
My name is Mephsitopheles (Reposting)

A/N: IF YOU CAN BRAVE THROUGH THE FIRST 25 CHAPTERS, MY WRITING STYLE BECOMES BETTER. ALTHOUGH THE FIRST STYLE WASN'T BAD, IT WAS STILL AT AN AMATEURISH LEVEL. In a special void floats a soul adrift for a long time. Then, suddenly he got his attention called by someone walking towards him he was an old man with a bowler hat and in black suit holding an umbrella with him. 'He' was here

SOLACE · Anime et bandes dessinées
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71 Chs

Chapter 41: Raizel vs the 10th & 11th elder. & Trolling people

Did you guys hear the news" said Raymond as he looked at the at everyone who was just casually laying around. John turned to face Raymond "You mean the news about that guy declaring a one man war the on the world, and what he did to the outside" John nod his head as Raymond just turned his head and closed his eyes.

John looked at them " Why are you guys acting so casual this time, the fate of the WORLD! is being threatened by ONE GUY AND YOU'RE CASUAL!!, *huuuuuu* " john walked to a couch and sat down and stayed silent for a bit before he raised his head and looked at the room "...We are also going to be part of the forces that will fight him too, and we have to as we owe a duty to our country. But.... we'll die. It's not the thought of dying that actually scares me, it's how we may die. We are going to be actual sitting ducks if we fight him. No honor, and glory will come from our deaths. We shall die like actual chickens, our deaths may even be laughed at".

Matt raised his head up at him "You think that we don't know fool, we already saw with our own eyes how he just moved us and we weren't aware of anything, that and the footage of what he did to the base and with this now it meant he is confident enough to actually destroy the world or at least most of it. Either way even if humanity some how wins we would have truly lost because what did we save exactly. We know ourselves and our strength, just one of us is enough to take an an entire city down with enough time and we can't even sense when were being moved so far across a large distance like that".

Nathan who had been in the back of the corner had been wondering about it for a while now he raised his head to look up at Matt "I think I may have a theory on how he was moving us across such a large distance and we couldn't even be aware of how we were moved". Matt and Raymond turned to him "Well then Nathan, get on with it. You're the smart one" said Matt.

"Now what I am proposing might even terrify you more but, the only explanation of being no ed so fast across a large distance like that without us with our high senses being aware is...Space". Everyone became silent as they turned their heads to nathan "So... you're saying that this guy guy can control actual space, and that he was able to casually moved all of us through space". Matt said looking straight at nathan who Nod his head "That is the greatest possibility that we have now".

" So....is it teleportation" asked Raymond. Nathan nod his head "I believe so yes" Matt nod his head "How far and how many people do you just out of an estimate propose that he could teleport over such a large distance because I think there might be a distance that we have to be before we enter his field" asked Matt.

Nathan turned his gaze to Matt "I really can't estimate that, his long distance teleportation is making even more dangerous now. But, I think that when we eventually fight him we may be able to figure out something through some very hard effort and.....also possibly sacrifice". Said Nathan as they went into silence again.

Matt clasped his hands together "Do you estimate he is someone who gets rid of his opponents quick or that he may be the one who prefers to take his time"

Nathan turned his gaze to the ceiling as he lay down ".....I am not so sure about which since we didn't get the chance to properly fight him but..... something tells me that we should lean towards that he prefers to take his time. It's just this strong gut feeling I have now".

"hmmn, that would be good since this would mean giving us a greater percentage of trying to figure out a weakness from him" said Matt leaning back against the couch.

Meanwhile Karl was heading towards the room where Katherine rested to go check up on her and see if she was doing better. As he go to the room and opened the door, what we was met with was a sleeping Katherine sleeping so peacefully with a beautiful smile over her face. His heart beat a little faster as he smiled softly, he walked over to her and sat down on the bed right next to her as he gently put away some hair that was on her face.

~mm~ "Karl" kat spoke in her sleep as she turned a little. Karl looked at her beautiful sleeping face and sighed, he didn't want to wake her but she had to be aware so he shook her a little "Wake up Kat, there's something you should know"., Katherine murmured incoherent words as she began turning but woke up with a *hisss* as she had begun the pain from being stretched beyond limit.

"Are you okay Kat" Karl asked in worried tone as he tried to hold Kat but she blocked his hand as she raised her up and smiled at him "Don't worry Karl, I'm fine just a cramp" she pat his arm as she laid back gently on the bed. She turned her head to him "So you Said something about me having to know something right". Karl nod his head as he gazed into her eyes "There's going to be a war soon" Kat raised a brow "Is the US fighting another country she asked.

Karl shook his head "No, the Us and the World would have to fight one person".

"WHAT!?" exclaimed Kat as she almost sat up again but Karl stopped her in time "who is it that can make you think that" Katherine asked Karl. He looked into her eyes "It's that bastard Noble who was our guest".

" Eh?" Katherine said in disbelief as she stared at Karl "What makes you think that one Noble is enough to give you that challenge and you just accept it. If it was the entire of them and the werewolves then you can accept it".

Karl looked Into her eyes "Yes, that would be the logical way for that because even for monsters like them one of them wouldn't normally be enough right?" Said Karl as Mat mod her head "yes that would be too illogical".

"I would have thought so but, there was just something that made me know. It was just a particular way and that he was absolutely confident that we couldn't do anything and also when he said it, he said it almost as if this was entertainment for him".

"So you just got to the conclusion that wow this guy is totally able to take on the whole world". Kat spoke to him as if he had lost his brain.

Karl shook his head "No, it wasn't that. When he said it all it did was make me infuriated and of course I too saw it as impossible until, he did something that convinced me that he was really serious".

"what did he do that made you think that" asked Kat. Karl stood up and walked to the wall as he touched a particular part on it as it went open and a huge screen was revealed as Karl as he took the tab on the table ahead and operated it and a footage played.

It showed an overhead view of Rai who was going out of the building and flying out of the base as suddenly a canon locked into him and all the special tanks and canons made for taking down enhanced all aimed at him and shot at him. The footage couldn't catch the speed at which those canons fired because they were moving beyond the speed of sound as they all hit it's target and a massive explosion Could be seen and heard high in the sky as it was even melting some metal buildings because of how much heat was generated from the explosion and the shock wave too had directly blew off most buildings that weren't protected with a barrier.

The amazing scene was what happened next as suddenly all that heat was suddenly getting smaller and smaller as it got completely compressed into a small little ball of flame above the finger tips of rai and then it was put out and Raizel as completely unscathed, and his expression said it all. A new amazing scene happened as Raizel just raised an arm and then suddenly everything shattered, the land was turned upside down even the durable dome that could take a barrage of missiles was just that easily shattered and everything had become static on the footage.

Kat watched the scene in complete silence as she just witnessed the complete destruction that just happened "how.....how exactly are we alive right now" she asked as she was sure that they should be dead now. Karl shook his head "I think that if he killed us, he would have lost the person who is supposed to gather the forces to fight him and so he just left our whole building and some land around it intact".

Katherine placed a palm on her forehead as she closed her eyes "I think I need a breather Karl so can you...". Karl stood up "I understand Kat, I'll give you all the time you need" he said as he walked out the room.

Katherine lay in silence for some minutes before slowly one of her hand went to her boobs as she squeezed them ~mmm~ Seriously Rai, you're evil. She said as she carefully placed a finger in her clit, and rub it. Her pussy was screaming in pain form the destruction it recently received from Rai so she couldn't play with it and only carefully play with her clit.

*"I know katherine"* said the astral figure of Rai. As he floated above Katherine, he moved closer and kissed her lips. Katherine enjoyed kiss as she got some of his addictive fluids once again, Rai broke the kiss as he looked at her and she too gazed into his eyes "I really want you right now" she said. Raizel smiled.

Katherine shook her head "You trolled my husband just like that, and now that he was the one who made the first attack against you" she looked into his eyes "It means that now you have every justification to fight back, it wasn't you who began the war.....it was us".

Raizel still smiling as he parted her hair and looked into her bright golden irises "Yes, but it is also not completely like you said. I don't need justification if I decided to attack the planet, but I guess this works better for when I troll more in the future and then they eventually realize that it was all them".

Katherine gazed into Raizel's eyes as she sighed "My poor Karl, he has no idea what he did". Raizel touched her cheeks "Don't worry Katherine, your husband will live".

"I know what you mean by live Raizel, you just want him to experience his failure and despair and eventually see his biggest loss of all when you do something crazy like kiss me in front of his broken self right" Katherine said staring deep into Rai's eyes.

Raizel gazed back "...You're right Katherine, was it that obvious". She Nod her head as she placed her palm on his cheek "I really should hate you now you know" Raizel held her hand that was on his cheek "When the war is over, would you like to go with me" he asked as he gazed straight at her.

Katherine kept silent as she just gazed straight at him ".....You're not a good guy Rai, you have multiple girlfriends already I am sure. And my husband.....he is a good man, an amazing man. I love him just like he loves me". Tears streamed out of her eyes "I think who I should be choosing here would be obvious to anyone else but...*sniff* heh.... You're evil Rai, really really evil".

Raizel wiped the tears that streamed down her cheeks. "I'm a devil, that I am aware. This will make me cause a lot of pain and despair, but I don't regret anything". He gazed Into Katherine's eyes "I am not bound by laws and ideals of others, I am above them. My Justice is mine alone, no one else's matters. I never want to cause my partners pain but it is inevitable I will".

Katherine gazed at Rai in silence "I'm also not a good wife so I don't think I deserve a good husband". Raizel smiled at her "That is not your fault Katherine, the body is supreme and I am not a fair existence to women".

*chuckle* she smiled as she turned her face away "I really feel all my desire for my husband dying, and eventually it would be gone. It's funny, so many years of love a d great moments shared between us and it was just shattered so easily in a day. You're right, you really are an unfair existence". She turned to face Raizel again as she wrapped her hands around his neck and drew him in for a passionate kiss that lasted minutes.

After Raizel drew back katherine asked "I really want to know how I'm able to touch you in this form that you're in now, aren't you supposed to be intangible".

"it's because I will it to be like so" Rai as h began floating higher as he looked down at Katherine "Eventually you will come to ba aware of may things Katherine, and there are many dangerous things in the universe that you can't imagine and for what is going to come, you have to be strong. Hence the little gift which I left for you".

Katherine was confused "Little gift?" she asked. Raizel smiled "It will eventually manifest itself" he said as he vanished.

Katherine just kept gazing up at the ceiling in silence as she thought back to what Raizel just said *{So there are many more beings like them are outside in tbe universe huh, if I'm not wrong he's insulating that at some point we would leave the earth. *heh* what I have I really gotten myself into}*.

Meanwhile Rai who had returned back to the city an hour ago was in an awkward situation. Minutes ago two elders from the union had arrived to the city and Seira together with Regis for the sake of formalities were chosen as delegates to meet them as there really wasn't any need to lay attention to ants. The elders had tried to intimidate them but failed and they just casually returned back to the house as the meeting had been suspended for a while since the elders were not looking serious.

His peculiar situation is him actually messing around with space for fun because he wanted to have some fun with the two elders who were in the city and so when he arrived at the location he sorta blew up their jet by bending space a little too much and so his entrance was very...awkward.

"What are you doing here boy, where are the other two Nobles" asked 10th elder Rostere who was a chubby short man with a bow moustache and a bald head. He wore a light brown suit with a red tie.

The 11th elder Muar who was a tall man with a lean build and wild long brown hair, a lean build and he wore casual clothes consisting of just a black long sleeve shirt and blue jeans. He gazed straight at Rai "What is wrong with this fool, why did you destroy the jet, how do you want us to return home now".

Raizel just calmly gazed at him and the other elder then his gaze turned to Yuri and the other guy with him who were behind the elders.

The other guy who was on a red suit with his arm in his pockets and a casual look on his face looked to the 10th elder "Does this count as an attack on the union, he did destroy our jet and he might have just missed but it was our jet after all".

The 10th just kept silent as he stroked his moustache "Technically it does count as we were standing in front of it after all".

Bonnere turned to face Rai with eyes of indifference "So does that mean we're allowed to pay him back too".

The 10th elder smiled "Now now Bonnere, it might have just been a misunderstanding and he may be here to meet us for something is that right boy. Hmm you know you're very beautiful, much more than all other Nobles I've seen". Said the 10th elder as he made the observation

Meanwhile Yuri in the back was cursing all of his luck in his mind *{What exactly is he here for this time, there's no reason he would be here}*.

Raizel who read Yuri's thoughts turned his gaze to him "Don't worry Yuri, you're not going to die. My business Is with the others".

They all turned their gaze to Yuri "Ohhh you know him Yuri, asked the 10th". Yuri gave a nervous laugh " Sir, know is a very strong word in this situation. I only just crossed paths with him before"

"So why would he say he's here for us if you're the one he met before" asked Bonnere with a bored tone. Yuri shrugged a little "that too is eluding me".

Bonnere looked straight at Rai "So why are you here, you said you have business with us".

Raizel gazed at Bonnere "You all will be my entertainment for the night" Rai said as everyone had gone silent in shock at what Rai just said. They were having cold sweat run down their necks *{What is wrong with this retard, did he just call us entertainment}*


The 10th and 11th elder broke out in laughter as what he said actually did sound funny to them.

*{Why exactly do people break out in laughter when I say something like this, it's weird. First those 12 guys and now these two}* thought Rai as he looked at the 2 elders laughing their asses off.

*Hahaha...ahhh* the 10th elder wiped a rear from his eyes "I swear that if you had told me Nobles had an actual sense of humor, I never would have believed you with how serious you guys are all the time".


Meanwhile far away was Regis and Seira who had stopped to watch the whole thing, they were coming back to complete the meeting but it seemed like that won't be possible anymore.

"Raizel-nim looks like he wants to use them for entertainment" said.Regis as the watched from kilometers away

- Nod -

*sigh* "Should we report to the Lord that there is no need for the mission anymore" said Regis turned his head back to the sight.

Seira turned away as she began heading back towards the house giving Regis his answer as he followed back also

Back with Raizel who was just gazing at the crowd "Can we start, you're wasting my time".

Their eyes had gone cold as the whole atmosphere had undergone a massive change. "You can kill him now Bonnere" the 10th spoke.

Bonnere with still that indifferent eyes raised his hand and from his index finger, a green energy ball formed as it shot a strong beam as it travelled through the air at super fast speeds toward Rai as he watched the beam and flicked it and it immediately dispersed.

Bonnere was not looking any different "good of you to survive my testing shot". And the next instant he was already besides Rai "Let's see what you're made of".

Raizel turned his eyes to him "You're slow" that was all he said as suddenly Bonnere had one of his arm missing. He and everyone watched with wide eyes as massive blood began spurting from his arm.

*Arrgggghh* the pain all came rushing to him as he grabbed his shoulder and jumped far back away from Rai as blood kept on gushing out, he grit his teeth as he glared at Rai.

"You bastard he opened his palm as a huge energy ball 20 meters large manifested and he launched it at Raizel as this ball tore through the air making loud sonic boos at how fast it was going. Raizel gazed at the energy ball and his eyes slightly glowed as the entire massive energy contained in the ball was dispersed.

Bonnere who was already shaking and sweating from the massive blood loss he was having had his eyes go wide at the insanity of how Raizel dispersed all that power. "You....you monster" he cursed at Rai.

Rai kept his gaze at him "you're weak" he said as he raised his finger and a red tiny energy ball materialised at the tip of his index but the effects were already massive as the whole ground around them In a 50metet radius had suddenly shattered and compressed. The two eldrrs had to release their own elders to fight the gravitational weight on them.

Bonnere was on his knees hard as the ground shattered around him. He was In terror as he looked at those deep red eyes looking down at him . "Like I said....weak". And then the energy ball was launched. The dense energy in the ball totally shattered the land as it tore through the air. The elders moved with insane speed as they ran kilometers away from the destruction that was about to be caused.

When the ball finally hit, the explosion was massive. It destroyed the whole private airport and then proceeded to make a whole 3kilometer lage hole and with more than 500meters depth.

Back at home everyone immediately snapped their heads as they faced a particular direction. "Who's using such a massive power" asked Tao.

..."Master" said Frankenstein as he just went back to preparing dinner. Tao stood up as he went on to go secretly check the cameras he installed in the lab to check M-24's condition, and as he opened the computer "Huh?".....

Raizel floated above a deep red boiling hot abyss that looked like he was staring down at an entrance to hell as he gazed at the boiling magma that was caused by the heat of such a large explosion.

He turned his head to look at the elders and Yuri who had escaped death, from over hear he could feel the massive fear and terror emanating from them *{..... delicious}*. He levitated all the way to them as they began moving back In fear "S..s....stay a..away from us y..you m..m....monster" said the elder as he backed away and tripped on himself as he fell flat on his ass.

The 11th elder was doing better as he was still standing even as he was terrified. "a..aren't you Nobles always saying that you won't interfere in the human world, w....with the destruction you just caused isn't this calling for war".

Raizel turned his gaze to him "who said the war had just begun".

"Huh? W.....what do you mean" asked the 11th.

"Oh.... you wouldn't have heard the news yet as it is still in it's early stages but the world will declare war on the Nobles or should I say me".

Everyone's eyes had widened "that's impossible, there's no way that they know of your existence so how are they declaring war". asked the 10th.

Raizel turned his gaze to him "You should be aware of the US right". The 2 ders shook their head to indicate they did.

"Hmm, well this guy called general Karl invited me and for some reason just launched a full on military attack on me and so I have them a challenge. Since they declared war on me, I will kill the world if they don't get the whole world to fight against me".

A/N: We know that Raizel is bullshitting here so no reason to make a big deal.

Their eyes went wide "y.... you're insane, how can you ba so cruel to wasn't to kill an entire planet just for one person's mistake" the 10th elder said to Rai who just calmly gazed at him." Enough talking has been done, you're much stronger than the weakling so entertain me, this is your purpose for which you're alive".

The 2 elders had become focused as they took in a deep breath and exhaled and turned their eyes up at Rai "You want entertainment huh, very well. I prefer not dying as sheep" said the 10th as he and the 11th released their massive auras and their body's started morphing.

The 11th elders body had turned into a green amoured thing as his hands became huge mantis claws as did his mouth and two antlers from his head and his feet had turned insect like too. He looked inelegant and weird according to Raizel's view.

The 10th elders had a much more powerful transformation as he had become a dark grey rhinoceros hybrid, from his elbows and knee's were sharp and powerful bones. His knuckles had claws of elongated durable bone, on his head was a long horn and one shorter one lower. His wrists and shin were covered with hairy cuffs.

A/N: Basically almost like the comic doomsday so you can get the point.

Yuri had already moved far back from the massive presence of the elders auras.

"I don't know how powerful you are, but get ready to try your hardest against us" the 10th spoke.

Raizel gazed at both of them *{although both are much stronger than the 12th it's still disappointing, but this is just entertainment so I should enjoy}*.

The two elders made their move as the 11th came with clan and spun in the air as he swiped it Rai who just blocked it with his telekinesis and halted his movement *Kuuu* the 11th groaned through grit mandibles Raizel turned to look him in the bug eyes "begone" and in the next Instant the 11th had been thrown kilometers away as she crashed into somewhere in the city causing massive destruction. Raizel raised his finger to stop the powerful charge of the 10th elder as the whole ground shattered and a massive shockwave erupted *Graaaa* the 10th groaned as he kept on pushing with all his might but still never moving Rai one centimeter.

Raizel looked into the eyes of the 10th, his eyes breathed rage and fear and his heart was thumping loudly in that durable body of his.


And immediately he had gone on his knees *Arrggghh* "What HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!!!" screamed the 10th as he fought with all his might to try and move a single part of his body

Raizel looked down at him and vanished the next Instant as a massive explosion occured right where he stood. A large cut that was 1•5kilometers long and 50metes deep was what was left as the aftermath. "w...where is HE!! " the 11th looked around frantically trying to find Raizel and an instant later a meter to to the side of him was Raizel. The 11th immediately moved away with his fastest reflexes as he moved 50meters back and glared at Ra who gazed at him with calm look.

"Is this all" Rai mocked. The 2 elders grit their teeth as they looked at each other for a few seconds and then nod their head in understanding.

Then suddenly the aura around them began rising and churning to extreme levels as they began lighting up the night sky and the they both charged at him with full speed but as they were a meter away from him suddenly the 11 elder turned back at full speed and ran. The 10th elder in that same instance had his eyes go wide with disbelief *{YOU COWAAARD!!!!}* he cursed the 11th in his heart as suddenly his body began breaking down into a large golden ball. The ball expanded up to 500meters and enclosed Rai before it finally detonated.


The explosion expanded far enough that It cut into the large hole that Raizel made and only stopped after it expanded 200meters more Into the hole. It didn't stop because that was the limit of the explosion but because Rai stopped it. He overpowered the explosion and shrunk it back down into a small tennis sized ball in his palm, and around him another 2kilometer large hole was made and almost 150meters deep.

Raizel looked at the golden energy ball in his hands and then finally dispersed it as he turned around and left. The 11th elder ran away and that was not his problem.

But as he was about to fly out of there he received a mental lime in his head. He knew who it was. Not everybody had the same mental signature, Seira's was different, and also Mary's.

*[Hello Arith]*


Arith turned around in her bed "what exactly do you do Raizel".

*[Ahh, you've received the call and footage]*.

"Yes, it's not exactly something that can be kept secret. You really are insane Raizel, declaring a one man war on the World".

*[Don't worry Arith, you should trust me, I won't get hurt]*.

Arith gazed at the ceiling "...are you sure, I know you're incredibly powerful but still".

Raizel appeared in her room and levitated all the way to her bed as he laid down and held her head to his chest "you really shouldn't worry Arith, I'll be fine. This is just for fun and to experiment".

"For fun?" She asked Rai as he nod his head and said "I just suddenly got the idea to troll the world into fighting me, I didn't plan this at all". Arith just stared at him as she chuckled " You're insane". Raizel looked at her "You're insane too Arith". She smiled as then suddenly the door opened and Mary walked in surprising both Rai and Arith.

"Mary?" asked Rai in confusion as he turned back to face Arith and she too just shrugged.

Raizel had actually Introduced Mary to Arith some time ago so that was not the surprise, the surprise was how and why she was here or most importantly how did she know he got here so fast.

Mary walked over to the bed and laid down on it too as Raizel put an arm around her "Is everything okay Mary" he asked. As mary shook her head to indicate she was okay.

Raizel still was confused, there as no way that Mary would be worried about him going against the world so it must be something else.

"I can use space now" she said. As Rai raised a brow and smiled, he kissed her forehead "but how did you know I was Here though, I was actually going to take you soon but well....this is surprising".

Mary looked up at him "I learnt your mental signature and made a radar for it so I came Here".

Arith and Rai both had a speechless expression "You.... you're really a genius in the mental department huh" said Rai as he smiled again.

*hmph* "I could have done better than her of I had the ability" Arith pouted. Raizel turned to her "Do you want it Arith" he asked. Arith faced him and smiled "I think I like mine better".

Mary was now curious "what power did you give her she asked Rai as Arith grinned "ohh~ so you want to know huh you Crombell bitch".

Mary didn't even pay attention to the comment as her eyes were still on Rai *tch* " Damn, it didn't work this time" Arith complained. If was before Mary would have lost it and fried her or froze her. The freezing one was the worst as she could actually be in ice for an entire week because of how strong the ice was. Lightning was easier to handle due to how she could regenerate but that was because it wasn't meant to kill her. She wanted Mary to react so she could use this as justification for beating her for the other times and also to show off her new power.

Raizel answering mary's question said "her power is gravity or gravity magic, either way I didn't give it to her, all I did was awaken it as the natural affinity hidden in her aura".

Mary glanced at Arith "so this is why you want to provoke me". She said as Arith humphed, Mary had a small smile on her lips "eventually too I would be able to control gravity and beat you with your own element and even use it better than you".

Arith glared at her "Try it you whore" Mary's smile became wider "I will ".

"....I did give her infinite growth though". Raizel said as Mary turned to look at him again "It doesn't matter". Arith had definitely lost it as the suddenly everything around the room stated rising and at the same time the room temperature had began dropping in levels.

But then suddenly a massive overpowering scent and aura had enveloped the room as the both of them began panting hot breaths and their bodies became super sensitive.

Raizel looked at both of them *sigh* "You too have to cool off, and I sacrifice myself for it so don't worry". Raizel the proceeded to pull their super sensitive body onto his

~mmm~ hah... hah..hah~ they squirmed around in his arms as they're caves dripped out juices in bucket's. Mary gripped onto his arm as did Arith and Rai proceeded to save them from their sufferings. Needless to say it was a very out of the universe night for them.


A/N: (≧▽≦)(≧▽≦)(≧▽≦)(≧▽≦)


A/N: (≧▽≦)(≧▽≦)(≧▽≦)(≧▽≦)




(ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻    (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻


Pls don't kill me.

Who is going to finish the fanfic if I die.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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