ancele remembered the person in white as if Jin was the only one who saw the person in white.