
Chapter 2 - The Human

The girl's eyes were closed. Her lips were red, her hair were pitch black and she was wearing a long red gown.

Zedon looked at her for a few moments. The girl was indeed beautiful. He couldn't help but notice her white, flawless skin, her face that seemed to radiate with glow.

He noticed her two legs as humans were known to possess. Her long white legs and her small white feet. He noticed that she had painted her nails red.

Zedon stood there transfixed for a few moments.

In the background the murmurs had begun. The crowd of commoners had gathered around to have a look at the human.

Brietta noticed that Zedon had not uttered a single word so she went up to him and said, "My Lord, I think we should get rid of her immediately. Humans are not allowed in our world. "

Zedon came back to his senses. He looked at his Chief Queen and spoke, "I wonder how a human entered our land. Let me get to the bottom of this first."

He then ordered his Army Chief, "Take her to the guest chamber."

Arrangements were made and the body of the human girl was placed on a large bed.

Zedon looked at her face again, intrigued. The human girl lay unconscious, as if in deep slumber.

"Ariana, can you awaken her?" Zedon asked his wife.

Ariana was a little taken aback, "What? She's a human, Zedon. Why should I awaken her? Let her die. For all I know, she could be a threat to the kingdom."

"How can a mere human be a threat, Ariana?" Zedon reasoned. "Look at her. She looks so fragile."

"Zedon, I think you should be careful. You know Mother Mermaid had cast a spell to prevent humans from entering our land. Nobody knows how she ended up here." Annelise said.

"Ariana, I'll send her away to the land of the humans. As soon as I leave her, bring her back to life. She has done no harm to our kingdom. She deserves to live. As a King, I have to take a righteous decision." Zedon persuaded Ariana who looked a bit unsure.

She knew that Zedon would always uphold righteousness and will never do something that'll harm the kingdom.

She nodded. Zedon smiled in return.

He then looked at the dead girl's face, lifted her in his arms and swam outside the palace. He swam above and as soon as he was about to reach the surface, he was greeted by bright sunlight.

His face was out of the water now. The clear blue sky above looked beautiful. Still holding the girl in his arms, he swam to the shore and placed her on sand.

The girl's hair were wet and Zedon couldn't help but notice the innocence on her face. She looked beautiful in this state. He wondered how would she look once awake?

Then as if out of a trance, he reminded himself that he was a merman and that too a king. Someone who belonged to the powerful Thalassian race. He couldn't harbour such thoughts. He was surprised at himself, at the way such disturbing thoughts filled his mind.

Taking a last look at the girl, he turned his back and as he was about to return, he thought to wait and first make sure that the girl came back to life.

He decided to watch her from a safe distance, from a place the girl wouldn't notice his presence. So he swam back for a few minutes and when he reached a certain distance, he turned around and watched her.

For a few seconds the girl continued to lie there lifeless. Then slowly, she opened her eyes. Her brown eyes shone in sunlight. She slowly got up. Her head felt a little dizzy. She looked around. All she saw was vast sea and the sand on which she lay sitting.

Rose saw that she was completely drenched. How did she get here? Slowly her mind went back to the time when she was playing with a little kid.

It was a hilltop and the little boy was running around. Such a mischievous boy, Rose had thought. She was trying to keep him safe from the edge.

As she saw him nearing the edge, she thought that he was about to fall. So she ran towards him. By that time the child had moved and Rose fell into the deep ocean below.

At present, she saw herself all alone surrounded by water. She got up and looked at the waves. She thought she saw something, maybe a man? But that wasn't possible. It must've been a whale or a big fish.

She slowly moved towards the waves staring far into the ocean. Her eyes held a nostalgic look. Her mind was flooded with past memories.

"Can I get some more?" The little girl asked sheepishly.

"Just go away! Nobody is allowed a second helping." A big, fat lady said in a nasty tone.

The little girl's eyes welled up with tears but she had no choice. She turned and ran away.

Rose opened her eyes again. They were moist. She had experienced a hard life as a child. It wasn't easy for her to live as an orphan as a kid.

She didn't know who her parents were. Throughout her life, she had lived all alone. Surrounded by people who didn't care about her.

At last she had turned 18 and had decided to earn a living for herself. It was then that she had found a nanny's job with a couple who had an eight year old kid.

"Rose! My god, you're alive!" A girl with long black hair squealed.

It was Angel, her friend from the orphanage. Rose hugged her tightly.

"Angel! Thank god you're here. I don't know how I survived." Rose spoke enthusiastically.

"I am glad to have found you. We looked for you everywhere but couldn't find you. I am glad that you're fine. Let's go back."

With one last look at the ocean, Rose followed her friend.

As Rose entered the orphanage, there was pin drop silence. everyone stared at her. People had assumed that she had died but here she was back at the orphanage.

The strict owner of the orphanage, Mrs Williams, looked at her, "Rose! You're alive. So unlucky that you had to come back like this."

There were snickers from the people nearby. Rose hid behind her friend sheepishly.

"Mrs Williams! Please leave her alone. She has had a near death encounter. Surely this isn't the time for your insults."

Mrs Williams looked at Angel coldly and went away without a further glance.

"Don't worry Rose. You go and take rest. I'll see you in a while." Saying so Angel went away.

Rose went to her room. It was a small room with a single bed and pillow. There was a single cupboard which had very small shelves. Anyway Rose did not have a lot of clothes. She lied down on her bed. Her eyes were open and her mind wandered off into the events of the day.

How had she survived? She remembered falling down and then the cold water touching her skin. Then there was darkness all around. The next that she saw was lying down on sand all drenched in water. Surely it was a miracle that she had survived. It wasn't possible for someone to stay alive after falling from such a height. Someone must have rescued her. But who could it be?

As her mind was caught up in a whirlwind of thoughts, she heard a commotion downstairs.

"Mr Windward? I haven't heard anyone by that name in our town." Mrs Williams adjusted her spectacles and closely scrutinized a young man.

He was standing with his back towards Rose so she couldn't see his face.

"Ma'am, I am new to this town and I have come here to expand my textile business. I have two factories in London and own two bungalows. I have heard a lot about your town and the potential of textile business here. So I am put up in a bungalow nearby that I have recently bought. I am in search of a housekeeping maid urgently. Is there any girl of yours who might be interested in taking up the offer?"

Mrs Williams was taken aback, "Oh Sure Sir! We have very hardworking young girls at our orphanage who would suit your needs very well. Why don't you take a seat and make yourself comfortable?" She pointed to a sofa and the man sat down.

His eyes went up exactly where Rose was standing. As Rose saw him, she noticed his blue eyes that pierced right through her own. There was a slight smile on his face that highlighted his handsome features. His white shirt was transparent, making his muscles and biceps visible. For a moment the man looked familiar. Had she seen him at the ocean? But how could that be? There was no one there. Surely her mind was playing tricks on her.

The man gave her a slight smile as if reading her thoughts. His blue eyes twinkled.

"Excuse me, Sir", Mrs Williams spoke hesitantly. "If you don't mind, what is your first name?"

The man looked at her with his piercing eyes as he smiled a bit and spoke, "Zedon."