
My Multi universe harems system.

adam who got transmitted into another word. he died by a truck back on earth, when he woke up, in the body of the formal person that died a screen suddenly pooped up at his front multi universe harems system, jack was first shocked but later understood the function of the system and the power it had, with this I will conquer all the woman's in the multi universe which will all belongs to me, I would conquer everyone of them under my cock. I will then raise my herms army in this word only the strong could make decision.

universal_player · Urbain
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44 Chs


while she started moving toward jack, jack saw a number floating above her head.

Name.. Anabel.


skill....art of seduction.

element.... Mastery of sex kill.

[ You might be wondering how she kills her host while having sex] yes jack answered ! truth must be said. when he saw all this he almost wanted to run out of this hotel but instinct told him to stay.

[ She drains males qi while having sex with them]

combination....half human / fox.

Others skills.... smile of seduction.... touch of suicide.

Demonic race skill....trades with people souls for more powers.

Home....Nine hell.

Mission.... planning something big.

Age.....200,000 years old.

Preference on bed.....rough sex loves being dominated on bed.

[ Affection for host 50% ]

[ Hatred for host 5%]

[ Love for host 45%]

[ Host is advised to be careful around this woman]

[ But if host can get her to bed with Him host will receive 2 god like skill ]

[ Host would also revive 3 art of seduction skill].

[ If host manage to have sex with her the system promise to help the host drain her qi not the other way].

[ Host can't make this woman part of his harems because she is simply too dangerous].

[ Host is advised to kill her while having sex by draining all her qi].

[ her dead body can also be sold to the system for a lot of op]

[ But before host kills her host is advised to].

[ make her tell host a lot of information also with what stuff is she planning] .

[ Host is advised not to use any art of seduction on her cause it won't work and can also put the host into trouble host is advised to stay low key].

[ One more last thing as the system said in mocking voice stay safe and have fun].

When jack heard all this he almost fainted, like who wouldn't faint you just came to rent a place you could pass the night. and some days, when you heard that the c.e.o is a half human half fox from hell and she have taken interest into you. and she drains males qi while having sex with them " Author note if I was the one I might have passed out or even pee my pants lol".

As jack looked at Anabel with disbelief he didn't know maybe he should be happy or sad. at that moment I wonder how many males qi she have drain just to keep her self alive and beautifu.l up to this date just thinking about this send fear through jack spine, for the first time in his life he feared women .

Before I died and recanted into this word back on earth, I heard this saying that goes after god is woman, but I didn't take it to heart but being hear I finally understood what it meant. why did I have to be so unlucky, I just wanted a good night sleep and see what I have gotten my self into, no I have to keep calm I must not show i suspect anything, or know anything about her or that may draw further trouble for me.

Thank god i have this system if not i might just be one of her Vitim for the first time, since I got recanted into this word am happy I got a system like this.

As jack was lost in his word of his own, he felt a big boobs resting on his chest, while a hand touching his face as his instinct immediately kicked in, and his conciousness immediately came back into his body, as he saw Anabel resting on his body.while using her soft like hand to touch his face as he felt the softness of her breast.

Jack wanted to push her away from him but he decided not to, since she does not seems to carry have any I'll intense yet, As he heard her voice please let me hold you for a while I don't really feel well, and I kinda feel safe around you as jack felt his body getting hot. wait.... he knew this skill this is heat of seduction. w.t.f if she is already using a seductive skill on him. does this mean ! just thinking about this sent fear down his spine.

DING as jack heard a notification.

[ I forgot to tell host, she is also good at acting which is what she is currently doing.]

why are you looking after me like this? jack asked the system because he was also quite shocked why is the system being so kind this my evil system. [ host is advised to focus on the danger ahead.]

Author note.

hope you are enjoying this novel' I actually put in a lot of effort on this chapter. and sorry for the late release, your opinion and comment would also prove a lot of support, and you can also support me with power stone and those with a contract am actually open".