
My New Life as A Demon Lord's Butler

After dying a mysterious death during his sleep, Vin wakes up in a colourful, wondrous world. Only to find out he is now in Hell, or specifically, the estate of the Demon Lord, Amon. Given a new body of a demon by Amon, Vin has been given a new life, to serve as part of Amon's butlers. However, this position would be a lot more cumbersome than Vin could ever imagine.

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1 Chs

Prologue - Departure From Life

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Waking up, yawning and opening his eyes lazily, Vin looked towards the wall in the darkness of the night. He heard a noise that sounded like footsteps but wasn't sure if it was real or just his imagination.

Did I just hear that in a dream?

Rubbing his eyes and sitting up, looking down at his pillow that had a drool stain with a slightly disgusted expression, his ears were met with the noise again, closer this time.

Thud. Thud. Thud. THUD.

The footsteps stopped right outside his door. Vin suddenly felt completely awake and jolted out of his bed, stumbling over as his legs got caught in his bedsheets. After getting up quickly, he grabbed the bat in his closet and stood next to his door, gulping in anticipation.

What the hell? Is somebody really trying to rob me?

"Listen, buddy, I don't have anything worth stealing!" Vin yelled out as he began to sweat, feeling the presence of a person just outside his bedroom door.

His messy, silver hair got in the way of his eyes as he peered at the door, waiting for a response from the enigmatic intruder. But all he got in response was an odd sound, similar to a noise he heard from an MMORPG.

Before he could process what was happening, a bright, blue glow grew from behind the door, before suddenly an explosion of blue flames burst through Vin's door, sending him flying back against his wall.

What the-

He raised his hands in front of his face, his skin was completely singed as he tried to scream, only to realize his throat was completely charred as well.

His vision became blurry as he tried his absolute hardest to focus on the doorway, just hoping for a glance at what did this.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

A figure shrouded in the darkness walked through his doorway, blue embers falling from their hands. The figure knelt down beside him, all Vin could make out was the silhouette of the person beside him.

They were tall and slender, at least over two meters tall, they had long, goat-like horns that protruded from their head. He could also see a tail-like shadow waving around behind the figure.

He couldn't think anymore, the loss of blood caused his vision to suddenly go completely black. He felt a coldness flow throughout his body alongside the scorching heat of the blames eating away at his flesh.


That was the last thing Vin heard, coming from the enigmatic figure with a soft, deep voice. Feeling the warm embrace of light, Vin finally realized.

I'm going to heaven!

Them suddenly, he felt as if something tugged on the back of his shirt with incredible force, pulling him downwards. He turned his head in shock to what was below him, only to see a dark abyss of flames.

After what felt like an eternity of falling, he finally hit the ground, exploding into red paste. Somehow he remained conscious despite his entire body being destroyed. He could feel sharp, agonizing pain everywhere and nowhere. His mind went blank as he began to lose his senses.

Suddenly, a figure approached him. This time a short, younger-looking man walked up to where his eye was and picked it up.

"Ooo, that was quite a rough landing. Sorry about that, chap!" The boy chuckled innocently and rubbed his dark, crimson hair. He had small horns similar to the previous figure, but his presence seemed non-hostile.

"Ahh, just bear with it for a bit! Ryuzu is fixing you up your new body right now, c'mon then, let's go find him!" The boy yelled out excitedly, only confusing Vin more.

Just what the hell is going on here?!

Vin couldn't move his pupil at all, at the moment, he was just an eye being carried by the hyper young boy. He could see large, purple-leaved trees surrounded the area, as well as purple grass. The sky itself, or rather the lack thereof was replaced with abyssal darkness.

As the young boy skipped around, they finally reached a large, cobblestone building. Inside was a middle-aged man with a cigarette in his mouth, he was tall and well built, with horns like the boy.

"This is Ryuzu! He's the one making your new body!" The boy exclaimed happily, pointing Vin's eye towards the man.

"Victa, can you try not to scare the shit out of our new colleague before he even understands what's going on?" Ryuzu said, huffing out smoke as he scratched the stubble on his chin. He had dark black hair and piercing yellow eyes.

Colleague? What?

"Aww, I was just bringing him here!" Victa said, setting down Vin's eyes on a table next to Ryuzu.

"Well, you've got pretty good timing, his body is complete. Amon helped out a lot this time around, so this should be satisfactory."

Ryuzu walked over and grabbed Vin's eye, then stuffed it into what felt like a socket.

Blinking a few times, Vin felt the sensation of a body once again, he began to pat his chest, legs, head.

"How's it feel? Don't worry, it is completely identical to your original body- except a few changes that I'm sure you won't mind." Ryuzu said, snapping his fingers as a mirror conjured in front of Vin.

Vin's eyes widened as he saw himself- actually himself. His silver hair and face he was quite proud of.


He poked the small horns protruding from his head in confusion, then noticing the small tail attached to his back.

He heard the man behind him chuckle, "Welcome to Hell, Vin. You're with us, the butlers of Amon." Ryuzu gave a thumbs up, as Vin continued to stare in confusion.

What the HELL.