
Chapter 54

"Ash, are you ready? I'm literally about to get dressed, it's gonna be an eight hours drive to and from, we better start going now. Why aren't you here?" Juliette said into the phone.

"Girl, I'm on my way. I'll be there in less than ten minutes." Ashley replied.

"Okay, we're waiting" then she hung up and started getting dressed.

Today was the day that they were finally going to Skye's foster parent's house. Juliette had called them four days before to inform them that she was coming and they sounded as nonchalant as ever. But she was not interested in the way they sounded, she just wanted them to grant full custody of Skye and so when she called, they didn't sound like they gave a shit till she mentioned that she was taking Skye from their hands. She could hear the father say, "Ugh! Great, we don't wanna be responsible for a loose breed like that. They're birds of the same flock, running away with different men." She ignored it and tried to focus on why she actually called them. They assured her that the legal papers would be ready for pick up in two days. She gave them an extra day because she did not want them to say it was not ready. Her foster parents was the most irresponsible people she knew and she just wanted to go there and be back today. 

This was achievable but Ashley who is supposed to give them a ride has suddenly decided to be late.

Juliette was dressed in a white crop top, on top of a light blue high waisted jean trousers, a white boots sneakers and a black sunglasses that gave her a look that said she was ready for some serious business. She had a thick full straight blonde extensions. Her face was on light but baddie makeup and then she walked into the living room to see Skye dressed in a black mini bodycon gown. It had a tiny strap, with a black boots heels. She also had a black jeans jacket. Juliette was going to say something about her choice of color but she decided not to after she looked over at Nathan and he had the said baddie look. He wore a black T-shirt, a black jeans and a black sneakers. He had his wristwatch and his earpods in both ear but he was not listening to anything. Just tattoos on his arms in a sleeves manner and he would look like he was a rich thug or maybe someone you don't want to mess with.

"What the fuck is this, who died?"

"Stella and Joseph, after today." Skye replied.

Juliette nodded. That was understandable. It is nice that Skye was making a statement with her fashion. I love that. What I don't get is playboy Matt over there. Oh, but he looks so freaking good. He's literally like a hot walking piece of sexiness. He's giving biker energy right now. It's goth and I didn't know I could be attracted to black. I mean, black on him looks like the good kind of sin and I totally want that good sin, Juliette thought.

It was like Matt read her mind because he said, "I'm just going with the vibe that Skye asked me to go with. If she thinks somebody died, they sure did."

"Oh, interesting."

"I'm kidding, I just wanted to look like an assassin, well, not like an assassin, more like a-"

"Jesus Matt, you're not giving what your outfit is giving. When you're dressed like that, your response should be monosyllabic. Today, you're a cold, ruthless and like don't-give-two-cents what any mf-word thinks about that" Skye interrupted.

"Got it. I'll be in character."

"Thank you." Then she wore her own sunglasses in a very dramatic way and then went back to texting whoever she was texting on her phone.

Matt winked at Juliette who just laughed and shook her head. Then Juliette went to sit down on the sofa that Matt was sitting on and crossed her legs. Matt turned to her and asked, "Isn't Ashley coming?"

"She is. I think she's still getting dressed but she said she'd be here in ten minutes when I called her."

"Oh, okay. So, we're getting the papers that gives the transfer of guardianship. I didn't ask you earlier, how long does it take to get that document? And when did you request for it?"

"It's ready. I called for it four days ago. They said they will get it ready, alongside her school stuff-"

"Juls? Can I use your airpods? Mines not charged up." Skye interupted.

"Uh, sure, it's in the room."

Then Skye went to get it. As she stood up, Juliette saw what was at the back of the Jacket. The words, "EAT THIS BITCH!" with a huge knitted middle finger was on the back of the jacket.

"Skye, what is that?"

"What is what?"

"On your f-jacket. On your jacket! Change that jacket while you're in the room!"

"Juls, this is a statement"

"Yeah, a disrespectful one. I didn't teach you that, what the actual fuc-Freaking hell is wrong with your ass? Take that shit-damn you got me cussing. I'm not gonna repeat myself, Skye."

Skye hissed and said, "You just ruined my vibe."

"Jacket. Off!" Juliette yelled and pointed at the direction of their room.

Skye rolled her eyes and then walked away.

Then Juliette turned to Matt and said, "So, like I was saying, they said they were gonna get it ready and shit in two days"

"If they as they said, that's cool. Can't they email it to you, must you go there? What if it's not ready?"

"I said the same thing but the foster home where we grew up in, the new Matron is kinda old school, she told them that she'd give it to us in person. She wants to be sure that you know, I'm capable of actually taking care of Skye. That's why I don't want her wearing that disrespectful ass jacket."

"So, it's a readoption process. Now I get it."

"Yeah, that's what it is."

"Well, okay then. Can single parents adopt a teenager?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I said I wanted to come to cover every kind of drama that might ensue but I also said that I'll come so that you can have a plan B."

Juliette looked at him, confused about what he was saying. So she asked, "What plan B?"

"Look, I don't know the laws on adoption over there but if you just said that the Matron in charge of the foster care refused to email you the papers, it means they wanna see you and how capable you are of taking care of Skye."

"Yeah, so?"

"Well, they're old school. The old school method of adoption makes it very difficult for single mums to adopt a child."

"I didn't know of that."

"Hmm, when you were at the orphanage, did any single parent come to adopt any kid?"

"You know, now that you've mentioned it, it never happened, but I didn't think it mattered. In fact, the caregivers used to ask us to pray that a nice 'mummy and daddy' come to adopt us."

Skye came back and then showed Juliette the white crop jeans jacket that she now wore. It was Juliettes' but it looked very good on Skye so she allowed her wear it. Skye had hoped that Juliette would see her wearing her new jacket and then tell her to wear the old one, but when her plans backfired, she just sat on the couch and sulked inwardly.

"Of course."

"Wait, you were never in the orphanage, how do you know these things?"

Matt did not think she was going to ask that but he decided to play it cool by saying, "Long story but a dear friend was a foster kid and we talk. So, here's my own plan now, the plan B. I'm coming along as your husband or your fiance."

Juliette's eyes widened and then she almost choked on nothing but she just started laughing.

Matt looked at her with a serious expression and asked, "What is funny?"

She saw that he was not laughing and immediately regretted the laughter but it was not with a bad intention, so she said, "Nothing. Nothing is funny, I just thought it was weird that you thought of that. I wouldn't think- you know what, let's forget that I laughed. Okay, your plan is great but I don't think we would need it."

"Just in case we do, my favorite color is jade green."

"Interesting color. You could have just said green."

"I don't like all the shades of green, it's specifically Jade green."

"Interesting. Any other thing I should know about my fiance?"

"What's yours?"


"Not a color but okay."

"White is a color."

"It's the presence of light."

"That's a stupid thing to say"

Matt started laughing, then he said, "Don't mind me, I'm messing with you, Juliette Kelson."

"What's your last name?"


"Keith? You don't look like a Keith."

"Really? So what do I look like?"

"You look more like a Scott or a Henry."

Matt felt his heart do a little summersault. He knew that all it will take is just one Google search of Matt Scott and his pictures would probably be in display. He knew he should have changed his name from Matt to something else, anything but his real name.

Fuck! I hope she doesn't get it in her head to ever do a search of me. I am actually screwed and I still haven't gotten close to my brother. Hm, how do I change this subject in a not-too-obvious way now? I'll smile and change it in a relaxed way. My body looks relaxed but I'm actually panicking inside. Can she find out? Nah, I doubt it. If she wanted to find anything out, she would have done so a long time ago, he thought.

"That's a first. Anyways-"

"Nobody has told you that you don't look like your name?" Juliette asked

Matt shook his head and then said, "We met here in New York,through a mutual friend, Ashley."

"Why are you using Ashley?"

"When a person lies with more than fisteen scenerios or places or people in a short period of time, or if the person is not a great liar, they start to stutter and probably exhibit every single sign of lying. If you gotta lie, make it believable by using this that look like the truth so that you don't get confused and what nots."

Juliette just watched him talk and the only thing that went through her mind at this time was whether he had ever lied to her before. She could not tell and she wondered what he might have lied about in a truthful way.

"Hmm, you seem to have a lot of experience in lying. Have you ever lied to me?"

"Not sure. So, we have been dating for four months but  met before then."

"So, in this imaginary scene, we started dating for the period we have been together."

"Yup. That's easy to remember and not complicated."

Nope, it's not complicated at all. That's the time my poor heart started skipping beats when you're one inches away from me. That's also how long I have been feeling guilty about being in a relationship with my boyfriend because the thoughts I have in my head about you and I are forbidden for someone who is in a relationship, she thought

"Not at all. That's actually impressive."

"I know right?"

Juliette's phone rang immediately and when she checked who the caller was, it turned out to be Leighton. Juliette answered and Leighton's voice from the phone said, "Hey Juls, how are ya?"

"Good. Good. What's going on with you?"

"Just the normals. I don't hear the sound of whoshing air, aren't you supposed to be on your way now?"

"I am, I'm waiting for Ashley. I have been waiting for thirty minutes" Juliette said as she took her phone from her ear to look at the time on it.

"Isn't she coming over anymore. She's supposed to drive you there right?"


"She's probably on her way. So, did you call them yet to get the stuff ready?"

"Yup. That's why we're leaving today."

"I wish I could come with you guys. I desperately need a road trip with you girls very soon. At least before I go on full mummy mode."

"You will, very soon. You sound excited."

"Welllllllllll, I have a great time last night."

"Girlllllll, you deserve it. So he came over?"

"Yup. And he was really sweet. He took care of my clothes that were in the washer, then he made us a nice dinner, and it was so healthy and shit. He even td me that he did a little research on the type of meal that preggies should eat, that was freaking cute! It was so romantic and then he brought my pills and shit. We started a little Netflix and chill moment in the room and he was just rubbing my stomach and then, what he did next was the sexiest thing ever"

"Oouu, spill the tea!"

"He looked into my eyes and asked if it was okay if he could give me a little good time down there with his tongue. Well, we had fish dinner so he said he wanted to rinse his mouth to avoid any bacteria and shit from getting in there. He got back and got under the duvet and began to do his shit but I did something very embarrassing."

"Oh my God, don't tell me you farted."

"I did, with my coochie."

"That's queefing. It's so embarrassing!"

"I know! He just got up and was like swearing and shit but I did not really care about anything. Atleast I did it because I was enjoying what was going on and I can't really explain half of the things that my body does now, and it's totally normal. He knows this, I know this"

Juliette started laughing and then she said, "I meannnn, you have a point."

Matt stood up from where he was sitting, then he went to the kitchen to get himself a snack. He did not understand why Ashley was still not there. While in the kitchen, he looked at the fridges and settled for the bag of chips and the guacamole that Juliette had made last night. He put in the microwave and set the time to fifteen seconds to get it in normal temperature because it was chilled.

Skye looked up from her phone and then looked in the kitchen and saw that Matt was making himself something to eat. She just went to join him in the kitchen and then told him to make the food for two. When it was ready, they both started eating on the counter...