
My Ninja System War Love Revenge

This story is about the struggle of a 17 year old boy named Kevin, who is a part of a world of ruthless ninjas, where the weak had no right to live, always grew up with loneliness. At the age of 17, Kevin headed towards the gallows. Because he didn't have any ninja powers. But that day a mysterious incident happened which changed the entire Ninja society and a new sun rose in Kevin's life, when the Ninja System was installed in his body. What happened that day? What is the secret of Ninja system? Who is Kevin? What happened to his parents? Read this amazing story full of action and adventure Ninja System war love revenge.

Mister_legend01 · Fantaisie
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wind knife

"Wind Knife Activated"Kevin said

Kevin moved both his hands forward and 10 air energy sharp knives came out simultaneously from both of Kevin's hands and hit the dragon with fire. Even though the air knives should not have made any difference to the dragon, but due to the speed and ability. Both the wings of that dragon were cut off and both its wings were cut off and appeared like burning fire on the ground.

The prince said, "This boy cut off my dragon's wings but how come he is a wind style user and wind cannot extinguish fire so easily and he is making air knives, it is really quite strange."

The fire dragon had reached close to Kevin. Before he could attack Kevin, Kevin bent down and the dragon passed over him. Kevin turned and again threw 10 air energy knives simultaneously. 10 knives hit. After this, Kevin threw the air knives twice more. Due to the continuous blows of the knives, the fire dragon got divided into many parts and its cut parts started appearing like burning fire on the ground. The Prince was blown away when he saw that Kevin had defeated the dragon.

The Prince put both his hands forward and said, "You survived this attack but now how will you survive this" shadow tornado ".

Kevin started getting scared after hearing the words coming out of the Prince's mouth. Kevin did not know whether he would be able to stop Shadow's Tornado or not, but if he too gets trapped inside it like Red, then he will also face the same fate as Red. That knife of air is completely useless against the shadow whirlwind, the system itself had confirmed this, due to which Kevin became more afraid.

An idea came to Kevin's mind and Kevin said to the system, "System, I don't care if you are a human or a soul, but I want to know if I can exchange my soul with another soul like before."

system voice robotics,"The system informs the user that the user currently has only one soul which the user can exchange with his soul for 5 minutes. As the user's power and level increases, new skills and new souls will be available. Will be unlocked, user can use soul' exchange ninja technique, does user want to exchange his soul with martial artist lee yes or no".

Kevin replied yes, and with this Kevin got a strong shock which was the same as before, the color of the pupils of Kevin's eyes changed. Kevin, who was standing bent till now, was now standing straight. Confidence was visible in Kevin's body. Kevin was looking at the whirlwind of shadows coming in front of him but now inside him there was no Kevin but an expert in hand to hand combat. The spirit of warrior Lee had arrived.

The speed of that shadow whirlwind was very fast but Lee's speed was even greater and in the blink of an eye, he cut through the whirlwind and reached close to the Prince and gave a strong kick on the Prince's chest, which the Prince could not even see from that distance. He fell down which he had never imagined. Prince's ribs were broken in one blow. He lost consciousness. Black blood came out of Prince's mouth. Prince could not believe his eyes that where did Kevin suddenly get so much strength from. Actually, the one whose soul was inside him was the old and famous warrior "Lee". Who is considered the fastest ninja in the world.

Lee i.e. Kevin did not stop at this, he kicked the fallen Prince in the stomach like a football and tossed him in the air and himself also jumped in the air with him and while spinning in the air gave a strong kick on his face.

And in the same way, Kevin kept punching and kicking Prince one after the other. Prince was not able to catch his speed. Kevin was punching and kicking him at the speed of the wind. The good thing was that even though Kevin was not in his control, he He was watching everything; he felt as if someone else was controlling his body, like a puppet. And it was a good thing for Kevin.

And finally Kevin used a blow which ended the fight. Kevin straightened his claw and inserted it into the Prince's chest, which tore into the Prince's chest and came out of his back.

"Killer Punch" came Lee's voice.

The Prince said tremblingly, "I.. aha, I made a mistake by underestimating you."

Will Kevin kill Prince?

Is Prince associated with any group of dark forces?

Keep reading to know this amazing action story full of thrill My Ninja System

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