
New beginning

After reaching my final destination, I disembarked the bus and surveyed my surroundings. I found myself alone in a bustling city with nowhere to stay. I decided to take a seat on a bench in the motor park and nibbled on some snacks while pondering my next move. As I rummaged through my bag, I stumbled upon the money I had taken from my father's wallet. I decided to use a portion of it to rent a motel for the night. After some difficulty locating one, I finally found a decent motel with the help of a few locals. I paid for my room and quickly showered and changed into something more comfortable before retiring for the night.

Had anyone foretold the predicament I currently found myself in, I would have dismissed it as a mere fantasy. While I was grateful to have escaped my previous situation, I was now at a loss as to how to proceed. My mind was in a constant state of flux, desperately searching for a means of survival. I knew that my funds would soon be depleted, and I couldn't continue residing in a motel. I spent hours ruminating over my options until I finally drifted off to sleep. That night, for the first time in what felt like an eternity, I slept soundly.

I awoke the following morning, unsure of how much time had passed. However, I felt an overwhelming sense of tranquility that had been absent from my life for far too long. Was this what inner peace felt like? I had slept for an extended period and realized that it was nearly time for me to vacate the motel. I hastily showered and changed into clean clothes, all the while snacking on some provisions I had brought with me. I knew that I would have to subsist on these snacks for the time being, as I had yet to secure a proper residence and was uncertain how long it would take to do so. After quickly finishing my meal, I departed from the motel and stopped by the reception desk to check out. I was now faced with the daunting task of procuring a source of income.

I wandered around the city, marveling at the hustle and bustle of the metropolis. I hadn't been to the city since my mom passed, we lived in a small town miles away from the city, my dad did come occasionally but I was never allowed to leave the house.

As I walked through the bustling city, I observed the frenzied rush of people hurrying off to work, some accompanied by their furry companions. The aroma of freshly baked bread and other delicacies wafted through the streets as restaurants began to open for business. I continued my quest for any menial job that I could find, but after nearly an hour of fruitless searching, I grew weary and needed to rest. My eyes fell upon a quaint bookshop, and I was seized by the urge to enter and browse its contents. I gingerly pushed open the glass door and stepped inside, surveying my surroundings with curiosity. An elderly woman who appeared to be in her sixties sat behind the counter, her inquisitive gaze fixed upon me as I entered. "Good day, ma'am," I said, breaking the silence. "I was simply passing by and was tempted to peruse your selection. Is that alright?" "Of course, dear," she replied warmly. "Feel free to look around."

"Thank you kindly, ma'am," I said, grateful for her hospitality.

As I perused the bookshop's offerings, I found myself instinctively drawn to the romance section, captivated by the tales of love and passion contained within. I selected a book that piqued my interest and settled down to immerse myself in its pages. However, I couldn't help but notice that the elderly woman behind the counter kept nodding off at intervals. I deduced that she must be exhausted, given her age and the demands of running a business. Suddenly, an elderly man entered the store and made his way over to the counter, gently tapping the woman on the shoulder. "Elizabeth, dear, shouldn't you be at home resting?" he inquired, his voice laced with concern. "If I do that, who will tend to the shop?" she replied wearily. "We ought to start looking for a shopkeeper," the man suggested. "Oh, my love, you know how challenging it is to find someone willing to take on such a role. We can't afford to pay much," Elizabeth replied with a sigh. Intrigued by their conversation, I cleared my throat, hoping to offer my assistance.

"Excuse me, ma'am, I hope I'm not interrupting, but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation about needing a shopkeeper. I would be interested in applying for the position," I said, hoping to seize the opportunity.

"Certainly, my dear, but I must warn you that the pay is not as substantial as other establishments," Elizabeth replied with a hint of concern.

"Pardon me for asking, but you look quite familiar. I recall seeing you at the motel last night. What brings a young woman like yourself to such a place?" her husband inquired

. "Yes, I stayed there last night. I'm currently homeless," I replied, chuckling nervously. "Please, I would be grateful for the job. It would help me pay for more nights at the motel," I implored.

"No, no, love, that won't do. We have an empty room at the back that used to be a storage space, and there's a small bathroom attached to it. You can move in there for the time being. I'll bring you a blanket tomorrow when I come. The motel is not safe for someone like you," Elizabeth offered. "Thank you so much. I truly appreciate it," I replied, beaming with gratitude. "All we can afford to pay is $10 per hour. Can you manage?" she inquired.

"Yes, thank you so much. I'm truly grateful," I replied, feeling elated at the prospect of a new beginning.