
My Nightmare System

Rash is an orphanage boy who wants to live his life like any other. But.... Everything works badly for him, until he gets the system. Wait, why is the name of the system is Nightmare? Can Rash get himself a better life in the future?

Sala7ef_Ninja · Fantaisie
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47 Chs


In front of the gang house.

It has been nearly an hour since Rash reached the area, and he is continuing to monitor the place from afar. About 100 meters away from the house where he can see the front door clearly.

Before taking this place for observation, he made a simple tour to inspect all the exits of the house and other outlets first. This time he was very careful and didn't even get close. Because he is sure that although all the windows are closed, this does not mean that the people inside are neglectful and not watching the outside.

This is his third mission, and in the same manner he has to sneak into another house.

Rash has become more experienced now, and the available information makes him try harder this time. Because he knows that Nightmare gave him the quest not just for money or to save the kids. If it is like that, then the best operation is to inform the police.

So, to make sure, he changed his shape to an adult first, normal-looking young man with his clothes matched by a respectable personality. He chose this shape because it is the closest and easiest to handle, so he can get used to the skill more.

He thought about other shapes to use the opportunity well, but in the end he stuck with this character. Even if he uses the shape of cat or dog, there is no guarantee it will work and people do not trust stray animals much in this age.

The sun on the horizon began to set, and the night waved, announcing the day off. Still, there was no movement from the house for a long time.

Rash didn't lose his patience. No matter how long it takes, people inside will go out for whatever reason. That was the opportunity he was waiting for to make a move.

Not long after, the sun was completely gone. The front door was opened, revealing two adults, a man and a woman. The man is big like a wall, about two meters tall, he wears a black hat that covers more of his face. His clothes give him the appearance of a common pedestrian. The medium-tall woman wore elegant lady clothes, her maroon hair was hanging over her shoulders, and she did not cover her face with anything. Rash somehow far, so he didn't get a good look of the facial appearance.

They seemed to know what they were doing well and went straight to their destination on the foot. The woman was walking ahead, the man behind her several steps, and there was no kind of talk going on between them.

If Rush did not watch them emerge from the same place together, probably he will doubt they knew each other at all.

He did not want to let the opportunity slip by, stood up and took their tails from a blind angle. At the moment, there are some passersby around, and perhaps for this reason the two people chose this exact time in an effort to mix with people and ward off suspicions.

'They are probably going to the grocery store' He thought to himself when seeing the way they went.

He took quick steps from behind, reaching the due in no time. Then, with a quick and thoughtful turn, he bypassed the man and grabbed the woman by her arm. Astonishment and bewilderment took the lady. And with a big and excited smile with some panting. Rash started a conversation as if it was his girlfriend, "Oh... you are here... my dear. Why did you leave so quickly and let me run behind you? What would happen if something happened to you?" This was his plan to approach them, although he was not sure of the dialogue that he went with.

The woman, who did not understand what was going on, responded in dumbfound, "Sorry. I don't seem to know you, young man. You must get the wrong person." Then she tried to shake-off his hand away from her. But Rash grabbed more tightly and closed his face to whisper near her ear, "Just act with me, please. If you don't notice, there is a suspicious person trying to approach you and he may have ill intentions. Look, he stood when I stopped you."

She looked at the person behind her, and he seemed to lose patience. She did not want to complicate things, and she did not have time either. With a slight smile, she said, "Thank you. But I'm fine, this person…" Before completing her sentence, the big man interfered between them. He pulled Rash strongly from his shoulder and at the same time directed a punch to his face, "Aba.... Abba..." His screams filled the place. Rash, who was cautious from the start, defended by quickly raising his hands to protect his face.


The punch took him several steps back, but he protected himself. "What are you doing…" he erupted in anger at the other man. The lady rushed between them to stop the fight before the situation got worse, stating in fluster "Please, young man... This person is my older brother and is not a suspicious man. Because he is mute, he did not recognize the situation and thought you were threatening me to intervene by himself." Rash did not know if this was true or if they made up the matter, but he calmed after hearing her words. His goal was not to fight, anyway.

He stood and scanned the guy again, silently. His face is full of scars from various wounds, and there is a large one on his right jaw from ear to mouth. As if something had cut the area. The man was acting weird and his face was red from anger, still he stopped his rampage.

Because Rash did not want it to look any more suspicious, he apologized to the miss as he rubbed his hand on the spot where the hit, "Sorry... Sorry. It was my fault from the start.... But it's good that you are just two siblings." Then he took a deep breath while they were still looking at him, "Honestly, I did it on purpose to find out the relationship between the two of you. When I just saw you, I felt my heart throbbing... and wanted an opportunity to talk to you. It might sound confusing, but my personality is like this, and I am a direct person in my actions.... what I mean... well, my beautiful lady, if you don't mind, can you accept my invitation to dinner..." He confessed.

It wasn't the best plan, but this is what he thought when he saw them go out together. He tried to look natural about his actions.

The woman only took a moment to respond, "Sorry. I'm already married." With a very bland expression on her face. It's as if she really suspects Rash.

Rash didn't mind her attitudes. But he appeared very disappointed as he sighed in his words, "So you are really taken... huh ... I should have known. A beautiful woman like you must have a man. Huh... what a bad luck."

They both didn't stop staring at him so hard and didn't make any move towards him either. But it was clear that they were not comfortable with the situation, and doubts about it were high. Of course, they could not believe his story smoothly.

Rash apologized again as he continued on his path. He had expected the attempt to fail at first glance, yet had already fulfilled his second purpose.

In fact, his plan was very simple at first. Had he been able to disguise himself as any of them, he would probably have been able to enter the house so easily. However, the presence of the two people together and their caution makes him rethink.

The reason he invited the woman is not just because of her use. Another thing he worries about is their level. They are both normal people and not abilities users, but with that big fellow in the ninth level already and the woman in the sixth level. So he wanted to know the difference between them in this case.

Obviously, there was a big difference in level, but even so the damage from the hit was very weak compared to his improved attacks. The blow itself was powerful enough to hold him back even without the man possibly using his full force, though its destructive power is very weak.

That made him wonder, again. Just what kind of skill Nightmare had given him? Was there always a big difference in strength between ordinary people and abilities users, even at the same level?

After Rash went too far without paying much attention, the two people continued on their path after.

He simply didn't know what was on their minds.

Rash, who was restless, didn't know exactly what to do now. Forcibly breaking into the house is not an option. He considered transforming himself into a transparent person, but the skill didn't work like that.

When he recalled Nightmare's words from the earlier mission. 'As long as there's a benefit.' Allowed another idea to shine in his mind and started implementing it immediately.