
My new girlfriend is most beautiful vampire

Ray Whitehart who was dumped by his girlfriend recently, went to his favourite place to clear his mind but next day he woke up in his room where he felt changes in his body but then he heard the voice in his mind who told him the reason of these changes in his body " Ray you are not human anymore, now you are a vampire" which made him question the sanity of the voice but then the voice asked him to meet it in the cafe in front of his college. When Ray got there , he saw the person he didn't want to see , his ex girlfriend ,Anna He tried to walk away but she had different plan as asked him loudly from far when she saw him while walking toward him with her friends " Ray what are doing here ? Are you still following me in hope that I will patch up with you? " " No , I came here to meet someone else" Ray said to Clarify as he tried to ignore her But - " How can a poor loser like afford to meet someone here in the most expensive cafe in the city?" Anna asked in sarcasm to humiliate him and as if this was not enough , she even called the cafe manager to get him out of cafe who believed her as he saw the cheap clothes of Ray but then- " He came here to meet me " they heard someone say this. Ray who heard the voice , knew that this was the person who called him here. " And Who are you?" Anna asked in frustration while they were turning toward the voice . But she didn't expect to get the answer " I am his new girlfriend" They saw a beautiful girl coming toward them who grabbed the hand of stunned Ray .

Harsh_Harsh_8100 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs


After sometime which appeared very long to Ray his pain subsided and he removed his hand from his mouth but then his eyes accidentally fell on his hand and saw the bite mark on it healing rapidly and it become as it was sometime before, smooth and pale .

He then got up as he dusted his clothes which became dirty due to his fall .

He then remembered that he has to go fast to the cafe as he was already late . Fortunately he fallen in the dark street which was few steps away from his destination .

So he started walking toward the White chillies cafe where he will meet the owner of that unknown voice which talked to him in his mind through some type of link.

Ray who entered the most expensive cafe in los Angeles , recalled what that voice had told him to do after , he enter the cafe

' You just have to enter the cafe , I will come to you'

Although Ray saw how the guards outside the cafe , gave him strange looks but he ignored them and entered the cafe to meet the owner of the voice .

While Ray entered the cafe , a beautiful young woman who appeared like angel with her long white hairs flowing behind her back .

She was wearing a one piece white dress in which she appeared like holy angle. Her eyes which were closed , slowly opened her sky blue eyes which started shining as they turned blood red exactly when Ray entered the cafe and said

" So he really came but why his blood energy is becoming this aggressive? Why he always got himself in trouble!??"

After saying this , she got up to bring Ray away from everyone' s eyes .

Meanwhile Ray was waiting for the owner of the voice to come to meet him but then he saw someone he didn't want to see so turned around trying to hide from her .

But it seems that fate had other plan for him as his ex girlfriend , Anna who break up their relationship and humiliated him in front of the college , had seen him .

Anna who had seen Ray , thought herself -

' What is this poor beggar doing here ? Lets see to kill some boring time '

And started walking toward Ray who thought that he had saved himself from Anna as she started remembering their interaction....