
My Multi universe harems system.

adam who got transmitted into another word. he died by a truck back on earth, when he woke up, in the body of the formal person that died a screen suddenly pooped up at his front multi universe harems system, jack was first shocked but later understood the function of the system and the power it had, with this I will conquer all the woman's in the multi universe which will all belongs to me, I would conquer everyone of them under my cock. I will then raise my herms army in this word only the strong could make decision.

universal_player · Urbain
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44 Chs


"As they started leading jack toward the dark ally, jack just followed them quietly not sure if whom might want to meet him, after walking for some minutes they finally arrived at the end dark ally.

To jack surprise he didn't see anybody or anything, what is the meaning of this nonsense? you said someone wanted to meet me then we're is that person jack said.

Quiet angry but to his surprise he did get any answer, the only answer he got was silent as one of the gard came forward as he started reciting some strange spell and chants.

That jack didn't understand stand or knew the meaning, after a while the other guy also came forward and started doing a series of strange dance, is it too late to turn back jack tough I didn't even know that it a group of lunatic that called me.

as jack was busy thinking a portal mysterious appeared, what....!!! jack tough as the both man stoped what they where doing as they entered the portal, which jack also followed.

"After jack fully enter the portal, the portal glowed red and immediately closed,as silent once again filled the ally, as jack saw his self in a unfamiliar environment and a very tall building at his front that looked quiet nice bit mysterious which sent chill into his spine.

"bring him in jack heard a voice as some gard came to jack side as they grabbed his hand, let go jack said I can walk by my self, but before he could say anything else jack started feeling dizzy.

Wake him up, wake him up, we don't have all day if master knows what we are doing we are all good as dead. Sister you made us crossed ream only to find this guy that Haven't even awake his system fully, if anyone from the underworld knows this we will be in big time trouble.

But if they don't find out we will just take him along, after some days and give him a new identity, sister are you sure he is the same guy our mother talked about before she passed out.

yes he is the same if am not wrong, our master is full of pure evil if he finds out that we have finally found him after 10,000 years, of searching he is just going to have the fate that the others suffered, in the hands of our master.

Only if he could maximize his self this is for his own safety, even the queen of the underworld won't be happy that we broke the rule and crossed reams trillions of light years away, we will be good as fuck if we get caugh.

And we can even get killed we can't afford to get caugh, we can only help but pray that he does not bring us disappoinment, and be smart I hope he is worth our time, what do you think sister, only God know only him knows.

"Now wake him up, okay as one of the gard poured extreme cold water on jack, the degree of the coldness humm," I can't say, try guessing it your self after you have read his reaction, splash*.

AS jack conciousness immediately kicked, as he immediately opened his eyes feeling extremely coldness from the bottom of his mind soul conciousness, and anything you could think of.

As jack opened his eyes immediately, as he was fully awake at this point seeing the two beautiful demons like at his front, looking at him with a strange expression, who are you? jack immediately asked feeling somewhat terrified.

Not because of them but it was the effect of the cold water, we are who you think we are, as jack tired to move his hand to find out it wasn't moving, according to his will, why am I fucking tied to a chair? jack asked is this how you treat people you invited.

And who the fuck are you guys, this is called kidnapping back on," as jack swallowed his own word you could have been jailed, see this fool, who are you calling a fool if you have the audacity untie me.

Or are you scared of being subdued by me jack said trying to get them angry, but all his hard work seems to be in vain after a while jack stopped talking. Cause he looked like a fool, a saying goes like this the fool speaks while the wise one listen.

You sure are a smart one, but since you have now finally calmed down let me introduce my self, please cut the formality and go straight to the point," why did you kidnap me as jack voice took another tone.

You are not from this word, if I am right you are from the planet called earth, your soul transmitted when you got hit by a truck back on earth, and then your soul wondered through space on till was was finally draw to this body, you currently process.

After you transmitted you got a system right, tough am not sure what kind of system but it should be quiet powerful, if am wrong say am wrong after jack heard this he was totally hopeless and distressed.

His body finally calmed down, as he felt like he was fully naked, right at the front of this two begins, as if they knew his inside out, they know I died back on earth and even got a system, they must not be simple better play it safe on till I get a lead on what is happening.

Thank God", they don't know what kind of system I got, at that point jack behavior took a 360© turn, I was blind sorry that I didn't recognize the senior, hope you are not offended by my uncharted behavior.

As expected this guy change his behavior so fast, just as tough quiet nice talking to smart people, let all just calm down and talk about what is at hand, this night is going to be a long night she said with a smile.