
My Ninja Gamer Way

Yuki is just your average 14-year-old boy with no parents or friends. After forgetting that he had a presentation that day. He dies of a sudden heart failure, but he wasn't supposed to die that day. He finds out that he was accidentally killed by an apprentice god. That's why he gets the chance to get reincarnated into an anime of his choice, with the gamer ability. As a fan of Naruto, he obviously chooses to get reborn in the Naruto world. But is he ready to face the challenges that the Naruto world will throw at him? Find out.

budgie_man · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Chapter 11: First Revival

_Yuki's POV_

<đ™”đ™€đ™Ș đ™đ™–đ™«đ™š 𝙙𝙞𝙚𝙙>....

<Hidden perk has been activated>....

<đ™ƒđ™šđ™§đ™€đ™šđ™š đ™‰đ™šđ™«đ™šđ™§ 𝘿𝙞𝙚>...

<You have been given another chance>...

[đ™ƒđ™šđ™§đ™€đ™šđ™š đ™‰đ™šđ™«đ™šđ™§ 𝘿𝙞𝙚🔓] (gift from voice)

You are practically immortal until you are 14 years old. You will always be revived, but you'll receive a penalty.

<You have died once, four years of your life been skipped>

<Temporary skill: Autopilot has been activated for the last four years>

<Your stats have not decreased nor increased, (excluding changes to status) for those four years>

<You will now be transported back into the real world>

<Memories will shortly be assimilated>

<Good luck and don't die>




I was gasping for air as light shone in my eyes, frantically looking around while I tried to stand up.

'Where am I?! What happened? What th-' My mind calmed down and I could think clearly again.

Sebastian:" Are you okay, Yuki?"

'Yeah, I'm fine. My throat does feel incredibly dry and sore.' I could see that I had a bunch of notifications, but first decided to check up on myself when I realized that I could barely move my body. Even lifting my arm felt like lifting thirty bags of sugar. I also had a bunch of wires embedded in me and a breathing mask strapped to my face. 

'Oh noo I died. You've got to be kidding me. I didn't think I would die because I forcefully opened one of my Tenketsu and depleted all my chakra. Okay when I really think about it, it does make sense why I died.'

'Wait?! Didn't they say something about my stats not having increased?'

Sebastian opened my stats screen and to my horror it looked like this:


name: Yuki Uzumaki Senju

age: 4 years and 8 months

status: jinchuriki🩊, child

title: genius, wise man

lvl: 2 exp: 0/100

hp: 960/960

chakra: 3300/3300






charm:50 (-40)

int: 102





'Of course I feel weak, my stats haven't changed except for my chakra and chc. Those probably increased when I opened my Tenkestu. My charm changed. Minus 40 charm!?'

I looked it over again and saw it.


<status >

[child]: physical stats decreased by 20%, +10 charm, 5 times learning boost and exp boost, 10 to 13 hours of sleep required.

[Jinchuriki🩊]: -50 charm, 🔒,🔒,🔒,... (increase rep with tailed beast to unlock other functions)

'So there's no good side to being a jinchuriki at the moment? That sucks.'

'Wait didn't the system also say something about shortly receiving my memories.' ...


'Oh I thought that it would be one of those moments where I say something and then it happens.' ...


'Oh it's really no- 𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐇𝐇𝐇'

My body tensed up and I grasped my head in pain.The headache was like something I had never experienced, and I have gone through cluster headaches before.

Memories of people badmouthing me while I lay still in a hospital bed, heck even people trying to kill me, entered my head. But bad things always come to an end and good memories started passing by. Like Naruto and the third hokage taking care of me and keeping me company.

I saw how I ate, drank,slept, but that was all I did. I didn't talk, walk, or even react to my surroundings. I was practically always in a catatonic state.

My body relaxed and the pain instantly went away.

'Wow, this is.. this is weird. It feels like I just perfectly remembered a dream. Sebastian didn't you say that you would take over my body and take care of it? WHY DIDN'T YOU DO ANY TRAINING?'

Sebastian:" Because that's not what I'm supposed to do Yuki. I just have to keep you alive Yuki, meaning that I'll only do the bare minimum. This is how the system was programmed, you will always have to do the hard work yourself Yuki."

Yuki:" So that skill is pretty much useless."

I again tried to muster up some strength in my legs and stand up, but to no avail.

'Okay quess I have to just ask for help.'

I cleared my throat.



<Skills >



rarity: common

The ability to use your mouth to convey information or express one's feelings.

⚠ You haven't talked for a long time!⚠

⚠ -7 skill level⚠


rarity: common

The ability to move forward or backward using your hands and knees.

⚠ You don't have enough strength to properly walk!⚠ 

⚠ -7 skill level⚠ 

Speed: 1.420 m/s x 1 (multiplied by dxt points)


rarity: common

The ability to use physical strength to move something further away from you.

Push strength: 4 kg (multiplied by str points)

[✹Chakra sensing✹ (6/50)]

rarity: epic

This high level Sensing Technique enables the host to detect and track down targets through their chakra signatures. You're even able to slightly sense those that hide their chakra.

Range: 60mÂł

[Gamers body (max)]

rarity: gamer

Just like a character in a game, you can feel the pain, but after some seconds the pain fades away. Any injury will disappear, when your health is full. (lost your arm? Just sleep for 6 hours, and it will look like nothing happened)

[Gamers mind (max)]

rarity: gamer

Just like a gamer playing a game, any mental attack won't harm you. Genjutsu won't work on you if you don't want it to work on you. You're able to stay calm even when put under high pressure or killing intent. You are still able to feel emotions, but they won't overtake you or control you.

[ID-create (max)] 

rarity: gamer

You're able to open a portal to a variety of your own subspaces, where time works differently. Every 1 minute in there = 1 sec in the real world. Also, your body doesn't age inside of it. Depending on the world you choose, you can freely leave any moment you want.


rarity: gamer

This is one of the gamers ability. This ability shows the user information about the thing it is used on. When used on living creatures, it shows the user a short summary about that creature and its stats. When used on non-living things or plants, it will show the user a short summary of that thing or plant and also the effects it might have on the user.

Range: 4mÂČ

[Reading (16/20)]

rarity: common

Reading is the process of looking at (or feeling) symbols and letters and understanding what they mean. It is not just about understanding it on a surface level but also philosophically.

Reading speed: 350 words per minute

[Hearing (20/20)]

rarity: common

Hearing is the ability to perceive sounds in your ears, by detecting vibrations as periodic changes in the pressure of a surrounding medium. The academic field concerned with hearing is Auditory Science.


rarity: common

Sight, the ability to absorb the (reflected) light into your eyes and turn it into a visible image. The academic field concerned with sight is Vision Science.

[Chakra Canon(1/40)]

rarity: rare

Chakra usage: 1200 ch

A long-range attack that shoots out a powerful and concentrated beam of chakra. You're the first ninja to acquire this skill. +5 points in all chakra stats.

⚠You're chakra control is to low!⚠

⚠Do not use this skill!⚠

[🔓 locked]





I looked at my thin body and nodded.

'Of course I'm too weak to even walk. At least I gained a new skill.. that I can't use.'


I looked around, searching for a button I could press to signal for help and found one close enough that I could reach it.


'Now I just hav-'

*Poof* *Poof* Poof*

Three doctors appeared and looked at me in confusion.

DoctorÂł:" Was he the one that pushed the button? Wasn't he catatonic?"

My body automatically tensed up.

'What's happening to me?

I felt weird looking at them. I clenched my fists and started breathing faster.

'Oh yeah I see. I'm pissed!'

Memories of all the times they treated me or Naruto badly flashed by. They were one of the main reasons why I looked so thin.

I calmed down, sat up straight, with a lot of difficulty and said.


Their eyes widened, but they still understood me and got me the water.

Every time I looked at them, the only thing I saw was the pain I had to go through because of them.

'I can't believe they treated me like this. Aren't they scared of the third hokage?'

I let them do their job and started browsing through my notifications until I saw something interesting.

<Notifications >

<Two new quests have been added to the quest log>

My quest log opened and I saw it.

<Quest log>

[Quests]: Tenketsu opening, Chakra suppression

[Main quest]: Tenketsu opening (time limit:∞)

[Task]: open all your Tenketsu.


1/2 200 exp

1/5 500 exp

1/10 1000 exp

1/50 5000 exp + new skill(2)

1/100 10 000 exp

1/200 20 000 exp

1/300 30 000 exp

1/360 36 000 exp + achievement

1/361 100 000 exp + new title + ??? + ???

[Side Quest]: Chakra suppression (time limit: before opening 50 Tenketsu)

[Task]: learn how to suppress your chakra

[rewards]: New skill + 1000 exp + 3 points

'Eyyy, I opened my first Tenketsu. Wait? Why is only one opened?! Sebastian, didn't you tell me that they would naturally open, when I'm 1 or 2 years old?! WAIT, no don't tell me that they didn't open because-"

Sebastian:" Yeah you're right Yuki. They haven't opened because you died and as a penalty none of your stats changed."


'Guess I have to start training again. What a dra-'

The door opened, and something came speeding towards me.

I had no time to react and got tackled into my bed.

-36 HP

I wanted to fight back but stopped once I recognized the familiar blonde hair.


???:" I'm here too."

'That voice, the third hokage?'

I turned my head and saw him.

'Wow he looks old.'

THE CHAPTER, THE CHAPTER IS REAL!!! Sup everyone, hope you liked this chapter. Sorry for the late update, but don't worry, I'm stilll alive. Don't forget, if you have a character idea or something, feel free to let me now.

But for now,

Budgieman out!

budgie_mancreators' thoughts