
My New Life As A Pokémon Trainer (Rewrite)

This is a rewrite of my original fanfic. Summary: Isabel Smith was an ignored child in her family. Unfortunately she died in an unexpected accident. But then she's reincarnated into the Pokémon universe as the female version of Ash Ketchum. Follow her on her journey as a Pokémon trainer. Pokémon franchise belongs to Nintendo and Game Freak.

Fantasywriter345 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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221 Chs

Pokémon List Update


*Raichu (Tesla)(Female)

*Lucario (Cobalt)(Male)

*Boltund (Dash)(Male)

*Dusk Lycanroc (Romulus)(Male)

*Pidgeot (Alita)(Female)

*Shiny Gyarados (Rory)(Male)

*Butterfree (Papilio)(Male)

*Ninoking (Malik)(Male)

*Ninoqueen (Reina)(Female)

*Scizor (Scarlet)(Female)

*Clefable (Stella)(Female)

*Sandslash (Digger)(Male)

*Venusaur (Spruce)(Male)

*Shiny Charizard (Natsu)(Male)

*Mienshao (Mulan)(Female)

*Glaceon (Rea)(Female)

*Leafeon (Linnea)(Female)

*Shiny Rapidash (Comet)(Male)

*Cinderace (Scorch)(Male)

*Shiny Delphox (Vixie)(Female)

{A/N: I forgot to put that she's a shiny in the Kanto Arc}

*Gengar (Hex)(Male)

*Espeon (Solis)(Female)

*Shiny Umbreon (Mani)(Male)

*Shiny Sylveon (Parisa)(Female)

*Blastoise (Neptune)(Male)

*Kingler (Leonidas)(Male)

*Jolteon (Koji)(Female)

*Flareon (Pyro)(Male)

*Vaporeon (Calypso)(Female)

*Shiny Suicune (Azure)(Female)

*Pink Butterfree (Momo)(Female)

*Shiny Entei (Searius)(Male)

*Dragonite (Tatsuya)(Female)

*Primeape (Manny)(Male)

*Muk (Slime)(Genderless)

*Magneton (Static)(Genderless)

*Marowak (Alsie)(Female)

*Alolan Marowak (Ignado)(Male)

*Dewgong (Pulin)(Male)

*Persian (Cleo)(Female)

*Kingdra (Kai)(Female)

*Ninetales (Inari)(Female)

*Eevee (Ellie)(Female)

*Alakazam (Houdini)(Male)

*Kangaskhan (Female)

*Arcanine (Helios)(Female)

*Tauros (M)

*Shiny Raikou (Thor)(Male)

*Porygon (Genderless)

*Pikachu (Levina)(Female)

*Wigglytuff (Female)

*Aerodactyl (Female)

*Shiny Farfetch'd (Keesha)(Female)

*Aurorus (Istas)(Female)

*Aurorus (Aurelius)(Male)

*Shiny Rayquaza (Caelus)(Male)

*Shiny Diancie (Lapis)(Female)

*Tsareena (Valeria)(Female)

*Lurantis (Poppy)(Female)

*Toucannon (Birtle)(Male)

*Midday Lycanroc (Lupa)(Female)

*Midnight Lycanroc (Tynan)(Male)

*Alolan Ninetales (Elsa)(Female)

*Alolan Sandslash (Eirwen)(Male)

*Mew (Keiko)(Female)

Orange Islands:

*Lapras (Kano)(Male)

*Crystal Steelix (Chrystal)(Female)

*Snorlax (Totoro)(Male)

*Venusaur (Cedar)(Male)

*Lugia (Poseidon)(Male)

*Shiny Articuno (Yukina)(Female)

*Shiny Moltres (Enya)(Female)

*Zapdos (Barak)(Male)

*Zamazenta (Galahad)(Male)

*Shiny Zacian (Athena)(Female)

*Silvally (Talos)(Genderless)

*Lapras (Cyan)(Female)


*Heracross (Cross)(Male)

*Furret (Maple)(Female)

*Stantler (Sage)(Female)

*Meganium (Levy)(F)

*Typhlosion (Pele)(M)

*Togetic (Philotes)(F)

*Feraligatr (Chomper)(M)

*Steelix (Behemoth)(M)

*Ampharos (Aries)(F)

*Girafarig (Psyche)(F)

*Misdreavus (Morgana)(F)

*Inteleon (Mystique)(F)

*Rillaboom (Ringo)(M)

*Shiny Greninja (Genji)(M)

*Shiny Chestnaught (Cybele)(F)

*Kommo-o (Iroh)(M)

*Goodra (Nessy)(F)

*Meowstic (Orin)(M)

*Meowstic (Bella)(F)

*Thievul (Jinx)(F)

*Gothitelle (Gothi)(F)

*Rapidash (Rubira)(F)

*Houndoom (Lucifer)(M)

*Shiny Noctowl (Yoru)(M)

*Zeraora (Raiden)(M)

*Alolan Raichu (Nariko)(F)

*Marshadow (M)

*Murkrow (Dolan)(M)

*Electabuzz (Veton)(F)

*Celebi (Moriko)(F)

*Shiny Corsola (Coraline)(F)

*Ho-Oh (Aveline)(Female)

*Donphan (Tantor)(Male)

*Latias (Serenity)(Female)

*Latios (Legolas)(Male)


Mightyena (Lela)(F)

Swampert (Finn)(M)

Shiny Blaziken (Hestia)(F)

Gardevoir (Miku)(F)

Kirlia (Lancelot)(M)

Swellow (Percy)(M)

Linoone (Ziggy)(M)

Sceptile (Kazuki)(M)

Beautifly (Willow)(F)

Shiny Milotic (Ula)(F)

Crawdaunt (Sebastian)(M)

Aagron (Hagane)(M)

Sableye (Jacinth)(M)

Shiny Flygon (Libelle)(F)

Shiny Manectric (Damini)(F)

Shiny Salamence (Idris)(F)

Torkoal (Shula)(F)

Altaria (Alta)(F)

Mawile (Trixie)(F)

Gorebyss (Coral)(F)

Grumpig (Sumire)(F)

Armaldo (Brynja)(F)

Cradily (Liana)(F)

Glalie (Warrin)(M)

Absol (Twilight)(M)




*Steelix (Male)

*Crobat (Male)

*Victreebel (Female)

*Rhydon (Male)

*Sandslash (Female)

*Magnemite (Genderless)

*Machamp (Male)

*Exeggutor (Female)

*Golem (Male)

*Dugtrio (Male)

*Graveler (Female)

*Marowak (Female)

*Tauros (Female)

*Chansey (Female)(2)

*Kabutops (Male)

*Midday Lycanroc (Male)

*Alolan Geodude (Male)

*Alolan Graveler (Male)

*Alolan Golem (Male)

*Roggenrola (Female)


*Stantler (Male)

*Forretress (Male)

*Magcargo (Male)

*Shuckle (Shiny)(Male)

*Corsola (Female)

*Ninetales (Female)


Sharpedo (M)

Relicanth (M)

Nosepass (M)

Marshtomp (M)

Loudred (M)

Flygon (F)

Ludicolo (M)

Solrock (Genderless)

Lunatone (Genderless)

Anorith (M)

Lileep (F)

Beldum (Genderless)



Charizard (M)

Mightyena (F)

Sceptile (M)

Sharpedo (M)

Aggron (M)

Dusclops (M)

Blaziken (M)

Manectric (M)

Torkoal (M)

Huntail (M)

Anorith (M)

Camerupt (M)

Absol (M)



Combusken (F)

Azumarill (F)

Beautifly (F)

Bellossom (F)

Starmie (Genderless)

Plusle (F)

Minun (M)

Illumise (F)

Volbeat (M)

Skitty (F)

Altaria (F)

Bulbasaur (F)

Gorebyss (F)

Lileep (F)

Munchlax (M)



Eevee (M)

Swellow (M)

Sceptile (M)

Linoone (F)

Pelipper (M)

Dewgong (M)

Loudred (M)

Ninjask (M)

Shiftry (M)

Banette (F)

Manectric (M)

Flygon (M)

Spinda (M)

Camerupt (M)

Mightyena (M)

Castform (M)

Breloom (M)

Snorlax (M)

Anorith (M)

Lileep (M)

Ralts (M)

Beldum (Genderless)