
My Multi universe harems system.

adam who got transmitted into another word. he died by a truck back on earth, when he woke up, in the body of the formal person that died a screen suddenly pooped up at his front multi universe harems system, jack was first shocked but later understood the function of the system and the power it had, with this I will conquer all the woman's in the multi universe which will all belongs to me, I would conquer everyone of them under my cock. I will then raise my herms army in this word only the strong could make decision.

universal_player · Urbain
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Another word.

"After a while which the blood on the alter was already sufficient, "and the cry of the people have stopped the figure sitting on the throne stood up which she started speaking in strange language. "Which I can't even interpret, only what I could do was seat back and watch how the alter started glowing red.

"Which after the whole place shook and like that once the camp, "was now empty like nothing occured here before, both the living and the unliving was now no where to be found.

"Jack opened his eyes due to the continuous water dripping on his face, "as he slowly got up to adjust his self looking around the unfamiliar environment. "With the cries of wilde animal which the continuous sound came from, making the night look more scary.

"As jack started looking around to find out that there wasn't even a single soul with him, even all the camp and the formation with they where once in was now all gone.

"What happened have I been abandoned, did they consider me much of a burden that they have to abandon me, "those traitors jack said with a hint of anger in his tone, they just left me in the middle of nowhere to rot and die. Jack said while cursing not aware of the situation he was current in.

"Which jack felt a hand on his shoulder turning backyard to see who it was, "standing before his eyes was a beautiful lady, with all the whole access a man desires.

"Are you lost jack asked? do you need my help back home jack asked again determined to find out, "what a beautiful lady like her would be doing all alone in this forest, "brother please I indeed need your help she said, if brother can really help me I would forever remaining grateful.

 "Which she said in a voice that could capture the heart of others. I promise if it is within my power i would help you, jack said trying to make a good impression.

"Hummm is that so then I was wondering if brother could help me with something, "she said while placing one of her hand on jack face which felt soft and gentle, which sent excitement through jack body, "and what may that be if it is within my capacity I would do it. "Jack said weirdly feeling calm.

"If that the case I was wondering if brother could help me down there, which she said point to her lower body, as jack use his eyes to trace where her hand was heading to, "but jack felt danger immediately he saw where her hand pointed to, he just felt extreme danger which came from the bottom of his mind.

"Can brother help me down there ? "it kinda inching does brother have something for me to relieve the pain, she said as a smile curved on her face, and what might that be ? jack said trying to maintain calmness, "huummm if brother doesn't know I guess there is no harm teaching brother she said while she started sliding her hand down jack body, "untill it came in contact with jack dick.

"Holding it gently and softly, can brother help me use this to relieve the inching she said while sliding her hand into jack pants, "which her hand came in contact with jack dick. as

she used her hand to grad jack dick while rubbing jack dick continuously with her hand, on till jack let out a slight moan.

"Looks like brother is hard down there she said as she lean closer to jack, 'if brother wants he can use my pussy to relieve himself, "I won't mind seeing brother is such a nice person, she said sending chill down jack spine "no "no I don't I really don't want to. jack said while struggling to brake free from her manipulation.

"As she continuously rub jack dick which he gave out a loud moan time to time, "is that so if brother does not wants to do it with me I guess I have to force myself on brother, "Wait "wait why don't we take things slowly jack tried to explain. But it was too late she locked her lips on his, while pushing him down which jack struggled but finally hit the ground with her on top of him.

"Jack tired to resist the kiss at first but it got to a stage where he couldn't as he started responding to the kiss, 'like common, we guys "know how hard it is to resist a temptation like this as jack suddenly felt her tounge reaching deep inside his throat. "It was at this moment jack knew that she was not a human.

"As fear dawn on him, his eyes opened in disbelief and shocked as jack started feeling his power getting weaker by each passing kiss. "After a while she finally broke the kiss licking her lips with her long tounge, hope brother enjoyed it if not brother could just play with my breast or ass, while I play with brother dick.

"No "no you can't jack tired to explain but found out that he was too weak to even do so, As jack watched as she unzipped his pant which his giant dick came to view, "standing up proud ready to claim it's prize. "seeing this jack began to curse his dick, "hummm brother have such a big dick which brother doesn't was to share with sisters, she said which she bend down toward jack dick putting everything into her mouth.

"While giving him a blow job, "which jack moaned time to time, fuck her tounge feels so good but I careless only if my body could at least response to me, jack tough as the extreme pleasure washed up over him. 

"After a while she removed her mouth from jack dick, "hummm your dick taste nice she said while removing her pants when jack saw her pussy he was immediately horrified and shocked. As he saw insect and maggots crawling on it which her pussy was green in colour, "different types of insects that jack couldn't identity.

"Are you shocked don't worry even if you don't have the strength to ride me. i would do it for you she said jack wanting to protest but as usual no words came out again.

"As jack watched as she slowly inserted his dick into her pussy, "which she moaned in pleasure and jack also moaned after a while she picked up her peace as she started riding on jack dick, "which both of them moaned in pleasure jack didn't know why but his body acted on its own, "but after a while jack started feeling pain on his dick having a feeling of 1000 insect devouring his dick.

"Which jack struggled helplessly while moaning in both pleasure and in pain, "which jack managed to turn his head over to the other side saying his last prayer, "but his eyes immediately locked on a sharp stick which he thought that it would penetrates into her head. 

"Which jack used his last will power to grab the stick as he immediately shoved the stick straight into her skull, "resulting her to scream in pain as she fell slowly to the ground which jack dick came out of her pussy, tough it was still complete jack could still fell the pain coming from it.