
My Ninja System War Love Revenge

This story is about the struggle of a 17 year old boy named Kevin, who is a part of a world of ruthless ninjas, where the weak had no right to live, always grew up with loneliness. At the age of 17, Kevin headed towards the gallows. Because he didn't have any ninja powers. But that day a mysterious incident happened which changed the entire Ninja society and a new sun rose in Kevin's life, when the Ninja System was installed in his body. What happened that day? What is the secret of Ninja system? Who is Kevin? What happened to his parents? Read this amazing story full of action and adventure Ninja System war love revenge.

Mister_legend01 · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Magical Gate

Kevin said thinking, "Yes, I am scared of him myself but we have no other option, we have to follow him."

On Kevin's insistence, Shoriya started chasing Arbaaz Dewan along with Kevin, both of them were secretly following him and after traveling for a few hours, they found that Arbaaz Dewan stopped in front of a big mountain and he placed both his hands on the mountain. and then shook that mountain with his hands, after which he saw a huge copper-colored door coming out from inside that mountain. There was a digital lock on that door, which opens with a 12-digit password. ".

Arbaaz Diwan looked at the password and said in an angry voice, "Michael, you are a number one idiot, there is a lock here as well, why didn't you tell me about it, now how should I open it, I want Anant Cristel at any cost."

Arbaaz Dewan tried unsuccessfully to reveal his guess to Kevin, who was hiding away and watching Arbaaz Dewan. Before he could say or do anything, the sound of the system came.

System voice"advance level magical ninja code...can crack the system code".

Hearing about the system, a smile appeared on Kevin's face and he got an idea. Kevin told Shaurya about his idea, Kevin got a little surprised, then both of them walked closer to Arbaaz Dewan. Seeing them coming closer, Arbaaz Dewan He hit his fist on the ground, causing the ground to shake like an earthquake.

"I told you, don't follow me, do you both want to die, I will not show mercy" said Arbaaz Diwan.

Kevin said, controlling himself, "But we have come to help you. I know the code, I can open this door."

Arbaaz did not believe Kevin at all at first but when Kevin explained again, Arbaaz became crazy and agreed. Kevin told Arbaaz Dewan that if he failed then he would be ready to die, but if he opened the door Then Arbaaz Jawan will help him in getting out of this unknown and dangerous world. Arbaaz Dewan thought for a while and seeing Kevin's confidence, he said yes.

Kevin said to the system, "System, now tell me what is the code."

Kevin went closer to the door and entered the code in the dial pad. That code was what the system was telling Kevin. As soon as he entered the code, a beep sounded and the door opened and a bright bright light started coming out from inside, which blinded the three of them. It was as if there was darkness in front of him but Arbaaz Dewan could see him even through the light. A special kind of power had come in his eyes. Arbaaz Dewan ignored Kevin and Shaurya and started going inside. When Kevin saw Arbaaz Dewan going, he interrupted him. He said, "Where are you going inside, we had a deal, I opened the door, now tell me how to get out of here, help us get back to Earth."

Arbaaz Dewan said with a scary smile, "It's not a good thing to be so desperate to go back to Earth, you are very amazing, you are definitely not what you seem. It is strange that you have this door code. I must I will keep my promise and send you back to Earth but for now, until I get the thing that I have come here to get, you will stay with me and you too Shorya, do you two have any problem in this?"

Hearing the threat of Arbaaz Dewan, both Shaurya and Kevin became silent. They could not do anything. Arbaaz's scary voice, his angry eyes and hatred were such that anyone would get scared after seeing him. Kevin had no other option then he went to Arbaaz Dewan. He also started walking and if he doesn't do it then Arbaaz will take no time in eliminating both of them.

Shaurya was looking at that door very carefully, he probably knew something about the door and when he remembered, Shaurya's face turned pale and his hair stood on end, "1 minute Have you come to get the Crystal of Immortality?" Yes, this is not possible, I will never support you in this untoward incident."

Arbaaz Diwan looked at Shorya, and with lightning speed grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up.,

Kevin held Arbaaz Dewan's hand and stopped him and said, "Leave him Arbaaz, we will support you, whatever we are ready to do, but let Shorya go."

Arbaaz left Shaurya and looked into Kevin's eyes and said, "You are treating me as if I am your lost childhood friend. If you touch me again without my permission, I will tear my hand off and now keep quiet." Come with me, you two have wasted a lot of my time."

Kevin did not know what the Crystal of Immortality was but now without making any sound he started following Arbaaz, supporting Shaurya.

On going inside the door, a square yellow stone was seen at some distance, on which a shiny round crystal was placed. It was as beautiful as a diamond in appearance, but there was a shield of pink lightning built around it. There were grooves on which there was a place to put a key and also another groove on which a structure was made to place an idol. Arbaaz Diwan kept both the key and the idol in their place. , And then pointing his finger like Shorya said, "I can see the key in your pocket, I want it."

Shorya had got that key from the museum, Arbaaz Diwan had seen the key at first glance and this was the reason why he asked Shorya to come with him. Shorya hesitantly gave the key to Arbaaz and Arbaaz also put it on the slot.

As soon as this was done, the armor was removed and the square stone rose a little, after this the shiny crystal got shattered to pieces, then the square stone started moving and another shiny crystal came out from inside it, which was the real crystal. Arbaaz looked at that crystal. But he placed his hand and as soon as he did so, he felt a strong current. If anyone else had been here instead of Arbaaz, he would have been burnt to ashes due to this current.

Shaurya whispered, "Arbaaz Dewan, do you know that this crystal belongs to the Lord Warden, if they find out that you have stolen the crystal of immortality, then the entire Ninja World may have to pay the consequences for you returning it to the Devil Lord Warden." You are forcing me to come."

Arbaaz said with a scary smile, "Devil Lord Warden has ordered me."

Shorya was shocked and said, "This cannot be impossible, he had left this world even 17 years ago, that devil cannot come back."

Who is lord vordan..?

To be continue...