
Chapter 348 Interception

The fireball plummeted like a meteor, and Zhu Xiong lunged forward, bellowing, "Retreat!"

He dashed to the front of the team just as the enormous fireball loomed overhead, its scalding heat resembling a great furnace of molten iron, searing the skin with its intense warmth.

Zhu Xiong spread his hand wide, promptly erecting a spiritual energy shield, staunchly positioning it in front of all the troops.

With a thunderous roar, a blaze shot up toward the sky, almost lighting up the entire block.

The fierce heatwave was kept at bay by the spiritual energy shield; although the residual heat grilled those behind it, it wasn't enough to harm the Tree Domain warriors.

"Mecha overclock!"

Zhao Yimin quickly reacted, ordering all spiritual energy exoskeleton mechas to charge and overclock.

The spiritual energy exoskeleton mechas instantly unleashed a powerful force; then, interlinking with one another, they forged an energy shield to shelter the surrounding Tree Domain warriors.