
My Multi universe harems system.

adam who got transmitted into another word. he died by a truck back on earth, when he woke up, in the body of the formal person that died a screen suddenly pooped up at his front multi universe harems system, jack was first shocked but later understood the function of the system and the power it had, with this I will conquer all the woman's in the multi universe which will all belongs to me, I would conquer everyone of them under my cock. I will then raise my herms army in this word only the strong could make decision.

universal_player · Urbain
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44 Chs


"After walking for a while, while being cautious not wanting to alarm them, after walking for a while the view of the river finally came in sight. As jack hid his self behind a bush not wanting to be spotted, as he observed the group of woman filling some bottles with water, as they stored it inside their stroage ring.

"After a while jack saw that they where done with filling the bottles with water, "this is where the interesting part comes in" as jack look as they began to undress their self, wanting to take a bath.

"As jack dick harden, something in him just wants him to jump on them and fuck them so hard, but jack restricted his self he knew any mistake could make his incubus form take control over him again, which he didn't want it to happen.

"As he observed clearly as they all began to undress their self, as their body looked more beautiful under the moon light, which gave a clear view of how God took his time creating them. "As jack looked at the woman by the right she was a hybrid as jack eyes scanned across her body, red like hair, big ass, muscular body, big red like eyes, smooth skin, and a little hair in her pussy.

"As jack shifted his glaze to the woman in the middle, she was a human, smooth skin, nice curves, slim waist, oval face that brought out the beauty of her body, nice ass, and big boob. But not as big like the boobs of the hybrid, only by looking at their body turned jack so on.

"As jack felt like eating them raw, as jack shifted his glaze to the last woman, she was also a human but had a scary looks on her face, her figure was also quiet good and nice, which she had a shaved pussy as jack admired the way she kept it clean.

"As jack watched as they dipped their self inside the river, enjoying the coldness if the water as the moonlight reflected on their body, as jack looked at their smooth skin and nice curve, lady luck just seems to favour me.

"As jack came out of the bush he was hiding and headed toward them, with cushion, not wanting to alarm them, as a smile curved on his face. Looking like a predator looking at it prey, since the woman's where too focus on washing their body, they didn't notice that someone was approching them.

"Hello! jack said as he bend down looking at them, which he then dipping one of his finger into the water, mind if I take a bath with, "but before jack could finish his word he saw a giant fireball heading his direction, with amazing speed which he was almost caugh on aware, which jack quickly dodge the fireball, as it hit the formal position he was standing, which the ground immediately began to melt.

"Under the hot temperature which sent fear down jack spine, if I got hit am sure I would have been dead, as jack looked at the person who cast the fire spell which was the woman that had scary look on her face.

"Who cast that fire ball jack asked pretending to be annoyed, I would make sure to punish the person personally till their knee goes numb, jack said with a smile, as all the girls look at jack with a look of disgust.

"You parverted creature you deserve to rot and burn in hell, don't think of leaving this place alive, as the hybrid woman took her sword that was near by and headed toward jack direction, with high speed with anger visible on her face, as she cursed jack continuously while approaching him.

"As her sword almost came in contact with jack throat, which jack sensed before head and moved with amazing speed, enough to dodge the attack. "Dam system if you could have given me one offensive skill, it would be of use now as jack cursed his system. 

"As the sword approached where jack was before. "Which the hybrid woman was still seeing jack but not really him but his image, as she use her strange to strike him, which gave out a pitch* sound, with this attack her defend was extremely low.

"Even to be able to turn your body on time would be too much, due to the immerse shock, as her sword cut through jack image, fuck it's his image but before she could say another word, she felt a hand hit her neck as she fell straight to the ground, grunting in pain.


Fuck *

"I would fucking kill you,

"As she tired to move her body but found out it wasn't even moving, as she looked at jack, fuck what have you done to me, you monster, why can't I mover, as jack smiled and came forward toward her.

"Shhhh don't talk too much, you body is presently paralyzed so you won't be able to move only if I want you to, as jack glaze was directed toward her pussy, by the way nice pussy jack said playfully, bastard, you monster, as she began to curse jack.

"As jack shifted his attention toward the remaining two woman, who was preparing to lunch a attack as jack moved toward them with swift movement, wanting to end the battle as soon as possible. So it won't draw any attention.

"Which took them by surprise, but this didn't stop them from casting their spell, as they prepared another spell, while the women on the right started preparing another fire spell, While the woman that on left, jack was confused about her power.

"But while jack was moving at a high speed spike came out of the earth, that was made out of rocks and mud, as jack guessed her power would have something with earth manipulation, "humm I would make sure I discipline you properly, not to disrespect your elder, by the time am done with you, you would be screaming my name jack said.

"Disgusting creature, watch how I rost you to death, which jack didn't mind her abusive word as his eyes glowed blue, hallucinations jack said not giving them a chance to cast their spell finish, as they both started feeling their mind going blank.

"As they started loosing posture of their body, as their spell that that where busy casting vanished, because they where not longer concentrating as they fell into the water, what have you done to us you disgusting creature, as they both started cursing jack.

"Which jack went closer to them, "what "what do you want to do? as jack watched them trying to back off, it's pretty useless as jack moved toward the fire mage, as he bent down at her front, looking at her body with a look of lust.

",What do you plan on doing? you on holy creature, which jack only smiled to her questions, what do you think jack said with a devilish smile, *you "you do you know who I am, but before she could complete her statement, she gave out a loud moan.

"As jack inserted his finger into her pussy, three finger at once, as her body shook, i would first start with the hybrid while you two watch since your body is under my control, any attempt of escaping would be pinished, as jack inserted his fourth finget into her pussy which she once again moaned.

"You on holy creature what do you think you are doing, as jack turned his face toward the earth mage, if you call me that one more time, I would make sure I fuck you till even your soul feels it, after that I would leave you out here paralyzed to be eaten by Wilde animal.

"Jack said with a smile which sent fear down her spine, as she looked at jack with fear she knew his words was no joke, what a good girl jack said ad he inserted his last finget inside the fire mage pussy, which she moaned once again this time more intense, with Silva dropping down her mouth.