
Sibling rivalry

(Author thingy)

I got recommended to use Grammarly for the grammar in my stories (self-explanatory really)

So I'm planning on using it on this chapter if I like what it does then I'll use it on the previous chapters and future chapters.

Now I'm not sure of this but I think that if I change a paragraph in a chapter the comments on that paragraph disappear it could be that that's not the case and I'm completely wrong but if I'm right and a bunch of comments disappears because I update my chapters to fix the grammar I'm sorry but please know I've read them all and I really liked reading them and I'll like reading more (I'm kinda hoping now that they disappear otherwise I just look stupid)

(Valery POV)

As I'm the last one who passes through the portal it starts to close behind me. But before the portal completely disappears I get a shock as the portal stretches which really freaks me out for a sec because mom shouldn't even be able to touch the portal.

So does this mean she can break through the portal? if that is the case we're absolutely fucked.

Really if she gets through that there is no way we're seeing another sunrise. Luckily for us, though the portal did stretch nothing came through before the portal disappeared.

I sighed in relief and sat down in the grass having a look around to see where Mia brought us. We were in a small clearing in the middle of a very dense forest with just enough light shining through the leaves to be able to see. But the rays of light that did shine through the leaves were quite beautiful and gave it a picturesque kinda look.

Mia and grace were both sitting a couple of meters further up behind me both staring at where the portal was just a few seconds ago.

There we were all sitting in a clearing on the grass In the middle of a dark forest a bunch of sounds going around from all the animals and the wind passing through the leaves. And while I took all of that in I looked over to Mia and we got eye contact.

With that eye contact, we got a mutual understanding. I immediately started to move my legs below me so I could stand up as fast as possible but most importantly faster than Mia. When I stand up faster than Mia it will show I recovered faster and therefore I'm the superior twin.

But this race wasn't looking good for me because I had just moved my legs below me in a position in which I could stand up but Mia was already moving into a standing position. So I used my tail to move myself faster than Mia.

"Ha first" I yelled. Because I was obviously first I mean no doubt about it Mia was like an entire second behind me.

"What have you gone blind Sis I was obviously the first one to stand up you were like 2 seconds later," Mia said oblivious of how wrong she was and how right I was.

We had an argument about who was the actual winner until we heard the third party Grace who definitely lost in our race clear her throat.

Our attention now on her she started talking "don't we have more important things to worry about right now?"

I don't think she fully realizes the importance of me beating my sister to show how much more superior I am is. But she is right we have to find Sam as soon as possible we have no time to waste but we'll most definitely have a rematch after I have Sam back safe and sound.

"Okay tell us who teleported sam out of the castle," I told Grace.

Before Grace answered she slowly stood up she patted of some dirt from her clothes and her arms she flipped her purple hair back behind her shoulder.

"Ok, I guess Sam is the name of the little boy Mom got so freaked out about when he disappeared. I know who has him but I'd like to know what is so special about this boy that mom would freak out like that, the person who took him would even want to take him and you two are so adamant about finding him."Grace asked.

"He's adorable" I answered her.

"Ok so you don't want to tell that's fine but it seems like he is very important to you and others so info on his whereabouts must be worth a lot to the right person it makes me wonder how much is it worth to-."

Before Grace could finish her sentence Mia had already grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into a nearby tree holding her up against it just high enough for her feet to not be able to touch the ground. Mia had a furious look in her eyes she had all nine fox tales out and they were set ablaze.

"We don't have time for your bargaining tell us who it is or I'll smash your fucking head open on this tree."

Sudden fear entering Graces eyes as she realized she had barely any control in this situation and she loves having control over everything and everyone it's pretty much her fetish she pretty much blackmails people for fun and makes them do stuff which doesn't even benefit her she just gets off on it.

Weird part to end the chapter on but it’s getting late here (03:00) as of writing this and if I want to get a better ending for the chapter I have to write for quite a bit still so I’m gonna use the Grammarly on the previous chapters and call it a day.

I_am_speedcreators' thoughts