
My Nerd Is a Lil' Bunny

Jamie is not your average high school nerd, he's the cutest nerd there is. He is also someone who has always loved his childhood best friend Dennis, but Dennis is oblivious to Jamie's affection. One day Jamie bumps into Damian, the school jock that every girl fawns over and there is an instant spark between them. To Damian, Jamie is like a little bunny, and to Jamie, he is a lion. What happens when the lion catches the bunny? Let's find out ;-)

DaoistnHrmTX · LGBT+
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21 Chs

Chapter 6

*Damian's POV*

"What's got you all excited?" My sister asked, peeking into my room.

"Can't you see, I'm going on a date."

"You never get this excited for a date. You must like her." She said rummaging through my stuff.

"What are you looking for?"

"A jacket or a hoodie."


"Cause I want to." She said with a smirk. "Anyway, what's she like?"

"Who is like what?"

"Your date. What's she like?" She found one of my jerseys and put it on, checking herself in the mirror.

"It's not a 'she', it's a 'he'," I said. I was hesitant since I'm not gay, at least I think I'm not.

"So, what is 'he' like?" she asked without batting an eye. I gave her a confused look, "Oh, don't look at me like that. I'm surprised but at the same time I'm not." she said with a smile. My sister has always been like that, she was always supportive of everyone around her. Not only was she nice, but she also gave great advice. She was a beauty that made every guy/girl drool over her. She was a replica of my mom and I was of my dad.

"He's shy, cute, cheerful, petit and very cute. But I don't know much about him since we have recently met. Also, he's Joseph's little brother."

"You're going on a date with your best friend's little brother. Wow."

"What do you mean 'wow'?"

"I mean, isn't Joseph like super-protective when it comes to his little brother? What will you do if he finds out and ends your friendship?"

"Oh, he already knows."

"He does? What did he say?"

"He said that he'd make an exception since it's me."

"Wow, I wished I had a best friend like that." I looked at myself in the mirror one last time.

Hair, check.

Shirt, check.

Pants, check.

Shoes, check.

Face, Handsome!!!

"How do I look?"

"Like you're about to smash your best friend's little brother." I looked at her with an annoyed expression, though it was the truth. "Also, handsome." She said giving me a thumbs up. I smiled and looked at the clock, 2:45 pm.

"I'm heading out. I'll be back late, so tell mom not to make dinner for me." I yelled as I reached for the door.

"Kay, drive safe." I thanked her and closed the door behind me. The weather was perfect and I knew this was going to be the best date of my life.


*Jamie's POV*

I kept fidgeting around the living room, glancing at the clock every five seconds. I was nervous because this was my first date ever. And what I was wearing was not helping either. Wait a minute, this wasn't a date, I mean... maybe he just wants to hang out as friends... yeah FRIENDS.

"Honey, don't be nervous, you're gonna have a great time." My mom said sound optimistic as she always is. I just nodded in response. She wouldn't comprehend that I was NOT going on a date, plus this outfit... ARGH! I sighed and looked out the window, Damian's car arrived.

"Oh, it looks like he's here." Mom squeaked, rushing to open the door before he could even knock. "Hey Damian," she said with a cheeky grin.

"Hey, Mrs. Davis. Haven't seen you in a while, how have you been?"

"Oh, Damian, you're as polite as ever. I'm fine, Jamie will be out in a minute. So how's your family? She casually spoke to him while I took my time to mentally prepare myself. Okay! let's do this. It's only a movie, nothing more. I walked to the door and waited for mom to stop gossiping as she does with her lady gang.

"Mom," I called out.

"Yay, you're here." She said moving out of the way. I got a better look at Damian. He was wearing a black leather jacket with a white shirt, black jeans that were ripped exposing his knee and a pair of dark blue converse. His hair was brushed back exposing his face making his blue eyes stand out even more. He looked like the typical bad boy that every girl wanted even though they said they didn't.

"Shall we get going." He snapped me back to reality.

"Um... yeah sorry," I responded and walked out the door. "Mom, I'm leaving."

"Okay. Oh, what time are you coming back?" I looked at Damian for an answer.

"Well, we might come back after dinner." His reply surprised me. I thought we were just going to watch a movie.

"Okay. Be safe and drive safe." Mom waved from the door. "Also, it's okay if you stayed with Damian today. Just make sure to use protection!" She yelled that. She actually yelled that. OMG!!! My face was beet red. I looked over only to see Damian trying his best to hold back his laughter, emphasis on trying. I glared back at my mom who had a proud grin on her face.

OMG, I just realized something... my mom was a fujoshi.


*Damian's POV*

We got into my car after Mrs. Davis yelled. I am still trying my level best to stop thinking about it.

"You can laugh, you know." Jamie sounded a little annoyed. His face was still red. But that didn't catch my attention, it was what he was wearing. He was wearing a bunny hoodie, with short shorts and knee-length socks and sneakers. He also carried a bunny bag that swung across him like a satchel. This made him look even cuter than he is. It should be illegal to be this cute. I smiled and pinched his cheeks,

"You look really cute today." I could see him blush.

"Thanks," he said shyly as he hid his blushing face, "Y-you too, you look good today." he shuttered. He's so cute, I don't think I can manage to hold back if he's going to be this cute.

"So, what do you want to watch?" I asked. He looked at me thinking for a few minutes.

"Oh, the new movie! Um... what was it called... Detective Pikachu!" He said with excitement.

"Oh, so you like Pokémon?" I said childishly.

"Um, who wouldn't?"

"Aren't those for kids." he turned and looked me dead in the eye, giving me a reminder that he is Joseph's brother, but his glare was more of a puppy stare.

"Nope, I'm not having this conversation."

"What, why?"

"You cannot say something is for kids just because it is animated." Okay, I have a bad feeling about this.

"Um... isn't it though?" He gasped. Yes, he gasped and I just remembered that he is one of those kids.

"YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT!" I could hear the words capitalized. I think this is going to be a very long argument.

"What I meant was not all cartoons-"

"CARTOONS!!!" He screamed on top of his lungs, making me wince. "I am genuinely hurt." He placed his hand on his chest acting hurt.

"I'm a jock, how do you expect me to know a culture that is completely unknown to me?"

"... Fair point."

"Thank you. Also, tell me what it is called so I don't mess it up again."

"It's called anime. And anime is not cartoons, anime is ART!"

"Okay weeb," I scoffed.

"The term is Otaku, thank you very much."

"Yeah, I'm not calling you that."

"Well, I don't want to be called a weeb." He crossed his arms and huffed.

"Don't worry, I have a special name for you."


"You're my cute Lil Bunny."