
Chapter 16

When Juliette got into her room, she couldn't wait to call Ashley to ask her about Skye so she called Ashley. Ashley picked up on the second ring.

"Hey kiddo" Ashley said immediately.

"Hey Ash, how are you?"

"I'm good, I know you called because of Skye, she's in her room."

Ashley lived alone in a two bedroom apartment. She had told Juliette that she kept that extra room in case she had a guest or had company because she didn't like to share her personal space with anyone. It was a good thing because it came in handy now and that's the room that Skye was kept in.

"Oh. Did she say anything to you?"

"I didn't ask her about anything. I don't think it's my place to know anything, I'm just your friend to her."


"I think she's an introvert."

"I don't know, I missed out on all her teenage life and her pre teenage life. But she has always been a very quiet kid since childhood.

"It's not exactly your fault, you know."

"I know but-"

"Then don't beat yourself up."

"Well, thank you Ash. Thank you for everything you do for me."

"There's nothing to thank me for, you're my soulmate, your shit is my shit."

"And yours is mine."

"Now, relax and enjoy the rest of the conference. How's your little friend?"

"Leighton? She's fine. She and Matt were worried about me. Speaking of Matt, he has been really sweet to me."

"Uh, he's totally into you."

"I don't know about that. I think he's just nice."

"Julie. Sweetie, the man likes you, I've seen the way he looks at you, and I know you feel something for him too."

"I don't. Something crazy happened yesterday."

"What happened?"

"I don't know how but I sorta had an imaginative episode when I wanted to grab dinner with him. It was so intense-"

"Don't miss out on anything, I wanna hear every single detail of this imagination."

Juliette laughed and went to sit at her balcony to enjoy the view and let her mind go back to her imagination and then continued, "it was like I went to his room, it's beside mine. He opened the door looking as hot as ever, just standing by the door giving me that look that can make my panties literally drop, and you know how intense he can get with his stares. And oh my God, his eyes! Ughh-"

Ashley shrieked and sat down on her sofa. She had been standing when she picked up Juliette's call. She was making dinner for herself and Skye.

"Go on" she said to Juliette.

"Then he asked me to come in and when I walked by him, I was tempted to lean into his chest and get that masculine scent oozing from him, mixed with his cologne and the cold air conditioning in the room, but I did not, instead, I walk into the room,my brain still getting over how much I want him to rip my clothes off with his prefect teeth and devour me like his prisoner."

"Juliette Kelson!" Ashley screamed and started laughing.

"When I sat, he sat opposite where I sat and I watched him order room service, asking me for my preference but the entire time, I was staring at his luscious lips. They opened and closed with this sexiness and even though he was talking, I imagined what they'd taste like, against my lips. No. In my mouth. I imagine his tongue down my throat and mine down his. Our tongues would make magic dancing away and making our teeth envious and wishing they were tongues but they're doomed to watch and never practice what dancing felt like."

"I feel like I'm in a romantic novel."

"Well, you asked for description, that's what I'm doing."

"Gurlll, my imagination is going wilder than you can imagine."

Juliette laughed and said, "That's exactly what I hoped for."

"You should totally write a book about this. The title should be something along the line of "my new roommate", it would be epic. Write exactly what you're telling me."

"I'm not done though."

"Go on."

"Then he was done with the phone call, he asked that we do something different, that we should make the dinner special by having a bottle of wine. I agreed because I figured that the wine will just make the night as classy and exquisite as the intercourse I was preparing mind, body and soul for. As we stayed together making small talks, I could see his eyes linger on my lips. He watched them with precision. I watched his heart rate increase, his gaze shifted to my breast. He watched them and I sat and leaned onto my elbows. The arch at my back making them point towards his face, he swallowed hard and stared more at them. I touched them slightly but in an unaware way which just made  him want to take them in his mouth and his face darkened with desire. His mouth parted slightly open and he looked up at my face and said, "what do you want for dessert" I knew exactly what I wanted, I wanted his..."

"Good Lord" Ashley imagined herself in similar situation but with Winston.

"Then our room service came, everything we wanted was there except the red wine, it was replaced by a Spanish liquor. And I thought to myself, "oouu, I'm about to get torn, only, Latina style". He read my mind and we began to eat, fueling our body for the marathon we were about to embark on. The way he bite into his food and chewed, with passion, gave me a visual presentation of how I was going to be devoured. I watched him and he watched me too. I couldn't wait to be the next thing that goes into his mouth. We started drinking the liquor and still having small talks to allow the alcohol settle in our bloodstreams and it felt like it was taking forever till it kicked it!"

"Thank you Liquor god!" Ashley joked.

"When I knew I was drunk and would never in a million years make it to my room, I got up and pretended that I wanted to leave, I saw from the corner of my eyes that he panicked. I don't know if it was the idea of me leaving that scared him or of the fact that he might miss out on all this heat that I embody, I just know that I got turned on and my body felt like it was going to explode if I didn't let this man touch them. I wasn't going to deprive myself of a good fucking loving, so I proceeded to stand and when he tried to help me, I fell with him to the floor. On the floor, he made eye contact with me and knew exactly what I wanted and he kissed me, that's after asking if he could, and I accepted. My insides did a little summersault at his politeness and when he finally kissed me, there were a thousand fireworks going on off, in my head. I closed my eyes and accepted the new DNA I was receiving in my mouth-"

"You make nerd stuff sound interesting but go on." Ashley interupted. Juliette laughed and continued.

"In my head, I was thinking: So, I finally kissed Matt. So this is what it feels like. So this is what this mouth felt like. The feeling and taste of his mouth was indescribable. I couldn't think at all. I just wanted him to continue doing what he was doing with his tongue. Our tongues danced and danced and melodies came out of my throat. I didn't plan for that but I think the sounds was just my body confirming to my brain that we wanted this man to be one of us and my vagina accepted the idea immediately that she began to salivate. She was waiting patiently for his eggplants, she knew it was coming.

"I'm dead! Are you calling your moan sweet melodies? Eggplant? I would never have used that!" Ashley said laughing but ready for the rest of the imagination.

"His tongue had to say goodbye to my tongue as they shifted to my breasts. Oh, how they longed for him but wait! He didn't go to them immediately with his mouth, he reached under my shirt and then teased them with his thumb. When he took off my shirt and my bra, my sensitive areola tightened and my nippled hardened at the way his thumb caressed them. He loved how they responded to his touch and he teased them more, it made my vagina salivate more and I opened my eyes that had been shut the entire time to watch him take his mouth to my breast, he sucked each breast the same way he sucked on the strawberries he was eating earlier; gently but intentional. As his teeth brushed against them while they were in his mouth, I was feeling a type of pleasure that had become a distant memory and I didn't know when the melodies escaped from my mouth again. This time, I was on my elbow and my head hung back, allowing my body receive all the pleasure it can get. My legs immediately wrapped itself around him, they wanted to keep him prisoner for my entire body to always enjoy this pleasure. He was becoming very serious so he lifter me up and took me to the bed."

"Wait, y'all were on the floor this whole time?" Ashley asked.

"Of course."

"Go on, please" Ashley begged.

"When we got to the bed, he took off his shirt and I watched him do it like I had been watching him for a while. My brain and body acted like this was not the first time I had seen him shirtless. To be fair, I have seen him shirtless a couple of times but that's only when he comes out of the bathroom so it really wasn't a new development. When he was done with his shirt, he helped me get out of my trousers and my panties but then he took the panties to his face and sniffed them. Immediately he did that, I saw blood move to his groin and I knew he had a hard-on. He took of his pants and looked at me while doing it, I maintained eye contact of course. I let me eyes move from his face down his crutch and then I let my eyes follow his hands as he pulled his underwear away from his sumptuous eggplants. I cannot describe what they looked like because I'm modest-"

"Oh please! It's because you've never seen them." Ashley interupted.

"True. I've never seen them but I imagined they'd be so beautiful that tears will fall out of my eyes."

"For a dick? You, Juliette Kelson will never cry for a dick, I know you!"

"Let's imagine I would."

"Did you cry in your imagination?"

"No but-"

"I rest my case, but please continue."

Juliette laughed and said, "So, it looked as I've imagined a perfect penis would look like and I gasped but not in fear, I gasped in excitement. I gasped because that perfect eggplant would soon be joining with my hungry cat. He continued what he did with my breast but when he was done with them, he looked up to my face and saw how much I needed him and he didn't hesitate to say hello to my cat. He went down on me by first giving her butterfly kisses, and then he let his tongue come out to play. She almost bursted open with excitement. I couldn't control myself so I used one hand to push his head down. He didn't just stay atop and play with my clit, he actually let his tongue swim in and out of my cat. He knew exactly what he was doing with his tongue and I sang and sang and sang till I couldn't sing no more. Then I begged him to let my cat meet his eggplant. He ignored my request at first and allowed his tongue roam free in my cat's island making her preserved volcano almost erupt. After he was sure that she was about to die from all that pleasure, he lifted my hips and brought his eggplant to meet her. He teased her a bit with it by sticking it in her three times. Then he looked at my face and I couldn't tell if he was seriously going to leave me like that or walk away so I decided to risk it all by begging him to take me home. With the gentlest thrust I had ever felt, he stuck his meat in me and we rode the storm he had started in my cat till we both got to the point of no return. Hand in hand, he reached the peak, the point of ultimate ecstasy, we climaxed! The end!"

"Woahhhhhhh" Ashley screamed into the phone. "Juliette, you should put this down in a book, I promise you, you will become the best sex selling author. I'm about to call Winston, we're recreating this magic!"

Juliette laughed and said, "this is just for your ears Ash, you're the only one permitted to know this"

"Did you go out again to meet him."

"If I told you that all I just told you happened in the five minutes that I was standing by his door, would you believe me? When I came out of that imagination, he was standing there, wondering why I was staring at him like that. I made a fool out of myself."

Ashley rolled with laughter and said, "I can just imagine what would have been going through his mind at that time."

"He wore a frown so I'm sure he was disgusted."

"I would be too if someone just stared at me like that without saying anything to me."

"We later went out to eat but he asked if we could order room service, I was so swift to say no. I know that I surprised him but I didn't want to tell him I had just imagined making love to him after continuously reminding him that I had a boyfriend."

"Yeah. Then what happened?"

"We just went to eat downstairs and honestly, I couldn't stop staring at him. Everything he did reminded me of what could've happened if I had accepted to eat in his room. So, I started making small talks with him. It lasted till we ate and instead of the liquor I imagined, it was wine. I still got tipsy and he still walked me to my room."


"And then he dropped me off in my room and kissed my forehead and i came into my room and slept off. That's it."

"That is so sweet. He probably is a gentleman."

"Maybe. No, he actually is a gentleman."

"I know right"

"Oh well, I'm exhausted Ash, I need to sleep, I have a long day tomorrow. Goodnight. Love you. Kiss Skye goodnight for me."

"Goodnight love, love you too."

Shocked by all he had just heard, and unable to speak or move, Matt looked at his swollen pant and finally said, "What the fuck?"