
My Ninja System War Love Revenge

This story is about the struggle of a 17 year old boy named Kevin, who is a part of a world of ruthless ninjas, where the weak had no right to live, always grew up with loneliness. At the age of 17, Kevin headed towards the gallows. Because he didn't have any ninja powers. But that day a mysterious incident happened which changed the entire Ninja society and a new sun rose in Kevin's life, when the Ninja System was installed in his body. What happened that day? What is the secret of Ninja system? Who is Kevin? What happened to his parents? Read this amazing story full of action and adventure Ninja System war love revenge.

Mister_legend01 · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Thunder Throwing Ninja Technique

A young looking man named Shaurya, who was 19 years old, lived in a small village in the Kingdom of Rain, known as Barsat Nagar.

Where the world's most powerful master's academy was built on top of a 1000 feet high mountain, with his hard work he climbed the hill and reached the academy because that was the only way to reach the academy, but due to his coming late, the master adopted Shaurya as his Refused to become a student.

When Master Thomas, the master of the world's most powerful ninja techniques, flatly refused to make Shaurya his student, Shaurya was heartbroken due to disappointment and despair. And while threatening the Master, he tries to commit suicide by jumping down from the mountain, seeing which Master Thomas shouted, "You idiot, such cowards have no place in our academy."

While walking, Master Vikram went to the edge of the mountain and started looking down. He thought that Shaurya would have died after falling directly down, but he was descending after inserting both his pointed daggers inside the mountain. Seeing Shaurya's bravery and speed, Master Vikram was impressed by him. And he moved his hand forward. A white light came out from Master Vikram's hand which looked like a chain. That white light grew rapidly down and caught hold of Shaurya from all sides. Master Vikram used his power to bring Shaurya back up. Pulled him and made him stand in front of him, Mast said looking into Shaurya's eyes

"There is no doubt that you are a brave and sharp minded warrior, we have changed our mind, we will make you our student but you will have to give a test and if you pass that test then you can become our permanent student otherwise You go back. Shaurya became happy after listening to Master Vikram. He was Master Thomas, one of the five great legendary ninja technique masters.

Whose white beard was touching his knees, he wore a white dress and had a white shining sword in his hand which was longer than a normal sword. The master raised both his hands in the air due to which the color of the sky changed and black clouds appeared in the sky. The Master raised his sword and, cutting through the clouds, a lightning line fell on Master Thomas's sword and quickly the Master attacked that lightning line with his sword and threw it in front.

The lightning line hit the rock of another mountain and a deep crack appeared inside the mountain. Master Vikram looked into Shaurya's eyes and said, "So you see, you too have to repeat the same thing if you learn to throw lightning like this." If yes, then you will be considered eligible to become a student.

Seeing this technique and attack of Master Vikram, Shaurya's eyes were wide open but he had no other option. Shaurya agreed. Shaurya did not have any sword yet, so only Shaurya had his two pointed daggers. Master Vikram said something. He went away and threw his sword towards Shorya. And as soon as Shaurya touched the sword, another lightning line, slicing through the clouds, hit the sword and Shaurya got a strong current. Shaurya fell face down on the ground. Master made fun of Shaurya and said, "You are using the sword." Couldn't even catch up and have come to become our student. You have time till sunrise. If you master this ninja technique then you are eligible to become our student. Let's go, Shaurya, keep yourself alive till morning."

Shaurya made himself stand straight and once again raised the sword and again a straight line of lightning cutting through the clouds hit the sword and again a strong current was felt due to which his entire body started burning but after a few minutes Shaurya's skin came back. Starts getting better.

Shaurya has a mysterious power to heal himself due to which he was avoiding these electric currents. If Shaurya's body was like that of a normal human being, he would have been destroyed by now. Shaurya kept himself upright again and again. And while trying to wield the sword, till now he had not been able to hold the sword completely even once, every time the electric shocks were making him fall, but something had happened to him due to which his dedication and passion was so much that He was not ready to accept defeat.

The whole night passed, Shaurya kept practicing, every time he kept getting electric shocks. Till now, Shaurya had endured hundreds of electric shocks but despite that he did not give up. The skin of his body got burnt many times, but he again Also, Shaurya was standing alone on top of that mountain, talking to himself again and again and wondering how he could master the technique.

If I don't do this then Master Thomas will not teach me anything and I will remain weak, I will never be able to meet Ruby, her life is in danger, no matter what happens I will save you Ruby."

And with this the night passed and the first ray of the sun started appearing. Master Thomas came out walking from inside the academy and was shocked to see the sight in front of him. Master Thomas saw that Shorya had a sword in his hand and was constantly looking at him. Power lines are visible but Shaurya was no longer getting electrocuted by this.

Shaurya was completely feeling the electricity on the magical sword of Master Thomas. Shorya quickly swung his sword and attacked the falling lightning. The lightning fell on the mountain in front of him and there was a crack there and the mountain got divided into two pieces.

And there was a blast. Master Thomas, seeing this technique of bravery, said, "Amazing, we I had never imagined that Shaurya would be able to master this technique but he not only mastered this technique but also used it on a very high scale.

Master was completely impressed with Shaurya, he walked towards Shaurya and looking into Shaurya's eyes said, "Shaurya, you are a passionate student and you are the first student who has passed our test. Welcome to our academy." Is .

But before that we have a question, why are you so desperate to become our student, and what is your purpose behind learning magical ninja techniques."

Shaurya said in a heavy voice, "There is someone who has snatched away everything from me and I want to destroy him."

To be continue...