

The very next day, I checked out of the hotel and headed towards the airport. Since I had missed a few days of school, I had to complete the homework on the flight. It was lucky that Leo had already sent me all the homework that needed to be done throughout the week in digital files. Even though I have not seen Leo in three days, he had been constantly messaging me almost every single second, even during the school day. Of course, I had admonished him for not paying attention to class, but Leo completely ignored my warnings and continued to text me throughout the weekday.

At first, Leo was quite pissed that I had run off to the South without telling him anything. However, I managed to convince him that I had no choice and that I was only given last minute notigication from Mr. Walker to leave, so I did not have time to tell him. Leo was also feeling quite sleepy for most of Sunday, so I did not have the time to tell him as he was asleep most of the time.